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The New Condem Government


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On a different note. The Green Party are now the official opposition party in Liverpool. They have 4 seats to the Lib Dems 3. Thats the Lib Dems who 4 years ago, ran the council. They didn't win a single seat this year, the Greens won 2.

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The comments of Gideon are particularly interesting. From the desperation to try and say labour had a disaster, through to his cosy remarks re farrage . Also his total dismissive nature towards the Lib dems who at the end if the day were the ones who have allowed him to cause so much damage show the make up of him and the party he belongs to. The millions that tax avoider Ashcroft and gideons friends in the city have donated to the Tory party have left Cameron overseeing a general election that he could not win and now a set of elections where they are soundly beaten for the right wing vote by a bunch of xenophobic racist political wanaabees .

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So if UKIP win the popular vote in the euro election results tomorrow does that mean those who voted for them are mostly extremists, or might they be expressing a legitimate objection to the EU and uncontrolled immigration from its member countries?


Some will be expressing a considered view about the EU.  I'd guess that will be a small minority.  Others will be expressing the racism and hate which Ukip is increasingly making part of the national landscape, almost respectable - not yet quite respectable, which is why so many Ukip voters are ashamed to admit it.


But probably the largest group is people who are discontented with a range of things, and find it easier to latch on to simple explanations about foreigners and red tape and bureaucrats than try to understand who is actually benefitting from the way the economy is run. 


Though Ukip would like to think people vote for them for positive reasons, for the larger part it seems to be a negative vote, an expression of concern, unease, and fear.

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The most excellent Graham Linehan has put this on Twitter. I'd been wondering why the robin redbreast was suddenly being viewed as something other than a national treasure.





I must admit to having been more than a little puzzled at first as to why Natural England are proposing that nests and eggs of bird species such as robins and starlings will be allowed to be destroyed without the granting of special licences.

This would mean members of the public would be allowed to destroy any nests or eggs they came across – more or less at will.

Natural England’s consultation paper on the subject doesn’t shed much light on the reasons for these quite shocking proposals either – other than stating that these birds can present a “public health and safety” hazard.

There is no explanation of what exactly the public health and safety hazards of robins’ and starlings’ eggs are.

However, after a little investigation into the murky waters of party donations all has now become clear.

Last year government ministers chose Andrew Sells –  a Chartered accountant with no experience of ecological or environmental matters – as the new Chair of Natural England.

Sells is a venture capitalist and a major Tory party donor – in 2011 for example he donated £111,250 to the Tories.

OK, so far so corrupt. But why would the Tories want to allow the destruction of robins, starlings, wagtails and other such beautiful birds?

Well, Sells is one of the founders of Linden Homes, a property development business specialising in developing brownfield sites for residential housing.

And what is one of the biggest problems facing property developers when they attempt to develop brownfield sites for residential housing?

Yes, you’ve guessed it – nesting birds:

All wild birds, their nests and young are protected throughout England and Wales by the Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981 (as amended). It is illegal to kill, injure or take any wild bird, or damage or destroy the nest or eggs of breeding birds.

If nests, whether completed or in the process of being built, are found on site, any works with the potential to damage or destroy the nest, eggs or young birds, must stop until the birds have completed breeding.

Birds may nest on machinery or scaffolding and other temporary site structures. If this happens the equipment cannot be used until the birds have finished nesting and such areas may need to be sealed off to prevent disturbance.

Breaking the law can lead to fines of up to £5000 per offence and potential prison sentences of up to six months. Vehicles implicated in an offence can be compounded and both the company, and/or the individual(s) concerned, can be held liable.


Obviously, removing the protection of eggs and nests of nesting birds would save developers a lot of time and money.

And it just so happens that property developers are some of the Tory Party’s biggest donors.

The consultation process ends tomorrow and the Tories are obviously hoping that most people will not make the connection between their donors and Natural England’s proposals.
Edited by CrackpotForeigner
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Yep. Most of the above would get my vote.

Yep. All good stuff that. It's what the labour party should have been, had they not turned into tories mk II
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Tell it to the Cowley workers (now BMW rather than BMC, thanks, Thatcher).

Yeah thanks Thatcher. Even though she'd been out of office for 4 years and it was in fact John Major. But still.

Son of Thatcher.
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If you understood the policies it would help! The U.K. Owns 21% of known world oil yet still we have to pay to harness it because of the EU! About 100 billion a years worth of oil/business reduced to next to nothing because of the EU! A open door to anyone who earns enough to be in the 3 highest tax brackets because it would be beneficial for us for them to live here due to how high their tax is! A select NHS would be in placed after the old one has gone! Too treat people for free if they earn less than a certain amount and are English/uk born! And we would be a super power again! America would recognise our country as an equal and we could have our fingers in a lot of pies! The idea is to get people (labour) to take the best of the policies and go forth! UKIP have the idea to make us a great country! Oh and business would still be in order if not more and how the **** is employment good in this country when leaving the EU would create vacancies in already filled with non uk people! As they would all be sent packing! The EU ruined us caused the recession and that's a fact!


From FB. Yuck.

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So if UKIP win the popular vote in the euro election results tomorrow does that mean those who voted for them are mostly extremists, or might they be expressing a legitimate objection to the EU and uncontrolled immigration from its member countries?


Some will be expressing a considered view about the EU.  I'd guess that will be a small minority.  Others will be expressing the racism and hate which Ukip is increasingly making part of the national landscape, almost respectable - not yet quite respectable, which is why so many Ukip voters are ashamed to admit it.


But probably the largest group is people who are discontented with a range of things, and find it easier to latch on to simple explanations about foreigners and red tape and bureaucrats than try to understand who is actually benefitting from the way the economy is run. 


Though Ukip would like to think people vote for them for positive reasons, for the larger part it seems to be a negative vote, an expression of concern, unease, and fear.


I think a lot of people are just disillusioned with the mainstream parties and fed up with being told what to think. A small minority of the UKIP vote may be racist but largely its down to the fact Nigel Farage says what he thinks and doesn't hide behind this political correctness. 


You may not agree with his politics but I wish more politicians were like him!

Edited by PaulC
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So if UKIP win the popular vote in the euro election results tomorrow does that mean those who voted for them are mostly extremists, or might they be expressing a legitimate objection to the EU and uncontrolled immigration from its member countries?

Some will be expressing a considered view about the EU. I'd guess that will be a small minority. Others will be expressing the racism and hate which Ukip is increasingly making part of the national landscape, almost respectable - not yet quite respectable, which is why so many Ukip voters are ashamed to admit it.

But probably the largest group is people who are discontented with a range of things, and find it easier to latch on to simple explanations about foreigners and red tape and bureaucrats than try to understand who is actually benefitting from the way the economy is run.

Though Ukip would like to think people vote for them for positive reasons, for the larger part it seems to be a negative vote, an expression of concern, unease, and fear.

I think a lot of people are just disillusioned with the mainstream parties and fed up with being told what to think. A small minority of the UKIP vote may be racist but largely its down to the fact Nigel Farage says what he thinks and doesn't hide behind this political correctness.

You may not agree with his politics but I wish more politicians were like him!

If he really said what he thought, wouldn't he have announced his parties policies before the election, rather than basically saying, "we don't have policies."

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There's also another aspect to controversial comments by some UKIP politicians which gets overlooked - not only do they hold extreme views, they're also stupid enough to put those views out onto the internet.

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