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The New Condem Government


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Some absolutely bonkers swivel-eyes on the radio this morning.

"I voted UKIP because I'm concerned about what this government is doing to the NHS, I want to protect the NHS"

Can I suggest if she cares that much she should actually read up on the manifesto of the people she's voting for

Thats the problem with democracy though, thick people are allowed to vote


Yes but what you are doing here is insulting the intelligence of people who vote for UKIP. I'm not a fan myself but I think we should respect peoples rights to vote for who they wish. 



He isn't disrespecting their right to vote who they wish, he is mocking their lack of anything remotely close to knowledge or understanding of the policies of the party they are voting for which is entirely different and fair game.

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Some absolutely bonkers swivel-eyes on the radio this morning.

"I voted UKIP because I'm concerned about what this government is doing to the NHS, I want to protect the NHS"

Can I suggest if she cares that much she should actually read up on the manifesto of the people she's voting for

Thats the problem with democracy though, thick people are allowed to vote

Yes but what you are doing here is insulting the intelligence of people who vote for UKIP. I'm not a fan myself but I think we should respect peoples rights to vote for who they wish.

He isn't disrespecting their right to vote who they wish, he is mocking their lack of anything remotely close to knowledge or understanding of the policies of the party they are voting for which is entirely different and fair game.

Once the election manifestos of all the parties are published we'll have an idea where they stand on the big issues. Until then it's attacks based on what people think will be a given party's position on something, rather than actual fact.

That said, it'll all be thrown in the bin once it gets down to coalition agreements anyway. I'm still betting on a likely combo of Ed the Alien and Clegg, Labour with the most seats and the Tories with the most votes.

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When are the election manifestos released? Having a look at UKIP's 2010 effort...

*finger in the air* sometime around new year I think.

To be fair to Farage he wasn't in charge of UKIP at the last election and has used words that are filtered on this forum to describe and disown it. I reckon there will be a lot of sense in it this time round, but we shall see.

Edited by Awol
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Some absolutely bonkers swivel-eyes on the radio this morning.

"I voted UKIP because I'm concerned about what this government is doing to the NHS, I want to protect the NHS"

Can I suggest if she cares that much she should actually read up on the manifesto of the people she's voting for

Thats the problem with democracy though, thick people are allowed to vote


Yes but what you are doing here is insulting the intelligence of people who vote for UKIP. I'm not a fan myself but I think we should respect peoples rights to vote for who they wish. 



He isn't disrespecting their right to vote who they wish, he is mocking their lack of anything remotely close to knowledge or understanding of the policies of the party they are voting for which is entirely different and fair game.



He was making out UKIP voters are thick, that sort of attitude only makes more people vote for UKIP.

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The Lefties always like to see themselves as taking the moral high ground . Disagree with them and  you will suffer their wrath. 


Whereas the right wing aren't bothered about morals? or don't see themselves as moral? or don't consider morals important?


I'm not disagreeing, I just don't follow the logic of the point? I am easily confused by about 11:00pm on a Friday and we've now passed that point.

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The Lefties always like to see themselves as taking the moral high ground . Disagree with them and  you will suffer their wrath. 


It is not that Lefties actually hold the moral high ground, it is just that Righties are either unable or unwilling to establish their own.


Lefties tend to claim to be atheists these days but their ethics are more biblical than logical and rather one-sided.


They are all too eager to condemn avarice but rather reluctant to condemn sloth.


They condemn the wicked capitalist for confiscating the workers' surplus value (see Marx) but condone the state confiscating more than 40%+ of some people's earnings in the form of tax.


So it is not so much moral high ground and more shoe-lifts of their own making.





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Some absolutely bonkers swivel-eyes on the radio this morning.

"I voted UKIP because I'm concerned about what this government is doing to the NHS, I want to protect the NHS"

Can I suggest if she cares that much she should actually read up on the manifesto of the people she's voting for

Thats the problem with democracy though, thick people are allowed to vote


Yes but what you are doing here is insulting the intelligence of people who vote for UKIP. I'm not a fan myself but I think we should respect peoples rights to vote for who they wish.


He isn't disrespecting their right to vote who they wish, he is mocking their lack of anything remotely close to knowledge or understanding of the policies of the party they are voting for which is entirely different and fair game.


He was making out UKIP voters are thick, that sort of attitude only makes more people vote for UKIP.

Er.... No he wasn't and if people vote UKIP because people have said their voters are thick then that in itself is pretty stupid.

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If pointing out someone's logical fallacy is calling them thick then so be it.

I love apples

I'm allergic to pears

These facts are the most important things for me in the world

Candidate A is going to give me apples

Candidate B is going to give me pears

I'm definitely voting for candidate B

If pointing out that the above person is making a mistake is wrong then the country really does deserve to be run by UKIP.

Sorry but I've never heard such utter nonsense in all my life, taking that to its logical conclusion means that no one should ever try and persuade someone which way to vote… no political discussion ever.

Welcome to the United Soviet Republic of Capitalism

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If pointing out someone's logical fallacy is calling them thick then so be it.

I love apples

I'm allergic to pears

These facts are the most important things for me in the world

Candidate A is going to give me apples

Candidate B is going to give me pears

I'm definitely voting for candidate B

If pointing out that the above person is making a mistake is wrong then the country really does deserve to be run by UKIP.

Sorry but I've never heard such utter nonsense in all my life, taking that to its logical conclusion means that no one should ever try and persuade someone which way to vote… no political discussion ever.

Welcome to the United Soviet Republic of Capitalism



 it doesn't have to as black and white as that though does it.  It's all opinion. So if the Private finance initiative is the biggest privatisation of the NHS, an Opinion might be that both Labour and Tories  are trying to privatise the NHS.

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If pointing out someone's logical fallacy is calling them thick then so be it.

I love apples

I'm allergic to pears

These facts are the most important things for me in the world

Candidate A is going to give me apples

Candidate B is going to give me pears

I'm definitely voting for candidate B

If pointing out that the above person is making a mistake is wrong then the country really does deserve to be run by UKIP.

Sorry but I've never heard such utter nonsense in all my life, taking that to its logical conclusion means that no one should ever try and persuade someone which way to vote… no political discussion ever.

Welcome to the United Soviet Republic of Capitalism



 it doesn't have to as black and white as that though does it.  It's all opinion. So if the Private finance initiative is the biggest privatisation of the NHS, an Opinion might be that both Labour and Tories  are trying to privatise the NHS.

Not sure you're following this back far enough as I don't really see the relevance of your point, especially as we're talking about UKIP, who want to charge everyone to see a GP, and one of their voters wanting to save the NHS even though UKIP really don't have that as a policy unless no ones handed that particular fag packet in to Herr Farrago yet

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UKIP must have some powerful folk backing them. Their completely disproportionate media coverage wasn't by accident.


Well done those who bought into their particular brand of bullshit. You've successfully shifted blame from those who actually created this mess onto people just looking for a better standard of life.

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I still think  its just opinion though. You could argue that neither of the 2 main parties have done right by the NHS, and some different approach is needed

I wouldn't disagree with that point, doesn't alter the fact that it's completely irrelevant to the particular discussion as UKIP policy is towards the break up and privatisation of the NHS so anyone voting for them to protect the NHS is a bit of a dimwitted buffoon. I suspect this point will come across more over the coming months and as it does, watch the support from former Labour voters diminish

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