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The New Condem Government


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And so it begins...

Students are 'burden on the taxpayer' says David Willetts

I know the new NUS president and I can tell you now that he will lead a national strike if this goes ahead!

Oh noes, a student strike! They should all refuse to go to lectures, and either stay in bed or doss around in the coffee shop. Although I'm not sure that ten thousand media students doing what they do every day is going to make the government sit up and take notice.

Not so much the Winter of Discontent, more the Summer of Sitting Around Watching the World Cup.

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Why should the working classes pay for the education of the middle class?

Not so serious answer - so that the increased tax the middle class will pay will keep the proles in Sunny D and microwave chips.

Serious answer - there's an element of taxation paid by everybody that doesn't directly benefit themselves. Why should my taxes pay for a smoker to have expensive cancer treatment for example.

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And so it begins...

Students are 'burden on the taxpayer' says David Willetts

I know the new NUS president and I can tell you now that he will lead a national strike if this goes ahead!

Not surprising but students going on strike? there's a novel idea how will we cope. There'lll be bread shortages, people queueing for basic essentials and rationing no doubt. The return of the three day week.
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students can strike all they like, majority of students don't do anything until their third year anyway. Half the student loan goes on getting mashed as well.

I did it, everyone I know did it, for the first two years anyway. Then we get past that stage and just man up.

the only people who actually do serious work in the first year sit around watching time team eating digestive biscuits and playing retro games like tetris on the net all day.

and higher education definitely does not give someone suddenly a better opportunity to get a massively paid job, it doesn't happen. With the massive increase in degrees, places and people who are getting into University who should have their applications binned straight away, the whole system is now diluted with buy now pay later DFS style degrees, that aren't worth as much now.

EDIT: they should massively reduce places by only allowing people with decent A-Levels and similar qualifications to go to UNI, reduce the number of subjects available, and as a result after that is done, get rid of tuition fees.

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And so it begins...

Students are 'burden on the taxpayer' says David Willetts

I know the new NUS president and I can tell you now that he will lead a national strike if this goes ahead!

I took out three student loans, one for an undergraduate course and two loans for two post graduate courses. The undergraduate loan is at about 10k and I get a couple hundred pounds interest per year. Compare it to the latter big boy loans taken out from the ShaftWest, where interest goes up in the thousands per year. To put it another way, a monthly payment for the later loans to service the interest is larger than the annual undergraduate loan interest.

The point of this story being that undergraduate debt isn’t anything to be particularly bothered about.

As for the NUS strike, do students really give a shit? Would anybody else give a shit? I was a member, but that was only for the 10% it got me off goodies at various outlets.

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And so it begins...

Students are 'burden on the taxpayer' says David Willetts

I know the new NUS president and I can tell you now that he will lead a national strike if this goes ahead!

Rubbish, utter rubbish. I'm not surprised tho, it's the Tory way of creating an unequal Society where only the born wealthy can prosper without worries, and talented individuals from poor backgrounds get deterred by the debt.
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And so it begins...

Students are 'burden on the taxpayer' says David Willetts

I know the new NUS president and I can tell you now that he will lead a national strike if this goes ahead!


Newsnight telling me last night that we're close to peak oil was bad enough, but this! This could have serious consequences some of you may not have stopped to consider.......

.......can't think of any admittedly. Possibly a few less bags of washing back to mum's the country over if the students stay in their jams all day?

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And so it begins...

Students are 'burden on the taxpayer' says David Willetts

I know the new NUS president and I can tell you now that he will lead a national strike if this goes ahead!

Rubbish, utter rubbish. I'm not surprised tho, it's the Tory way of creating an unequal Society where only the born wealthy can prosper without worries, and talented individuals from poor backgrounds get deterred by the debt.

How does your archaic socialist rhetoric marry up with the comments I’d made above about the situation?

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And so it begins...

Students are 'burden on the taxpayer' says David Willetts

I know the new NUS president and I can tell you now that he will lead a national strike if this goes ahead!

Rubbish, utter rubbish. I'm not surprised tho, it's the Tory way of creating an unequal Society where only the born wealthy can prosper without worries, and talented individuals from poor backgrounds get deterred by the debt.
Those nasty Tories who introduced tuition fees, oh wait.
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And so it begins...

Students are 'burden on the taxpayer' says David Willetts

I know the new NUS president and I can tell you now that he will lead a national strike if this goes ahead!

Rubbish, utter rubbish. I'm not surprised tho, it's the Tory way of creating an unequal Society where only the born wealthy can prosper without worries, and talented individuals from poor backgrounds get deterred by the debt.

How does your archaic socialist rhetoric marry up with the comments I’d made above about the situation?

Poor students deterred by tuition fees.

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And so it begins...

Students are 'burden on the taxpayer' says David Willetts

I know the new NUS president and I can tell you now that he will lead a national strike if this goes ahead!

Rubbish, utter rubbish. I'm not surprised tho, it's the Tory way of creating an unequal Society where only the born wealthy can prosper without worries, and talented individuals from poor backgrounds get deterred by the debt.
and how does that tie up with Liebour saddling us all with over a trillion of debt. A debt that we will all have to pay back.

