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The New Condem Government


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They say when facing a decision you're not sure about, you should sleep on it.

Seems to work for Paddy Pantsdown.






They don't call him Paddy Backdown for nothing.



It's not just him, though, they're all at it.


The annual conference denunciation of the tories, followed by another year of keeping them in power and meekly voting through everything they claim to be against.


Lots of shite about how green they are, then vote for fracking and nuclear.


Cable "letting it be known" all week that he's concerned about a house price bubble and (between the lines) wants a major change in econ policy, then crawls into the conference and votes for Clegg anyway.  I liked the WATO interview. when Kearney read back to him the embarrassingly misdirected e-mail instructing him and others what to say when interviewed; some arse had sent it to the press by mistake, but shouldn't be criticised for that, as it's about the same level of competence as the Libdems show in anything else.  Also liked when she put to him that his colleagues see a pattern of "will he, won't he" in his leaks and posturing, saying that he has "endless vanity".  How ironic to see him in the interview claiming that his and his party's continual treachery towards their own history, values, and members, is "grown up politics".  Smug, patronising, deceitful bollocks.


Oh, the whole lot of them, really.  An utter waste of space.




Do  you mean the Lib Dems are all the same, or politicians?


The LibDems haven't been in power for decades, so yes they took whatever was on offer. Labour hadn't been in power for the best part of 20 years so Blair ditched everything Benn, Foot and Bevan stood for to get in power. The Tories hadn't been in power  so they turned  into Blair lite. They all change their colours just to get elected.


They have no principles

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Cable "letting it be known" all week that he's concerned about a house price bubble and (between the lines) wants a major change in econ policy, then crawls into the conference and votes for Clegg anyway.  I liked the WATO interview. when Kearney read back to him the embarrassingly misdirected e-mail instructing him and others what to say when interviewed; some arse had sent it to the press by mistake, but shouldn't be criticised for that, as it's about the same level of competence as the Libdems show in anything else.  Also liked when she put to him that his colleagues see a pattern of "will he, won't he" in his leaks and posturing, saying that he has "endless vanity".  How ironic to see him in the interview claiming that his and his party's continual treachery towards their own history, values, and members, is "grown up politics".  Smug, patronising, deceitful bollocks.

At the risk of incurring the wrath of both you and Tony, simultaneously and even perhaps for the same reasons, I think you're being a little unfair.

I haven't been following conference stuff as closely as I normally would (that means I have only been picking up on the snippets main news want us to hear) but I watched the link you provided to the interview and, though I disagreed with him on some of the stuff and agreed with your chuckle on the "will he, won't he" things, there surely ought to be a bit of leeway for someone who would appear, at least, to answer questions with something more than the foreful and forced 'I have to get my point across' that was the theme of Clegg's appearances before any kind of camera today?

Woe betide he appears in a high vis jacket and a hard hat telling us 15 times in a 2 minute interview snippet how we "could have been Greece" and (as Clegg repeated today) 'the economy was on the precipice' in 2010 (btw, Cable may have said that, too - not enough hours in the day!).

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Do  you mean the Lib Dems are all the same, or politicians?


The LibDems haven't been in power for decades, so yes they took whatever was on offer. Labour hadn't been in power for the best part of 20 years so Blair ditched everything Benn, Foot and Bevan stood for to get in power. The Tories hadn't been in power  so they turned  into Blair lite. They all change their colours just to get elected.


They have no principles


I mean the Libdems.  Not all of them, that's poetic licence.  Well, prosaic licence actually, see, there I go again.  I mean a majority of them, enough to control the parliamentary party and the conference, and the rest who remain in the party go along with it, though they may cluck disapprovingly around their dinner tables.


You misunderstand the Labour party journey on this.  It has nothing to do with being out of power for many years.  Mandelson and his clique (which later came to include Blair, though the oaf never originated anything nor had an original thought in his empty head) started on this road in the early 80s.  Some, like the Gang of Four, left the party.  Others decided to subvert it from within.  The journey began in 1981-2.  At that point they had been out of power for two years, not 20.


Those who supported what Benn, Foot and Bevan stood for were marginalised, demonised, expelled.  The aim was to make the party safe for returning SDP'ers, like the now-ennobled Roger Liddle.  Now that really is a man who changes his colours to get elected, get ennobled, get jobs, get introductions to people who gave give him lucrative directorships...


The current battles in the Labour party should be seen in the light of those fights from the 80s onwards.  They still affect what's happening today.

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Cable "letting it be known" all week that he's concerned about a house price bubble and (between the lines) wants a major change in econ policy, then crawls into the conference and votes for Clegg anyway. I liked the WATO interview. when Kearney read back to him the embarrassingly misdirected e-mail instructing him and others what to say when interviewed; some arse had sent it to the press by mistake, but shouldn't be criticised for that, as it's about the same level of competence as the Libdems show in anything else. Also liked when she put to him that his colleagues see a pattern of "will he, won't he" in his leaks and posturing, saying that he has "endless vanity". How ironic to see him in the interview claiming that his and his party's continual treachery towards their own history, values, and members, is "grown up politics". Smug, patronising, deceitful bollocks.

