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Sorry folks if this has already been covered. But its just to anyone looking at getting a smart new phone but not willing to be ripped off by i phone prices. I upgraded to a HTC Desire last week and may i say what a brilliant phone it is. In fact (tin helmet on) It pisses on the iphone from a great height. Highly reccomend it.

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Still got my old G1 and I'm keeping it for a while cos I want the qwerty and I don't want a 2yr contract.

The Desires are really nice, the HTC incredible looks nice too.

The new iPhones should be very nice if you can run Android on them, it's already on the original iPhone: http://www.engadget.com/2010/04/21/android-ported-to-iphone/

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Android is undoubtedly a superior OS to iPhone at the moment, and the Desire is a much superior bit of kit to the 3GS. Dunno what will happen when the iPhone 4G comes out but given that HTC/Google update so often the iPhone 4G will quickly be overtaken again. I'm pretty sure we have reached the point where most things on Android, iPhone and Blackberry are good enough for what people need so it's just a case of personal preference. It wont stop iPhone evangelists talking about the thing like they invented it though. :lol:

The HTC legend is a strange one. Its nowhere near as high tech as the Desire, but it looks so much prettier. Why couldnt they make the a phone with the looks of the legend and the grunt of the Desire?

The Evo 4G is one to look out for too. It's provisionally my next upgrade.

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The HTC legend is a strange one. Its nowhere near as high tech as the Desire

Not as High tech???? COMPARE

only difference is screen Size legend is 320 x 480 pixels 3.2 inches,Desire is 480 x 800 pixels 3.7 inches and then the processor, legend is 600 MHz, Desire is 1 GHz

that's it... legend has got better reviews than Desire, and even is with the 600MHz processor, Legend has no problems with speed

and yes,Legend is much prettier and in also in Aluminum unibody

Thats why i want Legend :-)

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I dont think anybody really thinks that. I certainly dont think anybody has said that in this thread. There are just those of us who dont understand Apple fanboys, and believe me, there are plenty of Apple fanboys.

The HTC legend is a strange one. Its nowhere near as high tech as the Desire
Not as High tech???? COMPARE

only difference is screen Size legend is 320 x 480 pixels 3.2 inches,Desire is 480 x 800 pixels 3.7 inches and then the processor, legend is 600 MHz, Desire is 1 GHz

that's it... legend has got better reviews than Desire, and even is with the 600MHz processor, Legend has no problems with speed

and yes,Legend is much prettier and in also in Aluminum unibody

Thats why i want Legend :-)

Some might say the screen and the processor are the two most important features of a smartphone. :P

The Legend is certainly prettier than the Desire. I havent seen better reviews for the Desire, maybe I am looking in the wrong parts of the internet, but the Desire is widely perceived as the best smartphone on the market today. The Legend is arguably the prettiest.

The Evo 4G is probably the standard the next iPhone has to match:


720p out? It could be used as a media streaming device for your living room.

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As I said, I tried it and it was very nice. I didn't really see the "swish" factor which is what iphone has over it. Yes, it's technically better, but for me it didn't feel better. Then again, I've been using the iphone for 18 months so it's second nature to me now and I guess I'd feel happy about the desire if I got used to it. Technology is great and competition is brilliant for us.

I think though the same way apple has it's fanboys, google does too via the htc. In fact due to the fanbase, the HTC has a more "fanboy" base of followers because apple have marketed their way to corner a huge follower base which can no longer be known as fanboys due to the size.

I'm sure the app store is still way better than anything any other company has yet. But I'm happy for some company to top it :)

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The key with android is that ther IS no one app store. Anyone can develop anything for it. Over time some key vendors will become defacto app stores, but what android will never have is the lengthy iphone approval process, the draconian limitations of what Apple allow on their phones, and the unaccountable blocking and withdrawal with no warning. An example is a bunch of apps have been blocked for being pornographic, yet Playboy have an app. Another one is the pulitzer prize winning satirist who found his cartoon app suddenly blocked (and therefore 75% of his income) by Apple because... it makes fun of public figures. a) it's satire, that's what it does. B) so why did they approve it in the first place?

There is a growing movement of people refusing to develop iphone apps simply because it is not a healthy functioning marketplace where the best apps rise to the top. Why spend 12 months developing an app when you know at any time, apparently on a whim, it can be instantly shut down. How would you like to build a business only for it to insantly disappear over night because some non-elected non-accountable people got together, had a meeeting and changed policy?

The iphone is a great bit of kit, but the appstore's advantage (totaly quality control) is slowly become its main disadvantage. I can't see Jobs deciding to change either - to my mind the reason you don't have Flash on iphones is simply because its not Apple software and Apple have no control over it, so they'll wait until html 5 or whatever is up and running. Hasn't done them much harm so far...

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I think though the same way apple has it's fanboys, google does too via the htc. In fact due to the fanbase, the HTC has a more "fanboy" base of followers because apple have marketed their way to corner a huge follower base which can no longer be known as fanboys due to the size.

I'm sure the app store is still way better than anything any other company has yet. But I'm happy for some company to top it :)

I've never met an HTC fanboy. HTC have made awesome smartphones for years, from the o2 XDA's to the current range. Yet no one ever ties themselves into the brand because it's not fashionable, it's functional.

The HTCs stand up on their own, they don't need fanboys.

The iphone needs a legion of blinded fanboys to actually market the thing. The phone has never been the best at anything on the market, it's always been behind the curve, and yet people insist it's the greatest smartphone. It isn't, never has been, probably never will be. That's why the iphone has fanboys, because the people that use it are blind to the alternatives, they just flock around it.

I'd rather have the ability to use an independent app store than a class leading locked down one. Before the iphone you didn't need app stores, as anyone was free to develop any software for any phone, no phone had a draconian policy where all apps had to be approved and only available in one location (for a healthy cut of the sale price I might add) until apple stepped in.

So yes, the Apple app store is awesome, if you like having heavy restrictions on what you can and can't get from it, and how you can and can't develop for it (apple approved development tools only please!)

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our office just recently switched to HTC Hero, bought a job lot of about 30 of them

really disappointing, I managed to get together with 3 or 4 others and canvass to get back to Blackberry (actually just pleaded to have anything instead of hero's even if we had to pay the difference, but the office went bor BB's)

a month later and the remaining htc users are all trying to switch to Bb

awful touch screen keyboard, slow, if the touch screen touches your ear whilst using it to make a call (a phonecall, so old school they clearly didn't bother with that function working properly) it hangs up. Regardless of what you want to do, every third or fourth instruction the hero presumes what you really wanted was set up a new facebook account.

Is the hero just the runt of the htc litter?

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Is the hero just the runt of the htc litter?

They initially had a fair few problems, especially with input lag, but a firmware update solved pretty much all of them.

The calls cutting off is due to the lack of a proximity sensor to turn the screen off when you're in a call, something all later HTC phones have.

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You must have big ears too, I have never cut somebody off by accident while using a HTC Hero. :P

my ears do seem to be getting bigger, it's a middle age thing I think!

though in my defence the whole office has the same issue

interesting points about later versions having some of these problems fixed, yet we had a 'great' offer on a couple of dozen of these phones fairly recently. I wonder if we had a 'great' deal on some old stock?

not my problem now, I've a completely unsexy, non-touch screen, Bb Bold. Not so good for youtube and flickr and facebook, but can actually be used as a phone and e-mail device by a middle aged ludite with no interest in downloading 'apps'

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