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The New Condem Government


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When was the last time there was a genuine 'thinker' in charge?


They all seem so bloody shallow.


But then, by and large, I'm a believer of a country getting the politicians they deserve. If we produce shallow minded arseholes then we deserve to be run by shallow minded arseholes.

Last time a thinker was leader of a Party was Michael Foot

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Is there anyone out there Pete that you think could make a good leader of their respective parties or even PM ?

Weak as Ed is , who else is there on Lanours side ? Balls seems to fancy himself as leader but if you thought Milliband was unelectable to the British public , Balls would make the Unions wish they had rigged the election for the other brother after all !!

On the Tory side , Boris has the public backing ( scores highest approval in polls Etc) but could anyone really imagine him as PM ? Gove is probably the strongest Tory candidate , but will the floating public take to him ?

The libs ... Well Im stumped to suggest anyone

I'd say that's pretty accurate as all three parties are populated (polluted?) by f**kwits it shouldn't come as a shock

Gove would never be electable, he is the Tory version of Ed Balls, utterly loathesome



Ed Balls isn't that bad.

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When was the last time there was a genuine 'thinker' in charge?


They all seem so bloody shallow.


But then, by and large, I'm a believer of a country getting the politicians they deserve. If we produce shallow minded arseholes then we deserve to be run by shallow minded arseholes.

Last time a thinker was leader of a Party was Michael Foot



And the Tory media went after him for wearing a warm coat on a cold day.

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Is there anyone out there Pete that you think could make a good leader of their respective parties or even PM ?

Weak as Ed is , who else is there on Lanours side ? Balls seems to fancy himself as leader but if you thought Milliband was unelectable to the British public , Balls would make the Unions wish they had rigged the election for the other brother after all !!

On the Tory side , Boris has the public backing ( scores highest approval in polls Etc) but could anyone really imagine him as PM ? Gove is probably the strongest Tory candidate , but will the floating public take to him ?

The libs ... Well Im stumped to suggest anyone

I'd say that's pretty accurate as all three parties are populated (polluted?) by f**kwits it shouldn't come as a shock

Gove would never be electable, he is the Tory version of Ed Balls, utterly loathsome


Ed Balls isn't that bad.

No really he is. Him and his wife are utterly loathsome. The very definition of career politicians, they would change their minds at the drop of a hat if it meant retaining "power" as I believe they've done on more than one occasion. I prefer my politicians to believe in what they're saying. Not only that but Balls manages to come across as both smug and a bully at the same time. I've found nothing to like about the man... ever.

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When was the last time there was a genuine 'thinker' in charge?


They all seem so bloody shallow.


But then, by and large, I'm a believer of a country getting the politicians they deserve. If we produce shallow minded arseholes then we deserve to be run by shallow minded arseholes.

Last time a thinker was leader of a Party was Michael Foot



And the Tory media went after him for wearing a warm coat on a cold day.



yep, I'd have gone the same way

deep and principled thinker, not suited to the pack animal mentality of party politics

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....the pack animal mentality of party politics


That's the single most major problem with it. The tribal element. Over and over again it results in bad laws and bad decisions.


The second problem is short-termism, probably because of "electoral necessity" (from their viewpoint).

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Manufacturing output in the UK grew at its strongest pace for nearly two decades in August, new figures show.


The improvement in the sector adds weight to evidence that the speed of economic recovery is increasing, with GDP for the second quarter of the year measured at 0.7%.


yet another reason 2015 won't be a good year for Ed  :)

Edited by tonyh29
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...Greens... a bunch of fruitcakes.

Not. Sure. If. Serious.

As opposed the the policies of the current lot. Written by whom? For the benefit of whom?




totally serious , have you read their manifesto outside of we believe trees' should be hugged  ? it's bonkers  and the math is totally unsustainable  ... they'd make Gordon look competent with money

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totally serious , have you read their manifesto outside of we believe trees' should be hugged  ? it's bonkers  and the math is totally unsustainable  ... they'd make Gordon look competent with money


Yes.....and they still don't make Gideon look good with money.


More seriously they've a couple of totally unreality based policies, but what's published (no parties detail their whole, real aims) is no less mad, in it's own way than any of the main ones. I mean it's mad to do exactly what got us into trouble the last times again and expect a different result. e.g. boost housing prices via cheap loans... or fail to control the banking and finance sector properly...or fail to regulate lobbying...and so on.

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Manufacturing output in the UK grew at its strongest pace for nearly two decades in August, new figures show.


The improvement in the sector adds weight to evidence that the speed of economic recovery is increasing, with GDP for the second quarter of the year measured at 0.7%.


yet another reason 2015 won't be a good year for Ed  :)


Disagree Tony, because the wealth is still only going to a few while more and more are left suffering. The record levels of youth unemployment for example, how does that reconcile against the so called "good" of that story? What about the record Zero hours contracts and the impacts that has making mortgages and lending nearly impossible. What about the NHS hits , tax avoidance, a desire to take us into war , in-fighting within the ranks of the Tory party, the fact that they could not even win a majority last time etc


The only people who are seemingly happy are those who have wealth already - i.e. the core Tory support 

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