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The New Condem Government


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I don't get why its a mess? If they'd allowed it to happen then maybe but they haven't.

At least Labour are prepared to fall out with their backers, same can't be said of the Tory party

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When the Tory party and it's supporters settle down they will start to realise a fundamental problem they have. They keep, wrong;ly, bleating on about the Union's running the Labour party, where you can clearly see now by the reporting of them to the police that is not the case.

 Come on drat..... what was Ed supposed to do? It has come to light that members of his party and the Trade Union that provides most of his financial support is essentially engaged in electoral fraud - what other course of action does he have open to him.


Exactly so, it's a shame it took him so long to do it, having known about the situation all week. Watson originally offered his resignation on Tuesday I believe, but true to form Miliband couldn't make a decision on what to do.  It is justice for Watson who was part of Brown's dirty tricks team in No 11 and No 10 to be on the wrong end of off the record briefings, but the more interesting question is whether Falkirk is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to union involvement in electoral fraud.


You talk about electoral fraud, which is a strong allegation in a public forum

 Chuka Umunna MP told the BBC: "We took advice from lawyers yesterday in relation to the Falkirk matter and as a result of the advice given have decided to refer it to the police."


The "Falkirk matter" is of course the allegation of vote-rigging by Unite. Do you suppose that Labour have referred the conduct of their main donor to the Police because these allegations are baseless?  Give over.




So you are ITK about the working's of Milliband are you, or are you basing that opinion on reliable sources like Guido Fawkes etc.
Try the Indy, or the Guardian, they're saying the same thing and aren't exactly representatives of the right wing press. 




As for Watson, it's funny how the right wing don't like him especially after his involvement with Murdoch and help in exposing the links with the Tory party


He did a good job on Murdoch to be sure, that doesn't mean there isn't a certain irony in him getting a taste of the political tactics he employed on others as one of Gordon the Moron's attack dogs.


Quite different to what you alleged. You were accusing people of electoral fraud, which is quite a serious offence. As said on a public internet forum that is a major allegation you are making, I am sure you could and would back that up OK in court?


Now if you are saying that it appears that there could have been some issues with the procedure for nominating a candidate for a MP and that has been reported to the police by the Labour party, that would be a lot better, but not what you have claimed. As we saw with Bercow and Twitter you should be very careful what you claim on the net, especially in respect to something as serious as you have alleged



I'm terrified by your veiled threats.

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I don't get why its a mess? If they'd allowed it to happen then maybe but they haven't.

At least Labour are prepared to fall out with their backers, same can't be said of the Tory party



Spot on.


As for how this will pan out I can see McCluskey having to stand down which will be no bad thing for Unite. He is not well liked by many.

Edited by markavfc40
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It will be a mess once election time comes, you will have labour fighting each other. Some will side will union some will side ed

For what it's worth I think eds done the right thing


Come election time as I have said before because of the shambles that resides within the Tory party especially, you will see a massive negative campaign where the Tory party will aim at Labour (and what is left of the Lib Dems) rather than try and justify what has happened under their watch. Cameron has not got a clue which way to turn especially with areas like Europe and the UKIP *  blue rinse brigades. As Gareth rightly points out what the Labour leadership has done has totally pissed on the Union bonfire that the right wing were trying to light. Ironically the Unions stand for a great deal at the moment especially with the erosion of workers rights

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It will be a mess once election time comes, you will have labour fighting each other. Some will side will union some will side ed

For what it's worth I think eds done the right thing


Come election time as I have said before because of the shambles that resides within the Tory party especially, you will see a massive negative campaign where the Tory party will aim at Labour (and what is left of the Lib Dems) rather than try and justify what has happened under their watch. Cameron has not got a clue which way to turn especially with areas like Europe and the UKIP *  blue rinse brigades. As Gareth rightly points out what the Labour leadership has done has totally pissed on the Union bonfire that the right wing were trying to light. Ironically the Unions stand for a great deal at the moment especially with the erosion of workers rights




The vast majority of the electorate come 2015 will judge the Tories on what they will have done over the previous 5 years in power not on what happened in Falkirk regrading a potential Labour candidate. With that in mind only a right wing lunatic who wasn't aware of UKIP would put their cross next to a Tory candidate.

The way they have governed this country with the lap dog Lib Dems has been nothing short of disgusting and unforgivable. They haven't won an election in over 20 years and come 2015 that won't be changing. This storm in a tea cup, in the grand scheme of things, in Falkirk won't make one iota of difference to that. The fact that some Tories are grasping it like some kind of life belt has been thrown to them shows how desperate and pathetic they are.

Edited by markavfc40
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It feels like another sorry step towards us not only paying their salaries, but paying for their party structure, advertising, think tanks.

They are like cockroaches, they will always be there. 

15% pay rise on the way, and a guaranteed state funded (i.e. you and me) bank rolling not far behind.

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At least Labour are prepared to fall out with their backers, same can't be said of the Tory party


Murdoch says Hi



Does he say 'Hi' from behind bars? Oh no... wonder why that is?

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At least Labour are prepared to fall out with their backers, same can't be said of the Tory party


Murdoch says Hi



Does he say 'Hi' from behind bars? Oh no... wonder why that is?


because he hasn't been found guilty of anything perhaps ....

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At least Labour are prepared to fall out with their backers, same can't be said of the Tory party


Murdoch says Hi



Does he say 'Hi' from behind bars? Oh no... wonder why that is?


because he hasn't been found guilty of anything perhaps ....



He might not have been 'found' guilty...

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because he hasn't been found guilty of anything perhaps ....

Unfortunately, lying like an absolute trooper to the representatives of the UK electorate isn't a criminal offence.

Edited by snowychap
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Oh noes. Prescott has resigned from the Privy Council. What will they do now without his eloquently delivered wisdom?

Interesting how the right wing fail again with attacks on people rather than subjects.


The Tory desire for anything anti-Prescott is shown by this post (and the millions of of others from VT Tory supporters) when the reality is that the issue that he is resigning over is actually quite an embarrassment for the Tory Gvmt (again). Maybe the fact that some of the biggest supporters in the past for the Tory party, i.e. the right wing media, were subject to a quite a damning report and suggestions for changes. When these were to be implemented, Cameron et al, following lobbying from the media that supported him, have chosen to ignore the recommendations.


Still nothing like a bit of deflection eh rather than consideration of what is happening

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