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The New Condem Government


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CAB report into how sanctions don't meet the criteria set down for their use, that there should be, good communication, personalisation and fairness when employed. they should be careful, the new gagging laws might be used against them if the governments attempts to financially starve them into oblivion doesn't work



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Your Ill health, is a healthy profit for someone else as the NHS is silently privatised.


Did anybody see the Daily Politics interview Andrew Neil did with a GP the other week. When she brought this up, he replied that he didn't believe it to be true and pushed her to explain where she got the information. The GP gave a very clear respected source for her information, and Neil basically said he didn't believe to which another guest replied 'you cant deny it just because you don't like it'. He dismissed this criticism.

This was the absolute turning point for me. They've lost my licence fee. BBC is overtly right wing, but their politics presenters should at least try to be impartial, to at least give a vail of even handedness, we pay their wages. Neil absolutely crossed that line, it was like watching a fox news interview. He is not on the Murdoch payroll and I'm not paying his wage to spout right wing propaganda.

I wish I could find this clip on youtube.


I went Legally license free about 6 months ago, for lots of reasons, one of which you mention here, not that i watched that much anyhow by that point, can't say I've noticed any problems and reaped many benefits from no longer watching live broadcast TV, After initial complaints wife and grown up kids have actually embraced it now, we talk more, spend more time doing stuff together and spend more time doing constructive activities.


edit, only downside is the constant accusation that you must be breaking the law, through their monthly threat-o-grams, door step visits by crapita employed commissioned sales goons trying to either sell you a license you don't need,or issue threats of obtaining search warrants to catch you in your assumed wrong doing, and no amount of proof is enough apparently to make it stop. The BBC seem to have two view points, you have a license or you are a law breaker, despite all the fluffy nice stuff on their website. So if you do go license free, seems best advice is cancel, tell them you are legally license free once and then no further contact or interaction.

Edited by mockingbird_franklin
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surprised that the tory minister who has had to resign has not got a mention in here.


Yet another Cameron cock up was a great summing up of the situation I read this morning.

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surprised that the tory minister who has had to resign has not got a mention in here.


Yet another Cameron cock up was a great summing up of the situation I read this morning.


But what a sad reflection on things that he's resigned for employing someone without Die Korrekt Papieren, rather than his hate-filled "Go Home" campaign.

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So the pompous oaf Pickles has a go at the Environment Agency, saying he shouldn't have listened to them about dredging, but  wrongly thought they were experts.


Well, let's see what the non-EA experts have to say about dredging.


Good link.


It seems the media have deliberately failed to challenge the assertion that dredging is the solution because it suits the on-going political agenda.


It seems perfectly logical that the speed of the flow of the water would be determined by the level of the receiving vessel (the sea) rather than the depth of the pipe (the river).

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Some very interesting stuff on that link, Peter.

Especially so were what one bod said about setting aside areas for flood containment and another about a lagoon to both produce renewable energy and offer some help with flood reduction.

Edited by snowychap
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So the pompous oaf Pickles has a go at the Environment Agency, saying he shouldn't have listened to them about dredging, but  wrongly thought they were experts.


Well, let's see what the non-EA experts have to say about dredging.


Good link.


It seems the media have deliberately failed to challenge the assertion that dredging is the solution because it suits the on-going political agenda.


It seems perfectly logical that the speed of the flow of the water would be determined by the level of the receiving vessel (the sea) rather than the depth of the pipe (the river).


It does...but equally logical that if you make the pipe bigger it will hold more water in the first place.


The EA have been too much Environment and not enough Agency in recent years but some of the criticism levelled at them is unfair given the rainfall is the worst ever on record.

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That point is addressed by one of the people on Peter's link, thus:



The removal of bed material from the river channel does increase storage and conveyance potential, but this is relatively insignificant compared to the amount of water stored on the floodplain.


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surprised that the tory minister who has had to resign has not got a mention in here.


Yet another Cameron cock up was a great summing up of the situation I read this morning.


But what a sad reflection on things that he's resigned for employing someone without Die Korrekt Papieren, rather than his hate-filled "Go Home" campa


free upload

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It seems we have misunderstood Mr Pickles' comments about the Environment Agency.

"It is entirely wrong to suggest for one moment that I have issued even the slightest criticism of the Environment Agency's marvellous work force. My admiration for the Environment Agency exceeds no one, and I believe it is time for us all to start to work together, not to make silly party political points"


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