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The New Condem Government


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staff in mcdonalds would earn more than junior management on £25k a year

What way to incentivise the workers

Back to the drawing board with that one methinks

i'm glad it wasn't just me that thought that ..

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Yep, as I said, the EPC was an EU regulatory requirement and still is - and someone has to pay for it - but that's what you get when you sign up for these gigs. The HIPs however where stuff and nonsense dreamt up by labour, which no one asked for and no one wanted, and which cover the majority of the HIP associated costs, and correctly these are being scrapped.

You say stuff and nonsense but that is not true. If you purchase a house you still need that info typically for a mortgage approval (1) Now the Solicitors fees go back up to get this info - so how exactly is the winner here?

HIPS is yet another burden to the seller, but I would keep it.

Instead I would introduce a law where an agreement to purchase is binding and that both the purchaser and the seller are bound to pay 10% of the agreed price in the event that either wish to pull out (2)

I haven't sold many houses, but all bar one have had problems with buyers pulling out, ultimately costing me money and aggravation. The way things are set up in this country someone can 'commit' to buy, lead you down the garden path for 3 months and then pull out, with absolutely no financial penalty to them.

Enboldened bits.

1) No you don't. Not even a little bit.

2) There's a law there already at contract exchange which commits both purchaser and seller. Any law coming in earlier than exchange would be both unworkable and a demand for far more problems than currently occur.

Can I suggest you both review the Scottish system on house purchases.

Down here is a 3 ring circus in comparison. basically once an offer is accepted it's legally binding on both parties with swingeing penalties for renaging.

Yes you have to have a survey done before you offer but it means everyone knows everyone's serious from the get go and I only had 1 survey where I didn't succeeed in buying the house.

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So cameron says he wants to abolish the 50p tax rate and inheritance tax - who says a leopard can change its spots

better than scraping the 10p one as our previous caring government did

I'm a bit confused though , as you occaisionally like to remind us :-) I thought all the wealthy Tory people Paid no tax and lived in Belize so surely scrapping it won't affect anyone :-)

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So cameron says he wants to abolish the 50p tax rate and inheritance tax - who says a leopard can change its spots

better than scraping the 10p one as our previous caring government did

I'm a bit confused though , as you occaisionally like to remind us :-) I thought all the wealthy Tory people Paid no tax and lived in Belize so surely scrapping it won't affect anyone :-)

No only a select few live in Belize, the rest of the tax dodgers live elsewhere

At a time where we are being force fed this message about impending extra taxes Cameron lets us know that his chums will be well looked after.

And on the subject of cutting costs, why wont they move into number 10 yet? Costing the country millions to provide security at his other place.

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why wont they move into number 10 yet?

thought it was to do with the fact that Brown hadn't moved all his stuff out ? ( you know how it is with Brown and clinging on to number 10 :-) )

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Guest Ricardomeister

After all the boasting from Call Me Dave and Tory Nick about how green they are and how they care about the environment I have been reading a very interesting article on the Guardian website re the UN's biodiversity report and it will be very revealing to see what reaction, if any, we get to this from our new caring PM.

Most enlightened people know and support the moral case re the continued destruction of the planet and many of its species by greedy humans but I found it very shocking that humans have damaged 85% of sea and ocean habitats/70% of Mediterranean shrubland and have contributed to species dying out at rates between 1000 and 10000 times higher than they would naturally without humans.

However, there are still many greedy people and companies out there who are so self-centred that they don't care what is going on with the planet as long as they are ok (or Tories as they are known by some :winkold: ). That is why this report is so important as it looks at things from an economic point of view saying that the economic case for tackling the destruction of the natural world is more powerful than the argument for tackling climate change. Even the uncaring people of the planet should sit up and listen if they think there is something in it for them.

This is clearly one of the most important, if not the most important, issues facing us and as the self-proclaimed green crusader said only a few days ago "I don’t want to hear warm words about the environment. I want to see real action. I want this to be the greenest government ever." Here is an ideal opportunity for you, Call Me Dave, to restore some credibility that you are the caring man that you keep boasting about. What I expect to see, if you are a man of your word, is you taking the lead on this and taking other world leaders with you on the long road to trying to save the planet, and all its fantastic diverse species and environment. Are you really a man of substance, Call Me Dave or just another lying politician who is just full of hot air? Over to you Call Me Dave.

