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How many jobs are at stake?

You looking for business? :-)

Lots mate - the ConDem's have hit hard three schemes in Sheffield that would have created and secured thousands of jobs in the area.

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If they've got guaranteed orders and it's such a sure fire success, then even in today's finance market, private lenders should be falling over themselves to lend the money.

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Rubbish again Tony - there are a lot of jobs at stake, especially with the cancellation of the 3 Sheffield based projects.

If you look at the Forgemasters one again, they had planned on this because of assurances of ring fencing that a certain ex-Lib Dem party gave. There is already talk of lay offs today - just talked about on local radio. Add to that the other schemes that were pulled means that lots of jobs are now going to go.

And your 130 job's is just not true at all.

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Cheers Ash, interesting post.

You can't leave notes saying "there's no money" on one hand, then go round around pre-election, promising huge cheques. Like most of Labour's actions over the last few years, it just doesn't add up.


And your 130 job's is just not true at all.

You must know the figure then yes?

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Nobody said that cleaning up after Labour's numerous cock ups was going to be easy or popular.

Again this is a Labour thing - I am sure that on Spanish, US, Greek, German, French etc etc web sites they are saying the same - frankly silly comment Mart

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Cheers Ash, interesting post.

You can't leave notes saying "there's no money" on one hand, then go round around pre-election, promising huge cheques. Like most of Labour's actions over the last few years, it just doesn't add up.


Laughable really - a "joke" note is now some sort of policy?

Interesting that two of the biggest supporters of this on VT are based out of the country. Add to that Tony who's location in Surrey is a Tory hot bed and not exactly going to suffer under the ConDem's assault makes very interesting reading

The "large cheques" myth was blown out of the water yesterday but the happy headline writers love that - what next a reference to scorched earth?

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Nobody said that cleaning up after Labour's numerous cock ups was going to be easy or popular.

Again this is a Labour thing - I am sure that on Spanish, US, Greek, German, French etc etc web sites they are saying the same - frankly silly comment Mart

Is it really silly to believe that the party in government for the last 12 years is at least partly to blame for the dire straits that we now find ourselves in?

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You must know the figure then yes?

Well considering that the Forgemaster's alone was for over 200 at teh start, add to that the other schemes and the jobs that would be created from them sort of blows you objections out of the water.

And aren't you the one that shouted out about not hitting the NHS - so a cancellation of a Hospital - pah compete and utter bollox from your lot as usual

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Cheers Ash, interesting post.

You can't leave notes saying "there's no money" on one hand, then go round around pre-election, promising huge cheques. Like most of Labour's actions over the last few years, it just doesn't add up.


Laughable really - a "joke" note is now some sort of policy?

No not a policy, a reflection of reality. Labour spent everything, not just combating the banking crisis either, they consistently spent more than the country earned even during the good times, borrowingto make up the ever increasing shortfall. The only "joke" is your consistent refusal to recognise this very basic fact.

Interesting that two of the biggest supporters of this on VT are based out of the country.

Biggest supporters of what exactly? And where Mart and I live doesn't seem particulalry relevant to this discussion other than for you to once again try and play the man when you can't win an argument.

Add to that Tony who's location in Surrey is a Tory hot bed and not exactly going to suffer under the ConDem's assault makes very interesting reading

Ah, personal insinuations about Tony too, charming as ever Ian.

EDIT: They are not "my lot" I just realised they were the only people likely to avoid national bankruptcy. Still, don't let that stop you ranting away :D

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Nobody said that cleaning up after Labour's numerous cock ups was going to be easy or popular.

Again this is a Labour thing - I am sure that on Spanish, US, Greek, German, French etc etc web sites they are saying the same - frankly silly comment Mart

Is it really silly to believe that the party in government for the last 12 years is at least partly to blame for the dire straits that we now find ourselves in?

No not at all but I also don't think its silly to say that should the roles have been reversed and the Tories had been in power the last 12 years the situation would be much the same.

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Biggest supporters of what exactly? And where Mart and I live doesn't seem particulalry relevant to this discussion other than for you to once again try and play the man when you can't win an argument.

Oh it is 100% - look at the areas targeted by the first wave of attacks from the ConDem's = areas that are traditional Labour areas and currently need support and investment to avoid impact from the GLOBAL market issues

Ah, personal insinuations about Tony too, charming as ever Ian.

WTF? Tony lives in Surrey - the conversations had this week with the Surrey populous that I had the fortune to have shows the "ignorance" of the needs outside the home counties. No insinuation about where Tony lives at all - that's a fact!

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Biggest supporters of what exactly? And where Mart and I live doesn't seem particulalry relevant to this discussion other than for you to once again try and play the man when you can't win an argument.

Oh it is 100% - look at the areas targeted by the first wave of attacks from the ConDem's = areas that are traditional Labour areas and currently need support and investment to avoid impact from the GLOBAL market issues

So where I live is relevant because I don't live in an area where people vote Labour? Guess what they don't vote Tory either, in fact, they don't vote at all, what with being run by a Dictator.

