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The New Condem Government


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A rare well done from me for this Government today, free meals for all infant children regardless of the wealth of their parents.


I'm not sure which particular part of his soul Clegg had to sell in order to achieve this but I really do welcome this policy. The number of malnourished children in British schools is simply shocking and it isn't just those children from poor backgrounds.


One only needs to look at the tragic case of Daniel Pelka to see the good this could do for some children out there. It wouldn't have saved the poor little fella but it would have helped him but that is another thread.

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A rare well done from me for this Government today, free meals for all infant children regardless of the wealth of their parents.


I'm not sure which particular part of his soul Clegg had to sell in order to achieve this but I really do welcome this policy.


Curiously, other Libdems seem to think free school meals are a bad thing.



Funny fact of the day: Simon Hughes wrote to Southwark constituents 10 days ago panning Labour council for insanity of #freeschoolmeals


Arse, meet elbow. 


But of course it's not just a Libdem thing.  Perhaps the whole government is determined to roll back the whole nightmare of the Thatcher years, starting with reinstating free school milk?

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A rare well done from me for this Government today, free meals for all infant children regardless of the wealth of their parents.

I'm not sure which particular part of his soul Clegg had to sell in order to achieve this but I really do welcome this policy. The number of malnourished children in British schools is simply shocking and it isn't just those children from poor backgrounds.

One only needs to look at the tragic case of Daniel Pelka to see the good this could do for some children out there. It wouldn't have saved the poor little fella but it would have helped him but that is another thread.

I think Clegg has had to let Cameron have his " married couples tax break" which Clegg is against as a trade off ?

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So, Drunk Tanks.


Privately run drunk tanks. Good idea?


I can see the some 'fors' and a big 'against', but would need to know more detail really. I could envisage a Police State scenario where the copperds take to the streets on a friday night and round up all the 'drunks/revellers' and lob them into these cells for the night.


What critertia would be needed for the cops to lob someone into one of these cells? Someone being too loud, or swaying a bit when walking? These cells would hold 'troublemakers' apparently ....

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Drunk tanks, good idea, if you ain’t doing anything wrong then no need to worry that a ‘police state’ is just going to pick you for a bit of fun, especially considering the amount of CCTV cameras around in town centres etc.


If you was picked on for no reason then i’m sure it’d be quite easy to appeal.


More of a hardline needs to be taken on drunken moppets; such as charging them at hospitals.


Jon, on other things I prefer about this gov, is their harder line on benefits; I really didn’t like how easy it was for people to abuse the system under Labour, and how often work didn’t pay compared to benefits. In saying that I would this gov to help increase minimum wage etc to ensure working pays better, and enables families to get by.


I Jon I also work for a gov department, and unlike most appreciate the cut backs, as I’m only too aware of how public money gets abused, the cuts are helping departments realise the value of a £.


There are other reasons I prefer this gov to the last but really can’t be arsed to go on.


This is merely my opinion.

Edited by djamfisher
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 if you ain’t doing anything wrong then no need to worry that a ‘police state’ is just going to pick you for a bit of fun, especially considering the amount of CCTV cameras around in town centres etc.




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So, Drunk Tanks.


Privately run drunk tanks. Good idea?


I can see the some 'fors' and a big 'against', but would need to know more detail really. I could envisage a Police State scenario where the copperds take to the streets on a friday night and round up all the 'drunks/revellers' and lob them into these cells for the night.


What critertia would be needed for the cops to lob someone into one of these cells? Someone being too loud, or swaying a bit when walking? These cells would hold 'troublemakers' apparently ....

The Police are supposed to be dealing with crime, not babysitting retards who drink themselves insensible and collapse in the street.  At least this tries to address the problem and allow the Police to focus more energy on their actual job of protecting the public.  


Unless of course you posting a picture of one copper doing something wrong means the entire Police force cannot be trust to do their job, in which case what alternative would you suggest?

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So, Drunk Tanks.


Privately run drunk tanks. Good idea?


I can see the some 'fors' and a big 'against', but would need to know more detail really. I could envisage a Police State scenario where the copperds take to the streets on a friday night and round up all the 'drunks/revellers' and lob them into these cells for the night.


What critertia would be needed for the cops to lob someone into one of these cells? Someone being too loud, or swaying a bit when walking? These cells would hold 'troublemakers' apparently ....

The Police are supposed to be dealing with crime, not babysitting retards who drink themselves insensible and collapse in the street.  At least this tries to address the problem and allow the Police to focus more energy on their actual job of protecting the public.  


Unless of course you posting a picture of one copper doing something wrong means the entire Police force cannot be trust to do their job, in which case what alternative would you suggest?



While I agree the reality is that the police spend more time dealing with those in the community who really should be being cared for by social services.


