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Labour have handled this well and if anything Milliband has come out of this looking a much stronger leader.


I'm all for the power of positive thinking but you've got to be having a bubble there?

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Labour have handled this well and if anything Milliband has come out of this looking a much stronger leader.


I'm all for the power of positive thinking but you've got to be having a bubble there?




Not at all. I think Milliband is playing a blinder. Not **** about and showing strong leadership. If anything he has turned this on its head from what could have been a potential disaster to now taking a gift horse of an opportunity to show he can be a very strong leader. Bodes well for when he becomes PM.

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Labour have handled this well and if anything Milliband has come out of this looking a much stronger leader.


I'm all for the power of positive thinking but you've got to be having a bubble there?




Not at all. I think Milliband is playing a blinder. Not **** about and showing strong leadership. If anything he has turned this on its head from what could have been a potential disaster to now taking a gift horse of an opportunity to show he can be a very strong leader.

If he falls out with UNITE (and his comments about Mckluskey "facing up to his responsibilities" in reference to the attempted rigging won't go down well) then who exactly is going to keep Labour afloat financially?




Bodes well for when he becomes PM.


:)  Wow.

Edited by Awol
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When the Tory party and it's supporters settle down they will start to realise a fundamental problem they have. They keep, wrong;ly, bleating on about the Union's running the Labour party, where you can clearly see now by the reporting of them to the police that is not the case. Switch over to things like Leveson and Cameron. Despite judicial reviews Cameron would never go against his some of his biggest supporters ....... big oops Mr C

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Labour have handled this well and if anything Milliband has come out of this looking a much stronger leader.


I'm all for the power of positive thinking but you've got to be having a bubble there?




Not at all. I think Milliband is playing a blinder. Not **** about and showing strong leadership. If anything he has turned this on its head from what could have been a potential disaster to now taking a gift horse of an opportunity to show he can be a very strong leader.

If he falls out with UNITE (and his comments about Mckluskey "facing up to his responsibilities" in reference to the attempted rigging won't go down well) then who exactly is going to keep Labour afloat financially?




There are many in Unite who would be happy to see the back of Mckluskey. Unite will continue to contribute to Labour coffers but it may well not be with Mcluskey at the helm when this has all played out.

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Thing is both colours are beholden to their backers.... be it UNITE, GMH or whoever - or Ashcroft, Murdoch and whoever else.


Both colours have also in the past had no problems rigging selection processes to suit the wider needs of the party - why is McKlusky having a crack at this any different.


The only net result of this slightly bizarre situation is those who support and vote blue will have their prejudices confirmed about the untrustworthiness of the proletariate and their pesky commie chums in the TUC. Those who vote and support red will be quite happy to see attempts to have their party represented by what they see as their kind of people.


Divides and mistrusts deepened, rhetorics polarised in both the Working Mens and the Gentlemans clubs net change...... nil.

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When the Tory party and it's supporters settle down they will start to realise a fundamental problem they have. They keep, wrong;ly, bleating on about the Union's running the Labour party, where you can clearly see now by the reporting of them to the police that is not the case. Switch over to things like Leveson and Cameron. Despite judicial reviews Cameron would never go against his some of his biggest supporters ....... big oops Mr C



Spot on Ian.

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When the Tory party and it's supporters settle down they will start to realise a fundamental problem they have. They keep, wrong;ly, bleating on about the Union's running the Labour party, where you can clearly see now by the reporting of them to the police that is not the case.

 Come on drat..... what was Ed supposed to do? It has come to light that members of his party and the Trade Union that provides most of his financial support is essentially engaged in electoral fraud - what other course of action does he have open to him.


This is a win win for Ed. Watson falls on his sword to save the leader any blushes and he can distance himself from the Union, give its Leader a public kicking about his inappropriate behaviour all the while looking whiter than white for calling in the Police. Its the only thing he could have done to prevent himself being tainted by the whole shambles.


The unions DO run the Labour Party just like Ashcroft and co run the Tories...... this sitution does nothing to disprove either assertion.

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When the Tory party and it's supporters settle down they will start to realise a fundamental problem they have. They keep, wrong;ly, bleating on about the Union's running the Labour party, where you can clearly see now by the reporting of them to the police that is not the case.

 Come on drat..... what was Ed supposed to do? It has come to light that members of his party and the Trade Union that provides most of his financial support is essentially engaged in electoral fraud - what other course of action does he have open to him.


Exactly so, it's a shame it took him so long to do it, having known about the situation all week. Watson originally offered his resignation on Tuesday I believe, but true to form Miliband couldn't make a decision on what to do.  It is justice for Watson who was part of Brown's dirty tricks team in No 11 and No 10 to be on the wrong end of off the record briefings, but the more interesting question is whether Falkirk is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to union involvement in electoral fraud.

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When the Tory party and it's supporters settle down they will start to realise a fundamental problem they have. They keep, wrong;ly, bleating on about the Union's running the Labour party, where you can clearly see now by the reporting of them to the police that is not the case.

 Come on drat..... what was Ed supposed to do? It has come to light that members of his party and the Trade Union that provides most of his financial support is essentially engaged in electoral fraud - what other course of action does he have open to him.


the more interesting question is whether Falkirk is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to union involvement in electoral fraud.


 I'm sure its not..... but I'm equally sure that Ashcroft isn't the only dodgy Tory donor with undue influence ...


Same shit....different colour

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Although I support the trade unions, McCluskey must be the Torys' wet dream.

Well Labour have handed a file on the Falkirk debacle to the rozzers so I'd imagine Cameron et al. will be pissing themselves.



They may wish to hold back on the laughter until September is done with. :)

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When the Tory party and it's supporters settle down they will start to realise a fundamental problem they have. They keep, wrong;ly, bleating on about the Union's running the Labour party, where you can clearly see now by the reporting of them to the police that is not the case.

