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The New Condem Government


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David Laws it appears is a conniving deceitful **** if the Torygraph is to be believed. What a wonderful couple we have now running our economy. We really are **** with these two incompetent cheating clowns.

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Mr Laws said: “I regret this situation deeply, accept that I should not have claimed my expenses in this way and apologise fully.”

Laws's mea culpa would suggest that this is all true, in which case it's not good enough, nowhere near good enough. First candidate for the 'recall guillotine', I'd suggest, and sixth (is it?) candidate for spending time at her majesty's pleasure.

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I always wondered why a homophobic party like the Tories allowed a known homosexual like David Laws to have such a high position. It appears that they knew he had a skeleton in his closet that would be unleashed and bring about his downfall.

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Mark the timing of this story is very interesting given the homophobic views of some of the Tory party (maybe they will pray to make him better?) and growing backlash from more right wing of the ConDems (ex-Tory) to the LibDem policies. Cameron will no doubt throw it over to Clegg to do the firing - but surely Cameron as the head of the Gvmt has to do that or he will be failing in his job

How many more of these will there be I wonder?

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I always wondered why a homophobic party like the Tories allowed a known homosexual like David Laws to have such a high position. It appears that they knew he had a skeleton in his closet that would be unleashed and bring about his downfall.

Did you? When did David Laws become a 'known homosexual'? (That sounds remarkably like something that would be in print in early 20th century newspapers or in the files of a secret service)

Are the Tories behind Don't Panic? (Alan Duncan's fall from grace)

Nick Herbert seems to be doing okay (he is openly gay - a better phrase than 'known homosexual', I'd hope you would agree).

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I always wondered why a homophobic party like the Tories allowed a known homosexual like David Laws to have such a high position. It appears that they knew he had a skeleton in his closet that would be unleashed and bring about his downfall.

*cough* Edward Heath *cough*

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I always wondered why a homophobic party like the Tories

i believe liebour has 6 gay MP's, the Tory party has 5 and the libs 3

so on your logic the Liberals will soon be pushing through a bill for the wearing of pink triangles ...

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I always wondered why a homophobic party like the Tories allowed a known homosexual like David Laws to have such a high position. It appears that they knew he had a skeleton in his closet that would be unleashed and bring about his downfall.


He said his motivation was to to keep the relationship with the man private and not to reveal his own sexuality.

A very lame excuse for fraud but apparently neither his own Party or the Tories knew about his sexual preferences - clearly it's none of their business anyway. That makes your 'skeletons' conspiracy theory as :lol: as your homophobic party comment.

Fact is he needs to be and will be sacked. He knowingly defrauded the tax payer of 40K and cannot remain in his position - although they may allow the PSC to carry out it's investigation rather than going down the kangaroo court route.

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Wasn't it David Laws who swerved a QT appearance the other day? I doubt his no show then is a coincidence.
Good point Jon - if it was would make some of the comments from number 10 even more silly.

Major test now for Cameron - he has to do the firing else it will undermine his position. Clegg will obviously be hit by this as his key man has been shown to be a cheat. A lot of political mileage will be made from people in the Condems who are not happy with the direction and want a return to to what each bit promised in their manifesto.

The timing is very interesting as you say, does a BH weekend make any difference or is that coincidence?

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Wasn't it David Laws who swerved a QT appearance the other day? I doubt his no show then is a coincidence.

Major test now for Cameron - he has to do the firing else it will undermine his position. Clegg will obviously be hit by this as his key man has been shown to be a cheat.

As I understand it that is the arrangement - he is PM after all - but that it would be done following full consultation with Clegg. It's also 'one in one out' so his replacement would have to be a Lib Dem.

The Telegraph have the details on every MP who wasn't fresh in at the last election so can undermine indivduals at will, assuming that they actually have something to hide. To be honest if they've been up to no good in the past and not come clean before now then they deserve every bit of whatever they get be they lib/lab/con and whoever else.

A lot of political mileage will be made from people in the Condems who are not happy with the direction and want a return to to what each bit promised in their manifesto.

There are malcontents in both parties for sure but I don't think they'll be allowed to derail the coalition government.

The timing is very interesting as you say, does a BH weekend make any difference or is that coincidence?

It does give it longer to run in the press, tomorrow the Sunday's will be all over him like a cheap suit and the pressure to sack him may be irresistable by Tuesday - assuming of course that the Telegraph don't have another bombshell to drop tomorrow about someone else...

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Jon like you I assume, I think the Telegraph will have some of what they see as ammunition on political figures from all of the parties. The point is they are from the traditional far right of the Tory party and Laws with his personal and political issues as they will see them were the new enemy. Would they have been so keen to for example release details of Cameron and some sordid secret he has or Osborne?

