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awesome UKIP woman 'Ukraine isn't even in europe'

Not been watching but could she have meant in the EU sense ?


No. She was specifically referring to how she felt the crisis in Ukraine was the fault of aggressive EU expansionism and Putin was only understandably trying to protect his sphere of influence in the 'Russian' area. After all, Ukraine isn't even in europe.


Clearly meant in a geographical sense. Turns out, she is responsible for writing their manifesto.


She looked genuinely perplexed when people gave a nervous laugh.

I think she's kind of a bit right for the wrong reason.

Yes Ukraine is geographically part of the continnent of yurp, but it's not in NATO, not in the EU, it's people are far from unanimous in wanting to join the EU.

It's a corrupt country, with human rights issues and so on. It's also on the border with Russia. The notion that it's fluffy Ukraine good, nasty Putin bad and that it's "our job" to "stand up" to Russia is simplisitic tosh. It's basically nob all to do with us.

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I don't think anyone thinks the Ukraine is 'good'.


But by the same token, if Putin wants to have a little nibble at the eastern borders of Estonia or Latvia or Romania, they were very recently very much Russian Empire states, perhaps that would be nob all to do with us?


Up until where on the map? Poland? or Eastern Germany?


East Germany was a corrupt non EU state that wasn't in NATO, we should have left 'all that lot' well alone.

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Did I miss a bit of this Lord Fink story?


He was on the news the other night stood on some steps somewhere calling out Ed Milliband. Come out here and say that and I'll do you. Or words to that effect.


Turns out now he has had a little think and said he was indeed involved in tax avoidance, but only a bit, and anyway, everyone does it.


Dodgy pillock.


seemed to be one heck of a U-Turn  ... but I think Ed would be crazy to repeat his claim outside of the commons either way

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Isn't this whole "tax avoidance" pissing contest just a massive distraction.


Everyone avoids tax. Everyone. As long as the mechanism to do so is legal, why shouldn't people/comapanies avoid tax? Don't I would. I have. I've also illegally avoided paying tax. Anyone who has paid anyone cash in hand to do a job for them has also illegally avoided tax.


Instead of bitching about tax avoiders be they personal or corporate why not devote that time to drafting legislation to close the **** loopholes people are using in the first place? Instead of chucking shit at  each other via the BBC.


Whats the problem?

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Isn't this whole "tax avoidance" pissing contest just a massive distraction.


Everyone avoids tax. Everyone. As long as the mechanism to do so is legal, why shouldn't people/comapanies avoid tax? Don't I would. I have. I've also illegally avoided paying tax. Anyone who has paid anyone cash in hand to do a job for them has also illegally avoided tax.


Instead of bitching about tax avoiders be they personal or corporate why not devote that time to drafting legislation to close the **** loopholes people are using in the first place? Instead of chucking shit at  each other via the BBC.


Whats the problem?

as I've said before a lot of the people out in the real world moaning about them there tax evaders are yer builders and plumbers who will give you a quote for £1200 but do it for £1000 cash no questions asked


when they do it it's "good on you"  but wear a suit and try and avoid your tax  and you are the biggest criminal on the planet



again I'm speaking in very simplified terms and we are talking different amounts involved for sure , but its our duty to pay as little tax as possible ... heck I sneak through a marathon bar on my expenses every now and then and feel great that I've got one over the system  

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Did I miss a bit of this Lord Fink story?


He was on the news the other night stood on some steps somewhere calling out Ed Milliband. Come out here and say that and I'll do you. Or words to that effect.


Turns out now he has had a little think and said he was indeed involved in tax avoidance, but only a bit, and anyway, everyone does it.


Dodgy pillock.


What I really hate about this whole thing is the way the media have conflated tax-avoidance with tax-evasion - the former being perfectly legal and the latter being not.


This smacks of some mad socialist dystopia where things which are not illegal fall into some sort of catch-all category of 'anti-social' or 'ideologically unsound'.


There are plenty of good reasons to keep your money in Switzerland other than tax-avoidance; the main one being the fact that the Swiss maintain the value of their currency, while the UK government are busy debasing the value of the pound.

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Everyone avoids tax. Everyone.

I'd like to know how I am 'avoiding tax' (to make it clear - I don't think I'm unique).



I'd like to know too. I'm on PAYE so I don't actually have the option to fiddle my taxes.


Eames works in the city, right? Maybe he just means everyone he knows avoids tax? ;)

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Everyone avoids tax. Everyone.

I'd like to know how I am 'avoiding tax' (to make it clear - I don't think I'm unique).

I'd like to know too. I'm on PAYE so I don't actually have the option to fiddle my taxes.

Eames works in the city, right? Maybe he just means everyone he knows avoids tax? ;)

Nope. Work for a Local Authority on PAYE....but if you pay tradesmen cash in hand you are avoiding tax. Sell your house for £249,999 and then accept £10k for "appliances" you're avoiding tax.

Everyone does it. Do it in jeans holding a tool box you're Robin Hood. Do it in a suit with an account your just a tool. One is illegal, one isn't....and it ain't the one the media talks about.

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...but if you pay tradesmen cash in hand you are avoiding tax. Sell your house for £249,999 and then accept £10k for "appliances" you're avoiding tax.

I don't employ tradesmen and don't own a home (I think that may go for a lot of people, too).




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I don't think anyone thinks the Ukraine is 'good'.


But by the same token, if Putin wants to have a little nibble at the eastern borders of Estonia or Latvia or Romania, they were very recently very much Russian Empire states, perhaps that would be nob all to do with us?


Up until where on the map? Poland? or Eastern Germany?


East Germany was a corrupt non EU state that wasn't in NATO, we should have left 'all that lot' well alone.

My comment about her being partly right, is more re the way it's portrayed in the media -which is often about how Ukraine is the good guy and Putin the bad guy - it really is often that simplisitc an undertone to it.


The kind of narrative we're told by the media and politicians is very simplistic. Take Phillip Hammond's comments about "This man has sent troops across an international border and occupied another country's territory in the 21st century acting like some mid-20th century tyrant."


I mean we'd never do that....apart from obviously the repeated instances of us and the US etc. in Afghanistan and Iraq.


It's the double standards.


And to be clear Ukraine is nothing to do with the UK - a corrupt Gov't of a country half way round the world has an issue in their relationship with their neighbour, Russia and vice versa. Both nations are being arses.


yes we should encourage them not to be. And in the event they were to start "nibbling" at NATO countires or EU countries with whom we've signed agreements for mutual assistance and the like, then those agreements should be honoured. But outside that, it's more about strategic interests, and western ideals v Eastern ones. We have no right to require Putin (loathesome as he is) to do what we think is best for our interests - we can and should only try and persuade.

there are too many wars and conflicts because of people granstanding for reasons outside the actual root problems.

In this instance the root problems appear to be lost amongst what the EU/US would see as Russian expansionism and Russia sees as EU expansionism on their doorstep.

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...again I'm speaking in terms for the very simple...


at the risk of a sense of humour failure I don't get the purpose of your post ... If you don't like my argument then feel free to post some form of rebuttal but changing my post to something I didn't say is a little unfair

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I was going to, but I got in from work at 2am yesterday and was up early.


Do forgive me I simply can't be arsed with shredding your post right now.


I'm going to have a drink.


Good Health Tony ;)

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