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The New Condem Government


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I sometimes think the whole concept of relative poverty was the invention of the poverty lobby industry to ensure they are never out of a job. :)

They weren't around in 1776, though, were they? :)



Are you telling me it is mentioned in Adam Smith's .....Wealth of Nations?

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Regarding the libdems, its all very well wanting Clegg replaced but they are dead unless they get out of the coalition now. Don't wait until next year because the ship will have sunk by then.

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Interesting piece here by the founder of Ukip, on how it has changed from a liberal, anti-racist party of opposition to the EU, into a nasty, racist, venal bunch of moneygrabbers whose lack of competence is rivalled only by their lack of principles.


Too long to quote in full, but here's a snippet:


In 1993, along with backing British withdrawal from the EU, prospective members had to be sympathetic to the following: "It is a non-sectarian, non-racist party with no prejudices against foreigners or lawful minorities of any kind. It does not recognise the legitimacy of the European parliament and will send representatives only to the British parliament in Westminster."


"They got rid of all that after I left," says Sked, who resigned the leadership shortly after the 1997 general election. He claims that the tolerant, liberal and democratic party he founded was taken over by rightwingers and that, outgunned and outmanoeuvred by Farage and other leading figures after that election, he had no alternative but to quit.


"They took out the bit about no prejudices against lawful minorities and, as soon as I disappeared, they all decided they wanted to go to the European parliament and take their expenses."


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Embarrassed to say my local council is now UKIP. I'm living amongst **** idiots.

I personally see UKIP as a slightly legitimized BNP. You see the same people on facebook who'd champion them, now doing so with UKIP. It sickens me that the media continually give UKIP a mouthpiece regarding immigration and Europe and fail to air any other policies which will affect our day to day living. Harder questions need to be asked.

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Embarrassed to say my local council is now UKIP. I'm living amongst **** idiots.

I personally see UKIP as a slightly legitimized BNP. You see the same people on facebook who'd champion them, now doing so with UKIP. It sickens me that the media continually give UKIP a mouthpiece regarding immigration and Europe and fail to air any other policies which will affect our day to day living. Harder questions need to be asked.


They will. UKIP will no doubt fall in time.

Edited by villaajax
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Embarrassed to say my local council is now UKIP. I'm living amongst **** idiots.

I personally see UKIP as a slightly legitimized BNP. You see the same people on facebook who'd champion them, now doing so with UKIP. It sickens me that the media continually give UKIP a mouthpiece regarding immigration and Europe and fail to air any other policies which will affect our day to day living. Harder questions need to be asked.

Serious question: since, judging off farage's comments, they have no policy outside of anti-immigration and EU withdrawal, what exactly is your local council going to do about local issues?

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Embarrassed to say my local council is now UKIP. I'm living amongst **** idiots.

I personally see UKIP as a slightly legitimized BNP. You see the same people on facebook who'd champion them, now doing so with UKIP. It sickens me that the media continually give UKIP a mouthpiece regarding immigration and Europe and fail to air any other policies which will affect our day to day living. Harder questions need to be asked.

Serious question: since, judging off farage's comments, they have no policy outside of anti-immigration and EU withdrawal, what exactly is your local council going to do about local issues?



Get rid of the brown rubbish bins. White ones can take the garden waste.

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Embarrassed to say my local council is now UKIP. I'm living amongst **** idiots.

I personally see UKIP as a slightly legitimized BNP. You see the same people on facebook who'd champion them, now doing so with UKIP. It sickens me that the media continually give UKIP a mouthpiece regarding immigration and Europe and fail to air any other policies which will affect our day to day living. Harder questions need to be asked.

I am very sorry to break this to you, but the BNP are perfectly legitimate in our democracy.

I am not a student of UKIP policy, as I have not considered voting for them as yet, but my take on them is that they are anti the EU superstate, and anti open borders EU immigration.

Maybe the left take that UKIP's anti open borders immigration is also anti-immigration full stop is correct. Or maybe it suits the left agenda to peddle that line.

I shall read up on them prior to the next General Election, but there is plenty of time for that yet.

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There is no policy to read up on though. Farage basically said their most recent manifesto doesn't reflect their party, and they haven't announced policies to replace it.

I am not sure that any party has a policy for the next General Election yet. That is why I am happy to wait.

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I have a bold prediction. The economy will be the focus of the next General Election. Labour will promise to tackle living costs, and repeal the destruction of the NHS. The tories will say they've done all the ground work, and after a few more years of austerity, they will promise to cut a few taxes and stimulate growth and something something small businesses.


