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The New Condem Government


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I wish she would join the Labour Party. She was done over by George Galloway when leader of the Respect party. In person she is such a nice caring lady. We need more of the likes of her in politics instead of these public school politicians who don't live in the real world.

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Tories working hard to get the kippers vote back. The terrorist school last week, British values this.

Using passive racism and fear mongering to get votes. Milliband's no better. What a sad pathetic miserable bunch of tossers.

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They're trying to sell our stuff to their friends again - -This is different to the woodlands thing if the blurb is to be believed.



The Bill proposes that the Secretary of State can hand over any amount of public land to the arms-length, non-departmental Government body, the Homes & Communities Agency. The HCA can then dispose of it to developers. There will be no need to go through local authority planning processes - the Sec of State can give the green light without any local politicians or planners' involvement, just by consulting a panel of two people.
As for public rights of way, the proposed law allows any of them to be extinguished. There is no need for permission for easements (ie roads, powerlines, railways. drilling, tunnels, etc). And any existing laws that protects land and prevents it being built on, appear to be overriden by one simple enabling clause...



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Despite this and the previous governments incompetence, dislike and objective to destroy it (whilst making a quick buck out of it), the NHS has been declared the world's best healthcare system by an international panel of experts.

This hasn't stopped the BBC running a series of negative stories on it this morning.

Edited by Kingfisher
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Jenny Jones, the elected Green Party peer has been monitored by the police as part of a programme to track 'domestic extremism'.

Campaigning on environmental issues and for more social equality makes you an extremist it seems.

This country has become a very, very odd place for people like me.

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He's considering Channel 4, is he not?


Wouldn't blame him for walking away. He's got to know the people that run the country, and clearly holds many of them in contempt.

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Paxman has gone. British politicians are going to have an easier time. 


Paxo and his many imitators are just as much a part of the 'democracy as theatre' system which passes for the real thing in this country.


Paxo's contemptuous style might discomfort MPs and entertain the plebs but I can't think what political changes he actually achieved.


Stopped a war? Exposed a scandal?


He's not even as good as Bamber Grassgroin on University Challenge.



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Yeah, he was overrated (by the mainstream media), IMO. In his latter years, he seemed to be going through the motions, and had lost interest.

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I guess there is only so many years you can listen to MP's lies and think you can bring them to book or shame them in any way.


As for his rep, it always made me laugh that what many see as his best moment was purely him desperately trying to fill due to a technical issue. 

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I guess there is only so many years you can listen to MP's lies and think you can bring them to book or shame them in any way.


As for his rep, it always made me laugh that what many see as his best moment was purely him desperately trying to fill due to a technical issue. 

The Michael Howard interview?

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Labour again lurching to the right with their train for your benefits proposal.

Labour trying to be Tory, Tories trying to out UKIP the kippers, the kippers pretending their different and the Lib Tory assimilation complete...who do you vote for?

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Labour again lurching to the right with their train for your benefits proposal.

I know what you mean but I'm not entirely sure it's a left right thing. I'm damn positive it's for the reasons you outlined however and once again just shows that getting elected is more important than doing the right thing.

On the issue itself I'm not actually that opposed to it in principal BUT and its a very big but, the options and facilities have to be in place before something like that can be enforced. Its no good saying train or lose your benefits when there's no relevant courses in place for jobs that are remotely useful to society. Colleges are already full of teenage girls learning how to be hairdressers or nail technicians. How about making sure these kids do compulsory computer literacy courses (I'm talking word, excel not Facebook and twitter), teach them customer service skills etc, society really doesn't need any more hairdressers. Sort out the carrot first before you use the stick.

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