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The New Condem Government


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The most surprising thing for me is that someone working as a firefighter and risking their life for 30 years is on a salary of only £28,500...


Crazy isn't it? My Dad was in the Police for 30 years, got stabbed, beaten up and had a gun pulled on him at Aston Cross once.... I sit in an office doing 'banking stuff' and earn more than he ever earned even when he was at the top of his pay scale

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Government endorsed monarchy spends £8m on a helicopter. It leaves a bad taste in the mouth when most people's pay is going down.


Good lord, it must be a quiet day in Leftyville if that's all you've got to moan about.  What exactly does "government endorsed monarchy" mean?  They're the Royal Family, and like them or loathe them they've been around for hundreds of years.  So rather than leaving a bad taste in the mouth, I'm not sure that many people would give two hoots that one of the richest women in the world has just bought her grandson a new helicopter.


Yes I really couldn't give a shit that one of the richest women in the world, inherited money from her dad that wasn't subject to inheritance tax, earns millions from rent on properties obtained by various nefarious means including murder, doesn't pay for her numerous council houses, in fact gets paid huge wedges of money just to keep them going, gets all her holidays and travel paid for (but doesn't use the bus).

Still its nice she bought her grandson a helicopter and I trust the relevant tax was paid for a gift of such magnitude.

She's only worth £500mil, so she needs every penny she can get



....I don't disagree with that, but it's been like that forever and there's less than the square root of knack all that can be done about it.  You could get upset with every little thing the Royal Family do on a daily basis, but rightly or wrongly, they are what they are and comparing it to what normal people have to put up with is utterly futile.

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Government endorsed monarchy spends £8m on a helicopter. It leaves a bad taste in the mouth when most people's pay is going down.


Good lord, it must be a quiet day in Leftyville if that's all you've got to moan about.  What exactly does "government endorsed monarchy" mean?  They're the Royal Family, and like them or loathe them they've been around for hundreds of years.  So rather than leaving a bad taste in the mouth, I'm not sure that many people would give two hoots that one of the richest women in the world has just bought her grandson a new helicopter.


"Leftyville"? really? .................. a lost argument immediately



Sorry, meant to write "Loonyleftyguardianistaville".


Happy to make the correction.

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....I don't disagree with that, but it's been like that forever and there's less than the square root of knack all that can be done about it.  You could get upset with every little thing the Royal Family do on a daily basis, but rightly or wrongly, they are what they are and comparing it to what normal people have to put up with is utterly futile.

Over there be dragons on your flat earth

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Media melt down over Fabricant (lichfield MP) tweeting that he couldn't appear on a discussion programme with Yasmin Alibi Brown without punching her in the throat.

Not a smart thing for an MP to say but I get where he's coming from, she's a racist bitch.

Quite strong words and accusations there. I would love to see how you back up on a public forum calling someone a racist. I look forward to your "evidence" and also note your tolerance of violence towards women - nice !
Here you go:

racist Yasmin

She's also on record (BBC Dateline London) in 2006 saying she wanted white men to disappear and hoped that in 100 years they would be a forgotten species. That's pretty racist in my book.

As for violence towards women... Wanting to punch that cow is a simple expression of good taste and common sense, actually punching her would be wrong, criminal and rightly bring prosecution.

See the difference there?

so on a public forum you encourage violence towards women, says a lot really. Wanting to punch a woman is pretty poor IMO obviously we differ a lot in the way we think
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I tend to flip between the three of them, depending on which one is currently talking.


I see Liddle as a sort of dangerous Jeremy Clarkson in that at least with Clarkson people know a per centage of his act is just juvenile clowning, whereas with Liddle he's quietly reassuring you that your fears and hates are real and justified.


Fabricant, I fear, is a truly odd person of the sort I wouldn't want to be alone with or leave in charge of something I truly valued. What sort of public figure even thinks it's ok in the most slippery of wordings to plant the seed of an idea of throat punching somebody.


Brown believes there is one rule for her and a different rule for me, because I'm white male middle aged and therefore responsible for all that is wrong. But, I've read her column enough times to know that it can be thought provoking, if not a little preachy.


It does appear that for some reason to get heard in the UK you have to have some pretty basic character flaws. If you haven't, then you'll be derided as small, boring and grey and you'll be shouted down by the air time given to those who can entertain in soundbites and get people phoning in. 

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I tend to flip between the three of them, depending on which one is currently talking.

I see Liddle as a sort of dangerous Jeremy Clarkson in that at least with Clarkson people know a per centage of his act is just juvenile clowning, whereas with Liddle he's quietly reassuring you that your fears and hates are real and justified.

Fabricant, I fear, is a truly odd person of the sort I wouldn't want to be alone with or leave in charge of something I truly valued. What sort of public figure even thinks it's ok in the most slippery of wordings to plant the seed of an idea of throat punching somebody.

Brown believes there is one rule for her and a different rule for me, because I'm white male middle aged and therefore responsible for all that is wrong. But, I've read her column enough times to know that it can be thought provoking, if not a little preachy.

It does appear that for some reason to get heard in the UK you have to have some pretty basic character flaws. If you haven't, then you'll be derided as small, boring and grey and you'll be shouted down by the air time given to those who can entertain in soundbites and get people phoning in.

great summing up.
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What is wrong with Rod Liddle?


He helped expose Blair as a liar over WMDs and exposed child-abuse in the priesthood while at the Today programme.


Was sexist about Harriet Harman who is definitely a misandrist, just like Ms Brown.


His book Selfish Whining Monkeys sounds like the perfect book to be reading, after England exited the WC at the group stage.


Brown and Fabricant are just non-entities.

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50k people marched against austerity yesterday. Just like the save the NHS march in manchester a while back the BBC haven't mentioned it.


It looks like that turd Russell Brand was involved.  That's probably why anybody with any sense ignored it.

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50k people marched against austerity yesterday. Just like the save the NHS march in manchester a while back the BBC haven't mentioned it.

It looks like that turd Russell Brand was involved. That's probably why anybody with any sense ignored it.
I can't understand where your aggression comes from, there is no need for it. It's just people concerned about their taxes going on bailing out banks and such frivolities rather than protecting and funding such brilliant services like the national health service, which literally saves lives. Edited by Kingfisher
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