Has that created an unequal society do you think?

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Oh the hypocrisy

David Cameron's PR director Andy Coulson paid £140,000

David Cameron's communications director Andy Coulson is being paid £140,000 a year, the government has said.

He tops the list of special advisers whose names and pay have been released by the coalition.

The number of advisers has dropped from 78 at the end of March this year to 68.

The second best paid is the PM's chief-of-staff Edward Llewellyn, on £125,000. Among other key aides Steve Hilton gets £90,000 and Gabby Bertin £80,000.

The Cabinet Office has also announced special advisers will have applications for new jobs scrutinised by the Advisory Committee on Business Appointments for two years after leaving the civil service. ........

and as we are talking on education just a few snippets from Dave the liar - 2006 - just after doing a complete U turn from saying that fees should be scrapped

2006 lies

"On the issue of student fees, I'll say something that's probably a bit unpopular in the room," he said.

"I'm afraid I think we're going to have to keep student fees, and I'll tell you why.

"You want to go to universities that are well-funded, [with] good tutors, good facilities and I want as many people who think they're going to benefit from university to be able to go.

"If you want those things - and as you also know we've also got to keep taxes down in this country - the money's got to come from somewhere."

"Yes, I'm afraid students are going to have to make a contribution."

and later in that article

"Mr Cameron said he believed there should be no limit on student numbers - a shift away from the previous policy that opposed the government's plans to increase the proportion of young people in higher education. "

But in the manifesto for this election he said they wanted to scrap them and now they say they want to raise them. Lies lies and more lies

Meanwhile sell out Clegg stated

Labour and Tories will leave students with £44,000 debts says Nick Clegg

So which way will the old LibDems vote in the new ConDem's

Tory minister said today

"Those in greatest need ultimately bear the burden of paying off the debt."
- - ah well good to see priorities are right
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And so it begins...

Students are 'burden on the taxpayer' says David Willetts

I know the new NUS president and I can tell you now that he will lead a national strike if this goes ahead!

Rubbish, utter rubbish. I'm not surprised tho, it's the Tory way of creating an unequal Society where only the born wealthy can prosper without worries, and talented individuals from poor backgrounds get deterred by the debt.

How does your archaic socialist rhetoric marry up with the comments I’d made above about the situation?

It will deter people, I know this and have seen this with my own eyes last year, and that was at the current rate. Do you agree with the rise? Do you believe it's fair?

Socialist Rhetoric? I don't think it is; I guess someone who can look past himself and show some empathy for other people isn't the right attitude to have in your opinion.

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And so it begins...

Students are 'burden on the taxpayer' says David Willetts

I know the new NUS president and I can tell you now that he will lead a national strike if this goes ahead!

Rubbish, utter rubbish. I'm not surprised tho, it's the Tory way of creating an unequal Society where only the born wealthy can prosper without worries, and talented individuals from poor backgrounds get deterred by the debt.
Those nasty Tories who introduced tuition fees, oh wait.

Those nasty Tories who removed the Student Grant, introduced Student

Loans and started the whole Thactcher / Bliar axis of evil dumbing down the entire **** country, yep they are mostly to blame. Introducing tuition fees was just a continuation of Tory policy by NuTory under Bliar

And proof of the dumbing down of the entire country is here, students are threatening to go on strike, that is dumb. Back in the day, students would have had a march in London, the odd sit in to raise awareness (or kill the vice chancellor in my case, good job we brought the coffin along - :oops: most unfortunate) and gone along to the bar and had a few shandies and considered the job done, going on strike would have been obviously laughable

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And so it begins...

Students are 'burden on the taxpayer' says David Willetts

I know the new NUS president and I can tell you now that he will lead a national strike if this goes ahead!

Rubbish, utter rubbish. I'm not surprised tho, it's the Tory way of creating an unequal Society where only the born wealthy can prosper without worries, and talented individuals from poor backgrounds get deterred by the debt.
and how does that tie up with Liebour saddling us all with over a trillion of debt. A debt that we will all have to pay back.

Has that created an unequal society do you think?

No, I think the actions of this current Government will create the unfair Society.
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And so it begins...

Students are 'burden on the taxpayer' says David Willetts

I know the new NUS president and I can tell you now that he will lead a national strike if this goes ahead!

Rubbish, utter rubbish. I'm not surprised tho, it's the Tory way of creating an unequal Society where only the born wealthy can prosper without worries, and talented individuals from poor backgrounds get deterred by the debt.

How does your archaic socialist rhetoric marry up with the comments I’d made above about the situation?

It will deter people, I know this and have seen this with my own eyes last year, and that was at the current rate. Do you agree with the rise? Do you believe it's fair?

Socialist Rhetoric? I don't think it is; I guess someone who can look past himself and show some empathy for other people isn't the right attitude to have in your opinion.

I’d like to teach the world to sing yadadada.

If it’s deterring people, then its because they’ve been poorly advised. I too know the situation, I have been both an undergraduate and post-graduate student and I’ve got the sack load of debt to prove it. In the end though, the debt is manageable and the undergraduate debt in particular is peanuts.

Am I’m not wealthy either.

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