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A UCL report has found immigration has made a 'remarkably strong' contribution to the UK economy since 2000.



The Daily Mail takes the same report and declares that immigrants from outside Europe have cost the public purse £100bn.


The same report, two axes being ground; who do you believe?



Edited by MakemineVanilla
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I tend to believe the conclusions of the reports authors. Professor Christian Dustmann, Tommaso Frattini and Caroline Halls.

Bloody foreigners. Coming over here, writing our reports ..... :mrgreen:

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I tend to believe the conclusions of the reports authors. Professor Christian Dustmann, Tommaso Frattini and Caroline Halls.

Bloody foreigners. Coming over here, writing our reports ..... :mrgreen:

Or Bloody foreigners coming over here, being gainfully employed and contributing to the net wealth of the country ;)

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I tend to believe the conclusions of the reports authors. Professor Christian Dustmann, Tommaso Frattini and Caroline Halls.

Choosing what part of the conclusion(s) to emphasise is where the politics start.

Yeah, ideologies and agendas over facts and reason.
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the Radio 4 news was reporting this story as a net gain from all net immigration from EU +3 countries since 2001 but a small net loss from all immigration since 1995 which was put down to the non EU +3 families having larger families

Now without reading the report admittedly, I imagine that the non EU +3 smilies are here because they are either wealthy or have a skill set that we in the UK require (a whole load of nurses came from abroad at one point I seem to recall)

So seeing as yesterday that the CBI came out and said that the EU was worth approx £3k to every person in the UK per year and now UCL are saying that net immigration from the EU has benefitted the country perhaps the little Englander wing of the Tory Party will stfu for a short while and now these studies are starting to come to light perhaps those in favour of being outside the EU will come up with some new arguments as those two reports appear to have blown their dual rhetoric out of the water for some time to come.

What fear mongering will they invent next?

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I tend to believe the conclusions of the reports authors. Professor Christian Dustmann, Tommaso Frattini and Caroline Halls.

Choosing what part of the conclusion(s) to emphasise is where the politics start.


Yeah, ideologies and agendas over facts and reason.



I am just waiting for the BBC news to start.


I am pretty certain what their ideology and agenda will be.

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My belief is it not just about the economy though, its about the resource. We are dependent on imports for our energy, we are not building hospitals to reflect the population growth, and most importantly we have had a water shortage in 9 of the last 10 years. So as much as I welcome people into the country, unless these issues are resolved we are heading for a problem.

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My belief is it not just about the economy though, its about the resource. We are dependent on imports for our energy, we are not building hospitals to reflect the population growth, and most importantly we have had a water shortage in 9 of the last 10 years. So as much as I welcome people into the country, unless these issues are resolved we are heading for a problem.

Water shortage has shite all to do with the number of people here and much more to do with the inefficiencies of the privatised water utility co's

We are building hospitals btw, here in Liverpool the main central teaching hospital is being rebuilt and the main children's hospital and thats just here.

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A UCL report has found immigration has made a 'remarkably strong' contribution to the UK economy since 2000.



Poor Ed  , he just U-turned and apologised to the country for his party allowing too much Immigration and now he has to U-turn again and say that actually his party were right all along and immigrants are wonderful 


but before we hail professor Dustbin as the new Mehdi Hasan and saviour of the left  , it should be noted how spectacularly wrong he was in his 2003 study

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That will be the same CBI that said the UK economy would be in the crapper if we didn't join the Euro, no one would invest in the UK etc. What an insightful analysis that turned out to be... Forgive me if I'm a little cynical about their offerings on the subject now.

The CBI is the mouthpiece of big business and always will be. It doesn't necessarily follow that what is best for them is also best for the country at large.

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That will be the same CBI that said the UK economy would be in the crapper if we didn't join the Euro, no one would invest in the UK etc. What an insightful analysis that turned out to be... Forgive me if I'm a little cynical about their offerings on the subject now.

The CBI is the mouthpiece of big business and always will be. It doesn't necessarily follow that what is best for them is also best for the country at large.

I still think there's merit in that argument. We may have come out of the recession much more speedily if we were in the Euro for example, Ireland have nearly extricated themselves already. The pound is not much different vs the euro to what it was before the shit hit the fan either and who knows what other investments may have come in had we been in the euro zone, that argument is all ifs and buts.

The CBI survey was about what the EU is actually worth to the UK right now not projections of the future

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Watched the BBC News item on the benefits of immigration or not.


Opened with the positive story, which I expected, and then put the report which qualified the assertion on at the end.


So obviously they chose one emphasis over the other by choosing which one to favour and then tagged on the other report at the end, which allowed them to claim balance.


The truth seems to be that not all immigrants are the same and should not be lumped together.


Immigrants from Europe contribute more than they receive, immigrants from countries outside Europe receive more than they contribute.


Conflating the two groups into one is wrong and amounts to disinformation.

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there is no lack of water in the UK

there is a lack of incentive (easily gained short term profit) for private water companies to bother upping their game


Just wondering where you got your information from? 

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there is no lack of water in the UK

there is a lack of incentive (easily gained short term profit) for private water companies to bother upping their game


Just wondering where you got your information from? 


he went outside and it was raining ?

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I want to know what the bastards are going to do about this.....




Vacuum cleaners are at the centre of an unlikely political dust-up after complaints about European Union rules that will force manufacturers to make less powerful motors.


The move has been condemned by Kent MEP and UKIP party leader Nigel Farage, who has been swift to attack Brussels bureaucrats for "meddling" in the issue.

The so-called "eco-regulations" will mean from next September new machines will be banned from having motors exceeding 1,600W and from 2017, the limit will be 900W.

Currently, most vacuum cleaners have motors of between 1,800W 2,200W

Mr Farage, who lives in Sevenoaks, said: "This latest EU wheeze will make it more difficult for ordinary people to clean their carpets and for those with allergies and pets it will create an additional problem.

"With 26 million people unemployed in the EU, many because of the financial crisis encouraged by a one-size-fits-all Euro currency, it really is time to tell these meddling people to go away."

But the EU Commission has hit back and sought to dispel fears that less power did not equate to less efficiency.

"The regulation is not so much about banning high powered vacuum cleaners as encouraging high performance, energy efficient, dust-busting technology," a spokesman said.


UKIP leader Nigel Farage on a visit to Dover


And it claimed the energy saved by limiting the powers of vacuum cleaners would be enough to keep London Underground running for 20 years.

That has failed to impress the man who re-invented the vacuum cleaner, Sir James Dyson.

He has gone to court to challenge the rules, arguing they discriminate against his company's bagless vacuum cleaners.

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