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Yes I'm sure the Prime Minister is reading VT and will take action because you posted that, shame its completely off topic, this topic is about the new government not some random article in a newspaper you think the pm should read. If you want to discuss that article fine but please do it in a new topic.

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Guest Ricardomeister

So the environment is not a political issue? It is quite obviously a very important political issue facing the new government and is therefore completely on topic. Of course I am not expecting Call Me Dave to read VT. I was clearly being rhetorical but yet again I get sarcastic comments for raising a perfectly valid political issue rather than someone actually commenting on the issues. And if you think that the UN Biodiversity report is some "random article in a newspaper" and would choose to make a personal attack on me rather than address the important issues involved, then I question your priorities.

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That article has nothing to do with the new government, it is a worthy discussion but NOT IN THIS TOPIC, like I said, you want to discus it, fine IN A NEW TOPIC, that you are perfectly capable of starting yourself.

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Guest Ricardomeister

OK I GET THE MESSAGE THANK YOU EVER SO MUCH!!!! I still say that the UN Biodiversity Report is quite staggeringly obviously something that has a lot to do with the new government but of course you know best!

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oh ffs just start a new topic and stop playing the martyr .

it's a good subject and one i'm sure will generate a lot of interest ..though i'm about to climb into my gas guzzling car and head for the sea side so it will have to be later before I add my pearls of wisdom to the debate ...

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So cameron says he wants to abolish the 50p tax rate and inheritance tax

I thought they always said that they were against the 50p rate but wouldn't look to scrap it until the back end of their first term or if it didn't bring in any money? :?

As for IHT, the Mail article that was first up on Google said:

He said he regretted ditching the Tory plans to raise the inheritance tax threshold as part of the price of the coalition deal.

Indeed the coalition document (which is on my computer so no link but I'm sure there's several earlier in the thread) says:

We will further increase the personal allowance to £10,000, making real terms steps each year towards meeting this as a longerterm policy objective. We will prioritise this over other tax cuts, including cuts to Inheritance Tax.

That would suggest that (along the lines of the 50p rate), their priority has become the raising of the allowance rather than other things but, as the Conservative party, they still want to cut taxes. That's hardly a surprise, surely?

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No, a polite request to you please Ricardomeister, stop trying to moderate the site and leave it to those of us who are responsible for it which isn't you. We do not want to see any more examples of you telling people what they can and cannot post.


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[table][row][col]Department[col]Dept cuts in 2010-11, £m[col]2008/09 dept spending[col]Cuts as % of 2008/09 spending

[row][col]Department for Education[col]670[col]63,180[col]1.06

[row][col]Department for Transport[col]683[col]15,400[col]4.44

[row][col]Communities and Local Government[col]780[col]36,800[col]2.12

[row][col]CLG spending by local government[col]405[col]25,400[col]1.59

[row][col]Business Innovation and Skills[col]836[col]1,531[col]54.6

[row][col]Home Office[col]367[col]9,980[col]3.68

[row][col]Ministry of Justice[col]325[col]9,700[col]3.35

[row][col]Law Officers’ Departments[col]18[col][col]

[row][col]Foreign and Commonwealth Office[col]55[col]1,931[col]2.85

[row][col]Department for Energy and Climate Change[col]85[col]2,100[col]4.05

[row][col]Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs[col]162[col]3,100[col]5.23

[row][col]Department for Culture Media and Sport *[col]88[col]6,800[col]1.29

[row][col]Department for Work and Pensions[col]535[col]135,700[col]0.39

[row][col]Chancellor’s Departments **[col]451[col]109,500[col]0.41

[row][col]Cabinet Office[col]79[col]7,500[col]1.05

[row][col]Devolved Administrations[col]704[col]64,300[col]1.09

[row][col]TOTAL [col]6,243[col]620,685[col]1.01


They've cut Vince Cable's dept in half. Bet he's chuffed with that.

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It's a good start but Brown and Darling left us in a big pile of excrement so there will be a long way to go

but I see the Unions are saying it's a bad move and the private sector are saying it's a good move so it seems that people still want to play politics over it all

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