At the risk of incurring the wrath of both you and Tony, simultaneously and even perhaps for the same reasons, I think you're being a little unfair.

I haven't been following conference stuff as closely as I normally would (that means I have only been picking up on the snippets main news want us to hear) but I watched the link you provided to the interview and, though I disagreed with him on some of the stuff and agreed with your chuckle on the "will he, won't he" things, there surely ought to be a bit of leeway for someone who would appear, at least, to answer questions with something more than the foreful and forced 'I have to get my point across' that was the theme of Clegg's appearances before any kind of camera today?

Woe betide he appears in a high vis jacket and a hard hat telling us 15 times in a 2 minute interview snippet how we "could have been Greece" and (as Clegg repeated today) 'the economy was on the precipice' in 2010 (btw, Cable may have said that, too - not enough hours in the day!).

Cable was a false prophet back in 2010 and he's still an attention seeking clearing in the woods now

He clearly craves the leadership so just come out and say it

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Cable strikes me as a man positioning himself to be Lib leader in a LibLab government.


What we have to remember is that the prime objective of any political party is to get in to power and stay in power. If the country is made a better place during the execution of that task, well that's just a happy accident.

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Cable was a false prophet back in 2010 and he's still an attention seeking clearing in the woods now

He clearly craves the leadership so just come out and say it

Hey, that's just repeating a position you already held because I mentioned the key word 'Cable', no?  :)

What does that really have to do with what he said and the radio interview linked? Does the false prophet stuff not put you in the pit with Matthew Parris? :D

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Cable "letting it be known" all week that he's concerned about a house price bubble and (between the lines) wants a major change in econ policy, then crawls into the conference and votes for Clegg anyway.  I liked the WATO interview. when Kearney read back to him the embarrassingly misdirected e-mail instructing him and others what to say when interviewed; some arse had sent it to the press by mistake, but shouldn't be criticised for that, as it's about the same level of competence as the Libdems show in anything else.  Also liked when she put to him that his colleagues see a pattern of "will he, won't he" in his leaks and posturing, saying that he has "endless vanity".  How ironic to see him in the interview claiming that his and his party's continual treachery towards their own history, values, and members, is "grown up politics".  Smug, patronising, deceitful bollocks.

At the risk of incurring the wrath of both you and Tony, simultaneously and even perhaps for the same reasons, I think you're being a little unfair.

I haven't been following conference stuff as closely as I normally would (that means I have only been picking up on the snippets main news want us to hear) but I watched the link you provided to the interview and, though I disagreed with him on some of the stuff and agreed with your chuckle on the "will he, won't he" things, there surely ought to be a bit of leeway for someone who would appear, at least, to answer questions with something more than the foreful and forced 'I have to get my point across' that was the theme of Clegg's appearances before any kind of camera today?

Woe betide he appears in a high vis jacket and a hard hat telling us 15 times in a 2 minute interview snippet how we "could have been Greece" and (as Clegg repeated today) 'the economy was on the precipice' in 2010 (btw, Cable may have said that, too - not enough hours in the day!).



Yes, it's good if they answer seriously.  Though do bear in mind she completely wrongfooted him by gleefully reading out the misdirected e-mail, so he'd have been pretty stupid to persist with another plan after hearing that read out.  Perhaps actually answering the question was all that was left at such short notice.


My complaint is not so much what he says.  It's the yawning gap between that, and what he does, as in what he actually votes for.  He always seems to be testing the water, like he's just about to launch a leadership challenge, but never has the bollocks to get on and do it.  I expect he'll soon be getting wheeled round the grounds of a nursing home, telling the care assistant "I could'a been a contender..."


He's voted with the tories all the way.


And the Libdems as a party attacking the bedroom tax at conference, when it only exists because they made it happen, is beyond contempt.

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Cable was a false prophet back in 2010 and he's still an attention seeking clearing in the woods now

He clearly craves the leadership so just come out and say it

Hey, that's just repeating a position you already held because I mentioned the key word 'Cable', no? :)

What does that really have to do with what he said and the radio interview linked? Does the false prophet stuff not put you in the pit with Matthew Parris? :D

I just felt obliged to write something because you name checked me

Carry on :)

I haven't heard the interview fwiw but I agree with Chris , he's letting labour know he's their man , assuming unite don't mind :)

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I just felt obliged to write something because you name checked me

Carry on :)

I was anticipating that talk of Mr Cable may spur a particular reaction but you could have dedicated five minutes of your life to that interview (you've surely wasted more on reading my posts over time!).

I haven't heard the interview fwiw but I agree with Chris , he's letting labour know he's their man , assuming unite don't mind :)

He ought to have first hand knowledge of just what kind of a bunch of words removed Tories can be so that might help his assimilation!
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