As for derailing the new party, each day brings a new dissenting voice from within it and already the Major years are making a comeback in terms of what you see and hear. Cameron has scored some spectacular own goals already and that's within a very short time. The 55%, the 1922, the nominating of Lords who were major donors. Add to that massive U turns on key policy and now this, let's just say his début as PM reminds me of Ugo's début as CH. What was it Major said about bastards?

EDIT: OK he has just signed his own resignation letter by saying

He said his motivation was to to keep the relationship with the man private and not to reveal his own sexuality.

The man cannot remain in any sort of position in the Gvmt based on that. Will Cable now be a direct competition to Osborne? If so that is a battle that only one man will win - unless Osborne becomes the political ManCity and gets financial help

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He said his motivation was to to keep the relationship with the man private and not to reveal his own sexuality.

A very lame excuse for fraud but apparently neither his own Party or the Tories knew about his sexual preferences - clearly it's none of their business anyway. That makes your 'skeletons' conspiracy theory as :lol: as your homophobic party comment.

I think they knew about his preferences - well I thought he was gay and I've only read about the bloke - but they didn't know who his partner was - and thus disclosing who was receiving the payments was the problem.

A 'recall' in Yeovil would let the tories in - it's not a winnable seat for labour, so I don't see that happening.

EDIT: OK he has just signed his own resignation letter by saying

He said his motivation was to to keep the relationship with the man private and not to reveal his own sexuality.

Has he resigned? I can only see references to an apology. It would be a refreshing change to see a minister actually resign instead of dragging it out for weeks as has become the norm.

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No he hasn't resigned - I was saying that the statement he has put out basically means that there is no other option than resignation.

The quotes of the ConDem leaders pre election are being quoted in many a blog and if they don't do anything quick then rightly they will be shown up

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Another day another scandal for the ConDem's

Questions raised over Conservative party donations by businessmen's wives

Wives of Middle Eastern billionaires embroiled in arms deals gave money to Tory party a week before the general election

The wives of two wealthy Middle Eastern businessmen embroiled in controversial arms deals gave generous donations to the Conservatives just before the general election.

The donations are large enough to give them privileged access to David Cameron. One businessman, Fouad Makhzoumi, was involved in the scandal which brought down the disgraced Conservative politician Jonathan Aitken. The other, Wafic Said, was a fixer in BAE's huge Al-Yamamah deal with Saudi Arabia, which was investigated for bribery allegations by the Serious Fraud Office.

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So all this bollox about cleaning up their act is blowing up in their faces within days of taking the keys to number 11 Downing Street. Of course no condemnation or response from the ConDem's and Clegg will be left wondering what he has sold his party to

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Another day another scandal for the ConDem's

Questions raised over Conservative party donations by businessmen's wives

Wives of Middle Eastern billionaires embroiled in arms deals gave money to Tory party a week before the general election

The wives of two wealthy Middle Eastern businessmen embroiled in controversial arms deals gave generous donations to the Conservatives just before the general election.

The donations are large enough to give them privileged access to David Cameron. One businessman, Fouad Makhzoumi, was involved in the scandal which brought down the disgraced Conservative politician Jonathan Aitken. The other, Wafic Said, was a fixer in BAE's huge Al-Yamamah deal with Saudi Arabia, which was investigated for bribery allegations by the Serious Fraud Office.

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So all this bollox about cleaning up their act is blowing up in their faces within days of taking the keys to number 11 Downing Street. Of course no condemnation or response from the ConDem's and Clegg will be left wondering what he has sold his party to

Did we really expect anything less from the Tories Ian. They really are hypocrites and make me sick.

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They really are hypocrites and make me sick.

:crylaugh: my my the trotsky party supporters really have taken being kicked out of power badly haven't they ... Mr Kettle meet Mr Pot

2 weeks in government and already the country is moving in the right direction ... for killing ID cards alone this coalition government will always have a place in the heart of the British public ..so much progress in 2 weeks can't wait to see what they do with 5 years

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But ironically Tony no one is really bothered about ID cards. Again the headlines are sleaze and power mad MP's and I'm afraid that despite all their bollox before the election its coming from the ConDem's

The power hungry Tory party clearly have to pay back some of the "investments" that were made from their supporters. Promoting them to the Lords has a nice ring to it, also not really being bothered by a flagrant breach of parliamentary rules by one of their leading mates. Add to that funding from Arms dealers, a change to the constitution of the UK so that they cannot be challenged etc etc and all that in a couple of weeks. They have certainly impressed me in how quickly they have reverted to type and managed to bring along the LibDems along also.

All of this while the markets react to world events in a way that would often be blamed on Labour in the past but now of course its down to the EU and those pesky Chinese.

The Hypocrisy is massive and oozing out in bucket loads. This is nothing more than a repeat of what we have seen before and despite Cameron's failing marketing (much as he failed in the election marketing) the public, and importantly the media are already questioning what will come next out of the woodwork. Maybe that next election in 2010 is a good bet

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