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Carswell defects to UKIP and resigns from seat (intends to stand in by-election).

Presumably thinks he has more chance of winning his seat again as a kipper than a Tory? If he forces by election now, does that mean he doesn't have to stand again in 8 months time? I thought every single seat is up for grabs come GE time?


If so, slightly odd move at this point?

Yep, it'll be up for grabs again next year.

I guess it's UKIP's opening gambit in the 2015 GE campaign as there's no need for him to resign (other than perhaps on principle - he may have previously criticized other defectors for not seeking re-election).

It's a fair bit of a gamble - it could end up backfiring spectacularly for him and for them or it could be the 'body blow' to Cameron that some in the media are already dubbing it.

I'd tend towards the former (due to the likelihood of backbench waverers toeing the line) rather than the latter but who knows.

Perhaps he wins with a reasonable majority and we see a flow of similar types making the same call during the actual GE campaign or perhaps he splits the Tory vote and whoever the Tories put up scrapes home from a higher than usual Labour vote (which would frighten the goolies off anyone else tempted to jump ship).

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Carswell defects to UKIP and resigns from seat (intends to stand in by-election).

Presumably thinks he has more chance of winning his seat again as a kipper than a Tory? If he forces by election now, does that mean he doesn't have to stand again in 8 months time? I thought every single seat is up for grabs come GE time?


If so, slightly odd move at this point?


Nah, he'd have walked back into his seat in 2015 as a Tory (majority of 12,000 last time) and this is a major risk, IF the main concern is his own career.  I take him at his word that it's a principled decision driven by disillusionment with Cameron and the Tory high command.


Heard earlier that this is the fist defection in 30 years where the incumbent has immediately sought re-election and a mandate under the banner of his new party. He talks a lot about reinvigorating democracy and respecting the electorate, good to see he also walks the walk.   

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Totally hilarious. For once the Tories are right…

The only chance UKIP have got of a referendum on EU membership is if the Tories win the next election. UKIP won't win the general election, that is beyond their wildest dreams, so in order for there to be a referendum, the Tories must win. If UKIP do continue to split the vote, the Tories won't win. UKIP may hold the balance of power but if they do, Labour will be the biggest party and Labour will not negotiate on the EU with UKIP nor would they be likely to go into government with them as a partner.

Makes you wonder what what Farage's game is… oh hang on, no it doesn't… he's just a power mad turkey like the rest of them.

It would be hilarious though if UKIP members in that seat decided to stick with the current candidate

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Maybe the kippers are hopefully of doing a stitch-up/pact* (*delete as applicable) with the tories, so that in some places there's no kipper standing, and in some others, no tory. That way the, er, right wing anti yurp vote won't be split and so kippers (nad tories) may get more seats between them than would otherwise have been the case?

The thing I find a bit curious, though, is why this tory man MP has scottled off to the UKIPs. They haven't got any policies as such at the moment - just, obviously, hostility to yurp and a sort of tea party wish list of things they rattle on about, which are totally counter-productive in many cases. I dunno, perhaps he wants to be their next king.

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  • 5 weeks later...

So I see that Reckless has also resigned* as an MP and is seeking re-election as a 'kipper and Brooks Nomark has resigned as a minister because of allegations due to be in the 'papers tomorrow.
Tory conference off to a good start before it's begun. :)


*Edit: I suppose that's technically not correct.

Edited by snowychap
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Allegations and asks for privacy for family....thatll be **** rent boys then.

Reckless has a shout at being the first UKIP MP in Rochester/ Strood.

Oh ****. Imagine how smug Farage would be ...

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Tory minister Brooks Newmark quits over sex scandal

Tory minister Brooks Newmark announced his resignation tonight - after exchanging X-rated pictures with an undercover reporter posing as a young female activist.

Married father-of-five Brooks Newmark, 56, said he was “so sorry” after the investigation found he had contacted the freelance male reporter online before swapping sexually explicit images.

The new Minister for Civil Society, who co-founded the campaign group Women2Win, initiated a private message conversation on a social networking site and as part of a series of exchanges sent a graphic picture exposing himself while wearing a pair of paisley pyjamas

While campaigning in Clacton today ahead of the upcoming by-election he sent a text asking the reporter if she would like to meet him at this week’s Conservative Party Conference, writing: “Afternoons fairly full with speaking engagements but around late evenings. Promise we’ll meet up though. X.”

A Downing Street spokesman said:“The Prime Minister has accepted Brooks Newmark’s resignation from his role as Minister for Civil Society. His replacement will be announced shortly.”

In a statement, Mr Newmark said: “I have decided to resign as Minister for Civil Society having been notified of a story to be published in a Sunday newspaper. I would like to appeal for the privacy of my family to be respected at this time. I remain a loyal supporter of this Government as its long term economic plan continues to deliver for the British people.”

It is the latest sleaze scandal to hit Westminster and will send shock waves through Downing Street on the eve of the Conservative party conference where the party aims to state a case for re-election.

It heaps fresh embarrassment on the Prime Minister who faces damning accusations of sexism after failing to attract women to take up leading political positions.

Newmark’s political responsibilities include overseeing charities including the Girl Guides movement - an organisation he tweeted his support for last week.

He has a high-flying background in the world of finance, holding a senior role with Lehman Bros, the company whose collapse sparked the financial crisis.

The minister has been an outspoken campaigner for female involvement in politics and a founder of the Women2Win campaign group.



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Tory minister Brooks Newmark quits over sex scandal


It heaps fresh embarrassment on the Prime Minister who faces damning accusations of sexism after failing to attract women to take up leading political positions.


Bit of a stretch that one…. I fail to see how this embarrasses Cameron its no reflection on him or the make up of his cabinet.

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I really, really dislike people getting fired or losing their jobs over their personal sex lives (as long as they are legal & consensual etc.).


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