 Come on drat..... what was Ed supposed to do? It has come to light that members of his party and the Trade Union that provides most of his financial support is essentially engaged in electoral fraud - what other course of action does he have open to him.


Exactly so, it's a shame it took him so long to do it, having known about the situation all week. Watson originally offered his resignation on Tuesday I believe, but true to form Miliband couldn't make a decision on what to do.  It is justice for Watson who was part of Brown's dirty tricks team in No 11 and No 10 to be on the wrong end of off the record briefings, but the more interesting question is whether Falkirk is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to union involvement in electoral fraud.


Quite funny your comments here. You talk about electoral fraud, which is a strong allegation in a public forum


So you are ITK about the working's of Milliband are you, or are you basing that opinion on reliable sources like Guido Fawkes etc. As for Watson, it's funny how the right wing don't like him especially after his involvement with Murdoch and help in exposing the links with the Tory party.

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So you are ITK about the working's of Milliband are you

I has the book :D :




Genuinely - I won it as a prize when I was 5 or so (it may not be this exact edition - I'll go and check my bookcase).

Edited by snowychap
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When the Tory party and it's supporters settle down they will start to realise a fundamental problem they have. They keep, wrong;ly, bleating on about the Union's running the Labour party, where you can clearly see now by the reporting of them to the police that is not the case.

 Come on drat..... what was Ed supposed to do? It has come to light that members of his party and the Trade Union that provides most of his financial support is essentially engaged in electoral fraud - what other course of action does he have open to him.


Exactly so, it's a shame it took him so long to do it, having known about the situation all week. Watson originally offered his resignation on Tuesday I believe, but true to form Miliband couldn't make a decision on what to do.  It is justice for Watson who was part of Brown's dirty tricks team in No 11 and No 10 to be on the wrong end of off the record briefings, but the more interesting question is whether Falkirk is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to union involvement in electoral fraud.


You talk about electoral fraud, which is a strong allegation in a public forum

 Chuka Umunna MP told the BBC: "We took advice from lawyers yesterday in relation to the Falkirk matter and as a result of the advice given have decided to refer it to the police."


The "Falkirk matter" is of course the allegation of vote-rigging by Unite. Do you suppose that Labour have referred the conduct of their main donor to the Police because these allegations are baseless?  Give over.


So you are ITK about the working's of Milliband are you, or are you basing that opinion on reliable sources like Guido Fawkes etc.
Try the Indy, or the Guardian, they're saying the same thing and aren't exactly representatives of the right wing press. 


As for Watson, it's funny how the right wing don't like him especially after his involvement with Murdoch and help in exposing the links with the Tory party


He did a good job on Murdoch to be sure, that doesn't mean there isn't a certain irony in him getting a taste of the political tactics he employed on others as one of Gordon the Moron's attack dogs.

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and if anything Milliband has come out of this looking a much stronger leader.

We have a difference of opinion Geoffrey

"We believe [Labour] have handled it absolutely amateurishly and they have played into the Prime Minister's and the coalition's hands.

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and if anything Milliband has come out of this looking a much stronger leader.

We have a difference of opinion Geoffrey

"We believe [Labour] have handled it absolutely amateurishly and they have played into the Prime Minister's and the coalition's hands.




WTF. That is what Len McCluskey said. Given what's happened now there a f*ckin surprise. You've basically just backed up what I said. :cheers:

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When the Tory party and it's supporters settle down they will start to realise a fundamental problem they have. They keep, wrong;ly, bleating on about the Union's running the Labour party, where you can clearly see now by the reporting of them to the police that is not the case.

 Come on drat..... what was Ed supposed to do? It has come to light that members of his party and the Trade Union that provides most of his financial support is essentially engaged in electoral fraud - what other course of action does he have open to him.


Exactly so, it's a shame it took him so long to do it, having known about the situation all week. Watson originally offered his resignation on Tuesday I believe, but true to form Miliband couldn't make a decision on what to do.  It is justice for Watson who was part of Brown's dirty tricks team in No 11 and No 10 to be on the wrong end of off the record briefings, but the more interesting question is whether Falkirk is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to union involvement in electoral fraud.


You talk about electoral fraud, which is a strong allegation in a public forum

 Chuka Umunna MP told the BBC: "We took advice from lawyers yesterday in relation to the Falkirk matter and as a result of the advice given have decided to refer it to the police."


The "Falkirk matter" is of course the allegation of vote-rigging by Unite. Do you suppose that Labour have referred the conduct of their main donor to the Police because these allegations are baseless?  Give over.




So you are ITK about the working's of Milliband are you, or are you basing that opinion on reliable sources like Guido Fawkes etc.
Try the Indy, or the Guardian, they're saying the same thing and aren't exactly representatives of the right wing press. 




As for Watson, it's funny how the right wing don't like him especially after his involvement with Murdoch and help in exposing the links with the Tory party


He did a good job on Murdoch to be sure, that doesn't mean there isn't a certain irony in him getting a taste of the political tactics he employed on others as one of Gordon the Moron's attack dogs.


Quite different to what you alleged. You were accusing people of electoral fraud, which is quite a serious offence. As said on a public internet forum that is a major allegation you are making, I am sure you could and would back that up OK in court?


Now if you are saying that it appears that there could have been some issues with the procedure for nominating a candidate for a MP and that has been reported to the police by the Labour party, that would be a lot better, but not what you have claimed. As we saw with Bercow and Twitter you should be very careful what you claim on the net, especially in respect to something as serious as you have alleged

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Oh come off it Drat, the words 'electoral fraud' have been bandied about all over the place in this case.  What exactly is 'vote-rigging' if not electoral fraud?

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