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The New Condem Government


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Condem horror stories seem to be drying up. Four years of being **** over and now we're left with a lame duck government collecting their wages. What a miserable bunch of self serving idiots we've had.

Of course, you could have written the same just over four years ago - and they really were collecting their wages, as they had no hope of remaining in office. At least this lot need to be careful as they stand a chance of getting in again. So none of the Gordon Brown Labour end of the line type vindictiveness to come.


Another term of watered down Tory government after this one, and then the economy should be back in decent enough shape for a Labour government again.

And the cycle will keep repeating, ad infinitum.


Of course, if Labour are returned after only 5 years of the repair process, that would be interesting, as we could be really in the shit. Then the exodus might make the immigration figures appear better though ;)

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I'm pretty convinced we will see a minority Tory government next time around. There won't be enough Lib Dem MPs to make a coalition viable. We still won't have any UKIP MPs and the Greens will hold Brighton.


Minority government wil be interesting to watch, can't see much happening in terms of meaningful legislation given that the whole House will have to agree on most issues.

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That's an interesting take on things. Utterly wrong, but depressingly familiar.

Of course, because I disagree with you, and point out another of your simple errors in what you typed, I am wrong.


There are none so blind as those who refuse to see.

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George Osborne's 'help to sell' Ponzi scheme. I'm sure it would all work out if the government had another few years to get it right. Ponzi schemes never fail.

PFI hospital contracts, they're demonstrably, factually inefficient and bad for the NHS. They're going to cripple the NHS for years.

Royal Mail sell off. The government got the best deal possible ...for their mates.

Tax cuts for the wealthiest, hand in hand with benefit cuts and public service cuts.

Food banks.

Low pay, no pay zero hour contracts and further erosion of workers rights.

Just a few examples of the Tories 'cleaning up the mess'.

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George Osborne's 'help to sell' Ponzi scheme. I'm sure it would all work out if the government had another few years to get it right. Ponzi schemes never fail.

PFI hospital contracts, they're demonstrably, factually inefficient and bad for the NHS. They're going to cripple the NHS for years.

Royal Mail sell off. The government got the best deal possible ...for their mates.

Tax cuts for the wealthiest, hand in hand with benefit cuts and public service cuts.

Food banks.

Low pay, no pay zero hour contracts and further erosion of workers rights.

Just a few examples of the Tories 'cleaning up the mess'.


You referred to them as a 'lame duck government', which was completely incorrect, as they stand a fair chance of being re-elected.


For the rest, you can poke the finger at every government, regardless of colour.


Ponzi schemes I'll look up when I have half a day


PFI hospital contracts - again, I'll look them up when I have the other half a day. The NHS is a wonderful Labour invention, but it cannot survive under the wasteful management of a Labour government. If Labour are in the term after next, they will have plenty of money to throw at it again.


Royal Mail sell off - I completely disagree with the sell off. I guess that pension funds are any given governments' 'mates'. After all Gordon liked them, as he plundered them often enough.


Tax cuts? Where? Surely you are not naive enough to think that the Labour raising of the higher rate to 50% at the end of their 13 year term was nothing more than vindictive politicking? Besides which the only people really affected by such rates are those on PAYE, and I believe that it is immoral for any government to take over half of earned income from any citizen. Rich people hire accountants to reduce their liability.


The scandalous 'allowance reducer' slipped in by the last Labour government has survived this one, probably because of the Liberal presence, so no tax breaks for higher earners from this government.


Benefit cuts and public service cuts - the former should be about making sure that those who need benefits get them and those who are working the system don't. I am sure that there are some stories of unfairness, but all governments miss the target at times, so it is up to them to revise and hone the strategy.


Public services - err, there isn't any money. It was pissed away by the last government. You can't buy anything if you don'y have the money to pay for it.


Food banks - only just in existence, or been around for a while? Only subscribers who need them, or are they taken advantage of? i doubt whether you know either.


Low pay? Please write to the pioneers of the minimum wage and ask them why it was set so low.

Zero hours - I don't like them, but then I believe that you need to motivate people, and I think that zero hours contracts are de-motivating. I don't see them as an invention of the present government though, even if they do suit them.

Erosion of workers' rights? Done that one, there has been no erosion, only progression in the past 20 years.

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And there we have it, 'it wuz labours fault'. Four years they've had, and it's still Labours fault.

New Labour and Conservatives, two cheeks of the same arse. Incompetent idiots, with access to the cookie jar, stuffing their faces.

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And there we have it, 'it wuz labours fault'. Four years they've had, and it's still Labours fault.

New Labour and Conservatives, two cheeks of the same arse. Incompetent idiots, with access to the cookie jar, stuffing their faces.


I only expected you to agree with me on the point where you were wrong. I had no expectations with the rest, I was merely showing you the respect and courtesy of a reply.

i shall continue my search for the mythical tax cuts and erosion of worker's rights that you are so hooked on......

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I wonder how they get away with it, then I read views like the ones expressed on this page and it all becomes clear. I bet they can't believe their luck, they must sit down in meetings thinking 'how much shit can we get away with today'.

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I wonder how they get away with it, then I read views like the ones expressed on this page and it all becomes clear. I bet they can't believe their luck, they must sit down in meetings thinking 'how much shit can we get away with today'.


This is your Labour/Tory thing that you alluded to earlier?


I am afraid that your glorious day will never come soon enough, comrade ;)

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Just been reading about brighton under the green party.

Plans on 'meat free mondays' banning things like bacon butties.

Considered using sheep as a method of traffic control.

Tryed the impose the biggest council tax rise the country has ever seen.

Proposal of gender netural toilets and transexual only gym sessions.

Inviting gypises to park up in parks.

Yep, they sound like a raving bunch of lunatics to me.

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Weakening of TUPE regulations. Shunning the working time directive. Normalisation of zero hour contracts. Removal of free unfair dismissal tribunals.

Tories, improving workers rights.


Oh, I thought that we were on the 'big party Labour/Tory thing', but it turns out that we are just Tory bashing, which is fine, but it helps if you don't pretend to be doing anything other than that.

You quoted 'erosion of workers' rights'. I contest that the minimum wage and compulsory paid holiday are massive steps forward in workers' rights, so it would take a lot more that what you quote to bring a result of net 'erosion'

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Tory bashing? I don't know if you've noticed, but they're the government with the Lib Dumbs. Who the hell else is to blame for this utter shambles? You might not like it, but no matter how you try to dress it up, they've been an unmitigated failure. But worse still, debacles like the Royal Mail sell off indicate something much uglier than incompetence - greed.

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Tory bashing? I don't know if you've noticed, but they're the government with the Lib Dumbs. Who the hell else is to blame for this utter shambles? You might not like it, but no matter how you try to dress it up, they've been an unmitigated failure. But worse still, debacles like the Royal Mail sell off indicate something much uglier than incompetence - greed.


Unfortunately for you, they haven't. They haven't been great but, given the unprecedented mess that they inherited, they haven't done too bad a job thus far.

Until this government I never realised what Liberals were good for, but it turns out it is the tempering of the radical elements of the party that they are in government with.

And bear in mind, I am not trying to 'dress up' anything - it is you who continually 'blogs' on this thread with totally one sided views.

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