The other parties will be pretty much the same depending on their political alignment.


There will also be token promises from both sides that a) the EU will be dealt with and b ) immigration will be curbed and c) something about tuition fees to get the student vote on side.


A bold prediction, I know, but I'm confident.

Edited by CarewsEyebrowDesigner
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There is no policy to read up on though. Farage basically said their most recent manifesto doesn't reflect their party, and they haven't announced policies to replace it.

I am not sure that any party has a policy for the next General Election yet. That is why I am happy to wait.

Fair enough, but they have no policies in general that they're following.

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Who here thinks UKIP can actually win at the next general election?


No they won't win it but they could hold the balance of power just like the libdems did last election.

Edited by PaulC
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Embarrassed to say my local council is now UKIP. I'm living amongst **** idiots.

I personally see UKIP as a slightly legitimized BNP. You see the same people on facebook who'd champion them, now doing so with UKIP. It sickens me that the media continually give UKIP a mouthpiece regarding immigration and Europe and fail to air any other policies which will affect our day to day living. Harder questions need to be asked.

Serious question: since, judging off farage's comments, they have no policy outside of anti-immigration and EU withdrawal, what exactly is your local council going to do about local issues?



Here's my guess.


Many of them won't have expected to be elected, despite the hype beforehand about how well they would do.  Unprepared for the time it takes, the level of commitment, the hassle, and the sheer hard work if you are to do the job properly, many will either settle back into doing as little as possible and becoming virtually invisible, or else resigning.  About a tenth of Ukip councillors stood down between the last election and this one, a pretty high proportion, and probably because they were so manifestly unsuited to the job and never wanted it anyway.


Of those that stay, there will be the leaders and the also-rans.  The leaders will try to impose a bigoted agenda on the council, knowing they have four short years to do anything.  The officer cadre will draw in, patiently explaining why policies a, b, and also c are illegal, creating ever longer reports to be read, filling the days and weeks with meetings and working groups, before recommending something remarkably similar to the status quo.  Depending on the distribution of the qualities of persistence, aggression, bloodymindedness and psychopathy between the officer group and the nutters, victory will lie a small distance either side of a mid point.


Along the way there will be tears.  Some council officers will be forced out, or move on or retire because they can't stand the atmosphere.  Often these will be the ones we can least afford to lose.  Some kippers will resign in humiliation, having been targetted by just about everyone who has an interest in people fiddling expenses, uttering racist abuse in what they thought were private premises (or on Twitter when pissed), failing to turn up for meetings and surgeries etc.  These, we certainly can afford to lose.  Most will cling on, openmouthed at what passes before them, like a small kid at their first funfair.


The services will go to shite, either being a political battleground, or with the energy of the relevant officers being absorbed in wholly non-service-related issues.  The reputation of local government, and political parties generally, will suffer a further small but incrementally important setback.  And the oafs in question will parade and preen, before sliding back into the obscurity from which they should never have been dredged.


I see it playing out before me like a tedious end-of-term school performance, from which nothing but the passage of time can rescue me.  Oh god.  Oh no.

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There is no policy to read up on though. Farage basically said their most recent manifesto doesn't reflect their party, and they haven't announced policies to replace it.

I am not sure that any party has a policy for the next General Election yet. That is why I am happy to wait.

Greens certainly have

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There is no policy to read up on though. Farage basically said their most recent manifesto doesn't reflect their party, and they haven't announced policies to replace it.

I am not sure that any party has a policy for the next General Election yet. That is why I am happy to wait.


Greens certainly have



The Greens' manifesto on their site is dated 2010.


The question is whether manifestos should be updated to account for changing priorities and to reflect the shift in voters' perceptions/demands. 

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Embarrassed to say my local council is now UKIP. I'm living amongst **** idiots.

I personally see UKIP as a slightly legitimized BNP. You see the same people on facebook who'd champion them, now doing so with UKIP. It sickens me that the media continually give UKIP a mouthpiece regarding immigration and Europe and fail to air any other policies which will affect our day to day living. Harder questions need to be asked.


I agree with your sentiments and the legitimacy of basic racist policies by organisations such as the BBC is somewhat amazing.


The typical UKIP supporter issues rhetoric with little thought about consequence and cause I have found and when you start to question them as is perfectly reasonable there is a typical retort of blaming "foreigners". Questioning of UKIP supporters on key issues such as NHS, Welfare, Taxation, Infrastructure and there is little in the way of a reasoned response.


Maybe now there Andy Warhole 10 mins of fame will expose what the party is about and what they stand for?

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