The police though has long since been left to mop up those that other services fail and do so largely as a result of cuts of various governments and not least those of previous Tory governments and the care in the community.


If this government really want to get the Police back to doing their real job or preventing and solving crime then stopping them from acting as societies social workers would be a good place to start. Well that an not cutting their numbers obviously.

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So, Drunk Tanks.


Privately run drunk tanks. Good idea?


I can see the some 'fors' and a big 'against', but would need to know more detail really. I could envisage a Police State scenario where the copperds take to the streets on a friday night and round up all the 'drunks/revellers' and lob them into these cells for the night.


What critertia would be needed for the cops to lob someone into one of these cells? Someone being too loud, or swaying a bit when walking? These cells would hold 'troublemakers' apparently ....

The Police are supposed to be dealing with crime, not babysitting retards who drink themselves insensible and collapse in the street.  At least this tries to address the problem and allow the Police to focus more energy on their actual job of protecting the public.  


Unless of course you posting a picture of one copper doing something wrong means the entire Police force cannot be trust to do their job, in which case what alternative would you suggest?



While I agree the reality is that the police spend more time dealing with those in the community who really should be being cared for by social services.


The police though has long since been left to mop up those that other services fail and do so largely as a result of cuts of various governments and not least those of previous Tory governments and the care in the community.


If this government really want to get the Police back to doing their real job or preventing and solving crime then stopping them from acting as societies social workers would be a good place to start. Well that an not cutting their numbers obviously.


Quite and this initiative seems to be intended as a step in that direction, not a magic bullet but at least taking some of the pressure off them.

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Yep, we can privatise the policing of Thursday, Friday and Saturday night. Those people are a specific problem and should be dealt with without the need to call on a police force, this is what private enterprise is for, helping us all.


Yep, we can privatise the policing of football matches. Those people are a specific problem and don't need to draw on valuable and expensive resource that could be out catching kiddy fiddlers.


Yep, border control. It's a task that is easily carried out by a competent specialised private entity such as G4S.


Yep, motorway traffic policing. An awful lot of energy and money is tied up catching sales reps in BMW's, this could easily be privatised without jeopardising the role of the real police.


Yep, no reason why new prisons can't be run by private companies from the U.S., they specialise have a track record and can innovate.


Yep, I would approve the use of 'local bobbies' supplied by private contractors so the valuable work of the police doesn't get bogged down in local minor issues.

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Quite and this initiative seems to be intended as a step in that direction, not a magic bullet but at least taking some of the pressure off them.



Perhaps, perhaps not I think that rather remains to be seen.


It could easily be argued this is another means of reducing the state and of privatisation couldn't it? That by taking measures like this, by taking duties from the police and placing them in private hands the government can further reduce police numbers.


This initiative has some social and policing benefits, or at least could do. I would say though that it raises more questions that it provides answers in terms of this governments direction.

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Yeah, the devil would be in the detail.


Who exactly would be doing the policing, and deciding who should and shouldn't be lobbed into these private 'drunk tanks'. Would that still be the police? (in which case, what resource is saved, other than them not being in put into 'normal' state police cells, for the genuine D & D?)


Surely then it is also in the interests of these 'profit making' drunk tanks to maximise client intake? Otherwsie they'd make a loss. So you'd want to round us as many 'revellers/troublemakers' as possible. Can people not see a massive pitfall here.


I imagine it may also be illegal for coppers/private police to round people up who've had a drink or 2, lob them into a privately run cell and then refuse to release them without a payment. What sort of country would we be becoming?


Looking at in in greater detail does make me think this is bonkers crazy.


If the police are becoming stretched on friday/sat evening and the like, then why not increase resource to them, rather than cutting back and having the private sector do it?


Or are we governed by the right wing mythology of 'Public Sector Bad / Private Sector Good'




Health care






what's left to privatise?

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Yeah, the devil would be in the detail.


Who exactly would be doing the policing, and deciding who should and shouldn't be lobbed into these private 'drunk tanks'. Would that still be the police? (in which case, what resource is saved, other than them not being in put into 'normal' state police cells, for the genuine D & D?)


Surely then it is also in the interests of these 'profit making' drunk tanks to maximise client intake? Otherwsie they'd make a loss. So you'd want to round us as many 'revellers/troublemakers' as possible. Can people not see a massive pitfall here.




I was just about to write the same thing , so you've saved me the trouble :)


the interesting thing for me will be will these drunk tanks be cheaper than a hotel room or Taxi home  ... if so count me in and put me down for  a room every Sat night :)



Or are we governed by the right wing mythology of 'Public Sector Bad / Private Sector Good'



is that an admission that Labour are now a right wing party ?

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