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The New Condem Government


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Thing is You know what your going to get with the Tories , they are doing exactly as we expected them to do , hence why I say arguably they aren't hypocrites ... They haven't for example publicly come out and named and shamed companies for tax avoidance and then used one of the companies they've named to collect their online donations

What they said they'd do and what they've done have in many cases been opposites.

Greenest government ever before the election/Get rid of the green crap after the election.

No top down re-organisation of the NHS before the election/Jeremy Hunt after.

We'll cut immigration to !0s of thousands or throw us out/Immigration up

Then there's the stuff on Lobbying, on the Press, on banks, on Tax-dodgers, on Coulson, on the Credit rating, on the defecit, the stuff IDS has done, the stuff May has done.

The list of hypocrisy and lies and incompetence from the baby chomping vermin is longer and more appalling than any previous government.

I was gonna say at least they have done a war like Bliar, but then I remembered Libya and how no one mentions that any more. And there was (fortunately) the intention to start bombing Syria, which happily Milliband stopped.

Utter knobheads likeCameron, Osbourne, Liam Fox, Hammond, May, Gove and many more shouldn't be allowed anywhere near government.

The sad thing is, Labour are no better, or only slightly less bad.

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Thing is You know what your going to get with the Tories , they are doing exactly as we expected them to do , hence why I say arguably they aren't hypocrites ... They haven't for example publicly come out and named and shamed companies for tax avoidance and then used one of the companies they've named to collect their online donations

What they said they'd do and what they've done have in many cases been opposites.

Greenest government ever before the election/Get rid of the green crap after the election.

No top down re-organisation of the NHS before the election/Jeremy Hunt after.

We'll cut immigration to !0s of thousands or throw us out/Immigration up

Then there's the stuff on Lobbying, on the Press, on banks, on Tax-dodgers, on Coulson, on the Credit rating, on the defecit, the stuff IDS has done, the stuff May has done.

The list of hypocrisy and lies and incompetence from the baby chomping vermin is longer and more appalling than any previous government.

I was gonna say at least they have done a war like Bliar, but then I remembered Libya and how no one mentions that any more. And there was (fortunately) the intention to start bombing Syria, which happily Milliband stopped.

Utter knobheads likeCameron, Osbourne, Liam Fox, Hammond, May, Gove and many more shouldn't be allowed anywhere near government.

The sad thing is, Labour are no better, or only slightly less bad.



I guess your hatred of all things Tory is blinkering you just a little here  :P 

(I'm not sure crediting Milibnad over Syria is particularly fair either seeing as he did it by breaking promises and purely for political gain )


 but you seem to be confusing hypocrisy with breaking promises  ... if you want to play that game then I can start by asking you how you voted in our referendum on Europe that we were promised in 2005 and so on

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I guess your hatred of all things Tory is blinkering you just a little here  :P

(I'm not sure crediting Milibnad over Syria is particularly fair either seeing as he did it by breaking promises and purely for political gain )


 but you seem to be confusing hypocrisy with breaking promises  ... if you want to play that game then I can start by asking you how you voted in our referendum on Europe that we were promised in 2005 and so on.

I do hate all things tory, or almost all things tory, but that doesn't make me blind. :P 

Isn't hypocrisy not adhering to standards you demand of others, or which you claim to adhere to? Like doing the opposite of what you say and of what you criticise others for?

As for how I voted in a referendum - I dn't understand your point. If you're saying (as it seems) "ah but...Labour broke promises too" then I agree. My views are not those of any single party. I'm not a member of any party. I'm not into the tribal nature of it all. But I've explained all that before. Even in this thread.

You seem to mistaking criticism of the bay chomping vermin for tacit support of Labour. Which it isn't.

Also I agree milliband stopping Cameron doing stupid with Syria may have been calculating. I didn't "credit" him for it. I said I was happy he did it (though to be honest I do actually credit him a bit for it, whether it was a politcal or just a conscience move - it did stop more tory idiocy).

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  • 2 weeks later...

he truly is a lying snake oil salesman and you are so right, it's a way of making money so it's seen as acceptable


yes it's an old story, no less bad for that, no less shameful


there really are some despicable people at the top of politics 

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The story ought to be that the Tories regard making millions out of screwing over gullible fools to be 'business'.


Given the obvious links to Paedophile cover ups by the Tories in the 80's they have and are doing a lot worse.  


Cameron goes to Westminster to celebrate the armed forces in Afghanistan,  men and women sent by him to have there legs blown off or worse.  These people then come back home and compete in marathons or charity work with body parts missing ffs, 

Dave can't even get the guts or courage to stand up and talk about his policies he has planned for a few hours on TV on his own legs because it's just not quite how he and his little party wants it.  Shame Cyril was not still about,  maybe dave could use him as a big sofa and talk about Police cover ups under maggie's tory Britain.  People still  vote for them,  they do I am sure.

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Cameron goes to Westminster to celebrate the armed forces in Afghanistan,  men and women sent by him to have there legs blown off or worse. 


we started putting troops on the ground as part of operation enduring freedom in 2006 ... I think your letting your vierws cloud your judgement here a little

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Tory voters are quite forgiving, as long as they have a bit more money in their pocket. Hence Georgie boy is more interested in shoring up votes from pensioners and millionaires. Expect a few more promises along those lines now that the party is under scrutiny.


Cause it's well established that the hard working ( copyright any MP talking about working people ) teachers , nurses etc only strike to get more money so they can give it all to charity

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Oh looky, they didn't find a third way.


They run it down and privatise it.




yeah we must be up to what 70% ..80% of it privatised by now based on what I keep hearing  ... oh 6% you say an increase from 2010 of less than 2%...


Don't get me wrong I'd like to see a proper discussion on ther NHS (and Europe for that matter) ... but the NHS has been puting money into private companies for years ..most GPS are private contractors for example not public employees , it's nothing new and not necessarily wrong either

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I'm going to have a celebratory wank every time between now and the election that a politician of any party answers any direct question with the line: 'we've been very clear on this....' and then waffles a none answer.

It's definitely the new way to answer questions that they've been coached in. It's going to be a bigger thing than 'not pointing' by pointing with a turned in thumb.


I'm interested in politics and right now they are all doing a very neat job of turning me right off voting. Clever clever people.

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