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The New Condem Government


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Didn't Tony Benn want to do what the Norwegians did? Margaret Thatchers incoming government had other ideas. So here we are, 34 years on, 34 years of Thatcherism and trillions of pounds in debt. Norway have no debt.

look it's not their fault they gave away all that money to themselves and their friends/donors, especially if any others didn't do what Norway did

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Short-termism has buggered us for the foreseeable future.

It's still buggering us, After the resounding economic failure of his Austerity measures (yes I know it is actually a tool for wealth distribution from poor to rich rather than a genuine economic policy) Gormless George is busy inflating the latest housing bubble with his tax payer backed speculation in a short term lunge at making stupid people feel wealthy again because their house is worth a few grand more to vote for the bunch or Chancers that are the Tory party, so they can go blow the equity or any spare cash they might have after the largest fall in disposal incomes experienced in an awful long time on some useless shit they don't need and will probably be imported anyhow. well it will be great until the bubble bursts, but as long as it's not before the next election Gideon won't care., then we get to lose twice as we get to suffer these clown for another 5 years if he pulls it off. TBF isn't the short term-ism in politics just a reflection of the general short term-ism that is rife in modern society, Not that is any excuse from the 'finest' that the current proposed pay increase for MP's is supposed to entice into politics

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Short-termism has buggered us for the foreseeable future.

It's still buggering us, After the resounding economic failure of his Austerity measures (yes I know it is actually a tool for wealth distribution from poor to rich rather than a genuine economic policy) Gormless George is busy inflating the latest housing bubble with his tax payer backed speculation in a short term lunge at making stupid people feel wealthy again because their house is worth a few grand more to vote for the bunch or Chancers that are the Tory party, so they can go blow the equity or any spare cash they might have after the largest fall in disposal incomes experienced in an awful long time on some useless shit they don't need and will probably be imported anyhow. well it will be great until the bubble bursts, but as long as it's not before the next election Gideon won't care., then we get to lose twice as we get to suffer these clown for another 5 years if he pulls it off. TBF isn't the short term-ism in politics just a reflection of the general short term-ism that is rife in modern society, Not that is any excuse from the 'finest' that the current proposed pay increase for MP's is supposed to entice into politics


Judging by some of the opinion polls too, it might just be working.


The people get what they deserve perhaps, in the end?

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but wasn't all this going on in the  early 70's. I'm sure stat oil was set up then. Isn't that when the oil fields were discovered. And Prior to the Oil crisis when Oil prices shot up, wasn't it deemed not viable for both us and the Norwegians to drill for Oil before that. And when it became viable, were we not going cap in hand to the IMF, and put the British economy under IMF supervision, So not able to increase public spending, certainly not able to afford the massive capital investment.

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So which of the Major Oil producing countries have followed this line other than Norway. 

Ah criticism isn't valid if others made the same mistake, But i would hazard a guess you could find plenty of examples of states that managed the revenue from oil production better than the UK government of the 80's did. considering the government that gave away all that revenue which could have benefited everyone to a few already wealthy people painted themselves as the party that saved Britain and the only ones fit to govern, you'd think they would have avoided the succession of serious 'mistakes' they made, obviously it's a coincidence that all these mistakes by the 'natural party of leadership' benefited the already wealthy at the expense of nearly all the rest of society, after all the only other conclusions are


1) they were a bunch of incompetent fucktards who were lying about their government credentials,


2)that was the plan all along and they lied about their reasons for the decisions they made


3) a combination of 1 & 2.


My money is on reason 3. so very similar to where we find ourselves today with the 'party of natural leadership'



I think you have to accept that it is quite logical for a right-wing party which has fixed ideas about imperialism and the rights of Capital.


When an imperialist wants to exploit mineral wealth or oil resources in a third-world country they will emphasise the rights of the capitalists who are to invest in the equipment to build the mine or the oil-well and diminish the rights of those who actually own the land and the actual mineral rights where the resource is to be found.


Naturally, when the resource is found in their own nation of origin, they will use exactly the same thinking in deciding who deserves what from the exploitation of that resource.


Predictably, for a party which thought the companies who built the gold-mines in South Africa deserved everything and the indigenous population nothing, would reach the same conclusion about the UK. The vast majority of the indigenous population got bugger-all, the capitalist investors were given the lion's share, while the government got the rest so they could run the economy down, so they could discipline labour and restructure the economy in favour of Capital.


So all perfectly logical for a right-wing imperialist party which considers Capital's interests to supersede that of any people or nation.


All sugared with the lie that they were the party of unimpeachable patriotism, because as we know, simpering next to flag means someone is a patriot.  

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but wasn't all this going on in the  early 70's. I'm sure stat oil was set up then. Isn't that when the oil fields were discovered. And Prior to the Oil crisis when Oil prices shot up, wasn't it deemed not viable for both us and the Norwegians to drill for Oil before that. And when it became viable, were we not going cap in hand to the IMF, and put the British economy under IMF supervision, So not able to increase public spending, certainly not able to afford the massive capital investment.

The situation of sovereign states going insolvent and bankrupt is just testament to the ridiculous nature of our current money creation system where governments can issue promised to pay (in the form of interest bearing bonds)backed by the sweat equity and natural resource wealth of a nation, yet are told it is economic suicide for them to issue promises to pay (in the form of money bearing with interest or repayment needed) backed by the same sweat equity and natural resource wealth. one way makes a nation and it's citizens wealthy, they other makes a very small minority of individuals wealthy beyond belief. Any guesses which is which and why we have the system we do. we haven't even touched upon money creation by fractional reserve lending by high street banks either.

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So Tories and lib dems in last toe days have voted to allow the Rbs bonus and against a restoration of min wage to be a living wage. Certainly shows who they look after

well we're all in it together. everyday people are in for loads of shit, whilst the creators of the problem are in for shit loads of money

Edited by mockingbird_franklin
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Nice to see David Cameron show the true level of respect for democracy and parliaments place in it that one would expect from a leader of an unelected party that finds itself in power, and deem a motion won by a majority of over 120 with cross party support as worthy of being ignored and no action is to be taken in regard of the motion. Guess it's only suitable that a government cobbled together in back room deals should stick two fingers up to democratic process and parliaments role of holding government of the day to account for it's legislature on behalf of the electorate of this country. Shame this isn't being more widely reported as it is the very core problem of our current party system, where patronage and partisanship are more important that morals and accountability.



Edited by mockingbird_franklin
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so if there was an election tomorrow who do you think would win?


there is a reason they won't allow us to have 'none of the above' as the last box, allowing people their right to vote without forcing them to vote for pricks or nutters

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