However you appear to be living in some kind of ideological fantasy bubble where the coalition should just print or borrow more money to finance every commitment made by the previous government. Cuts have to be made and come budget day I think we'll see people all over the country taking the hit. It is sadly unavoidable due to the dire state of Labour's economic management of the nation.

Yes I got out before the storm hit and I'm bloody glad I did it too, I've got my own families future to think about.

As for this A14 project I haven't expressed an opinion either way, all I've seen/read of it has been on this thread so a "big supporter" I ain't.

Ah, personal insinuations about Tony too, charming as ever Ian.

WTF? Tony lives in Surrey - the conversations had this week with the Surrey populous that I had the fortune to have shows the "ignorance" of the needs outside the home counties. No insinuation about where Tony lives at all - that's a fact!

Meh, that's not how it comes across at all and I think you're being regionalist :) If you don't live in a terraced house, eat coal three times a day and say "ay oop" then you just don't get it, right?

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Oh it is 100% - look at the areas targeted by the first wave of attacks from the ConDem's = areas that are traditional Labour areas and currently need support and investment to avoid impact from the GLOBAL market issues

With respect mate I think you are wide of the mark here.

For a start there haven't been any 'attacks' what they have done isn't make cut backs, or not yet anyway they may come but not until we hear the budget then I'm sure they will.

So far though they have simply stopped projects which would see huge amounts of public spending. Now I'm no Tory but given the fact our economic situation is worse than we believed or were led to believe and in the words of the departing government themselves the money has run out I regret to say I think this is the right move.

Now I don't support the Tory smaller state normally as a default political position but in the current situation I see little alternative. I will though I'm sure at times over the coming months and years be very uncomfortable with some of their polices but at the moment I don't think cutting huge spending is a bad thing.

You say that the cuts or the hault on spending has been targetted in traditional Labour heart lands but it would be just as easy for Tory supporters to make the accusation that a lot of these big spending projects just happen to be in Labour heart lands leading into a general election.

That one can be spun both ways just as easily I'm afraid.

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Rubbish again Tony - there are a lot of jobs at stake, especially with the cancellation of the 3 Sheffield based projects.

If you look at the Forgemasters one again, they had planned on this because of assurances of ring fencing that a certain ex-Lib Dem party gave. There is already talk of lay offs today - just talked about on local radio. Add to that the other schemes that were pulled means that lots of jobs are now going to go.

And your 130 job's is just not true at all.

well it was the point on question time last night where Dimbleby made Haine look a prized idiot so I'm afriad it's true

The attacks against Surrey people etc are just making you look silly btw

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not sure if this is one for bollitics or just general chat, but here goes:

woke up on Thursday with a touch of the old red eye, still had it yesterday. Woke up this morning and it's still there and I've got blurry vision. Popped into Spec Savers in town about 10:30 this morning. They instantly took it more seriously than I had, gave me a quick examination and phoned the hospital to say I was on my way in! Pooping myself to listen to that conversation without a decent explanation to me first. Anyway, duty optho type person says get straight in. I get there at about 12 noon (its a 14 mile drive through mid saturday shopping traffic). I was booked in, seen within 20 minutes, in and out for various tests. I'm now home, can't see bugger all through the one eye, and I've been booked back in for Monday on instruction that if this gets worse phone the hospital direct and go straight there. Not completely obvious what is wrong, I'm clearly confusing them as apparently the scarring means I should be in serious pain but I'm not.

Anyway, the big waffly point I'd like to make is that I'm not currently feeling the money poured into the nhs was quite as wasteful as others may think. I'm lucky enough for my last few experiences of the nhs to have been a good few years ago and that was a whole load of shocking third world experience I don't want repeated.

The only way to judge this and put any political slant on it I suppose would be to do the same eye trick again in 5 years time and see what happens.

Off for a little lay down in a dark room.

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Rubbish again Tony - there are a lot of jobs at stake, especially with the cancellation of the 3 Sheffield based projects.

If you look at the Forgemasters one again, they had planned on this because of assurances of ring fencing that a certain ex-Lib Dem party gave. There is already talk of lay offs today - just talked about on local radio. Add to that the other schemes that were pulled means that lots of jobs are now going to go.

And your 130 job's is just not true at all.

well it was the point on question time last night where Dimbleby made Haine look a prized idiot so I'm afriad it's true

The attacks against Surrey people etc are just making you look silly btw

And again in Sheffield today the talk is about the hundreds / thousands of jobs that are to be lost as a result of this attack by the ConDem's

The facts are there for all to see despite the bollox from them about building jobs and manufacturing they prefer to target the pain against areas that are traditional areas for Labour support than risk upsetting the south. It was the same under Thatcher and will be the same under Cameron and his poodle Clegg.

All the rhetoric pre election and while they were spending thousands with fancy new logo's for new departments and new political parties has been totally blown out of the water

Next week we will see the next round of the lies and deceit from the ConDem's in the budget and they must be hoping and praying that England start to play in the WC to deflect any sort of public attention. They said they would not raise VAT, let's see what happens there.

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