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The New Condem Government


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So if EVERYONE is so corrupt and for TTIP, hiding money, deregulating markets which pretty much NEED to be regulated - what hope does a voter have,.....?




The irony is that Lefties who constantly complain about corrupt government and venal MPs, want more government and higher taxes to pay for it.


Another post to which the answer is No.


And on a number of levels.


Taking, say, oh, I dunno, "banking" - my perception is that "lefties" (but not just lefties") want more regulation, whereas bankers and those in their pay want "the market to govern" (what pay or behaviours are adopted.


And I think the current and recent years discussions have been a lot about not so much "more taxation", but rather about less avoidance/evasion of current taxes.


There's also been a long held discourse about "if you want a better NHS (or whatever else) it's got to be paid for. Which might mean taxes, it's true. But again it's not just mung bean munching lefties who hold that view.


There's widespread acceptance that the free market is not able or willing or suitable as a means of arriving at the best outcome for all of us, overall.


There's also a widely held view that  both tories and labour want to have more state control over various kinds of stuff that "lefties" don't think they should - whether it's snooping on our e mails and telephones, CCTV cameras, ID cards, vehicle tracking - just 1984 like monitoring and control of the people of the country. Us serving them, rather than the other way round.

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My father in law gets a letter threatening debt collectors at his door after a genuine error by his accountant said he owed £1500 in tax from 3 years ago.

Millions (maybe billions) of pounds of lost tax revenue hidden away deliberately and the powers that be are not sure whether they should try and recover it.

Sounds about right.

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Well I for one am comforted and reassured that HSBC say they now place staying within the law above profit.


I hope that's the end of the matter and we can all move on without the need for nuisance legislation or governance.


After all, if you can't trust the bank, who can you trust?


I'll happily keep my pound in my pocket now they've reformed. No point in spending tax money chasing down reformed characters over some historic odd n sods..

Edited by chrisp65
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"We must make the changes we need to make so that we ensure our economic recovery works for everyone."


"All working people should share fairly in the growing wealth of the country. That means, as the economy grows, the wages of everyday working people grow at the same rate."


We will raise the minimum wage by £1.50 an hour by 2020. To over £8 an hour."




thoughts ?

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I'll give you a clue


A) David Cameron

B.) Ed Milliband

C) Both of them






the words quoted were by Ed , but Cameron used almost exactly the same words today to The Chamber of commerce


same speech , different colour tie  ...

Edited by tonyh29
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awesome UKIP woman 'Ukraine isn't even in europe'

Not been watching but could she have meant in the EU sense ?



No. She was specifically referring to how she felt the crisis in Ukraine was the fault of aggressive EU expansionism and Putin was only understandably trying to protect his sphere of influence in the 'Russian' area. After all, Ukraine isn't even in europe.


Clearly meant in a geographical sense. Turns out, she is responsible for writing their manifesto.


She looked genuinely perplexed when people gave a nervous laugh.

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Did I miss a bit of this Lord Fink story?


He was on the news the other night stood on some steps somewhere calling out Ed Milliband. Come out here and say that and I'll do you. Or words to that effect.


Turns out now he has had a little think and said he was indeed involved in tax avoidance, but only a bit, and anyway, everyone does it.


Dodgy pillock.

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