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O2 have announced theirs will be tomorrow. I know it's only a software update but Samsung are a joke, they cannot give a date when it will be rolled out to unbranded handsets and I assume if the networks have got it they would have had to add their own stuff?

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I can understand the knocking of Samsung. But it's still by a distance the best of the bunch when it comes to updates. Says it all really.

So for vast majority of normal phone owners they'll only notice the OTA prompt and then enjoy the goodies. Given the S2 will even get JB it's good that sumsung are updating their handsets.

Just look at LG or Motorola for shoddyness. Samsung leak their test builds which is what creates this fervour for the full release.

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re: battery life. Samsung Nexus S, 4.1.2

This is where I'm at today, unplugged the phone at about 06:45, since then maybe had the screen on for about an hour in total. Downloaded a podcast (Football Weekly) over 3G and listened to that, sent half a dozen texts and made a couple of very short calls. My job can kill my battery if I leave my phone on though, I have been on eight trains today covering about 400 miles and probably seven hours. During that time my phone is constantly searching for a new tower to connect to and that can kill battery life, especially when you are out in the countryside where mobile signal is shite.

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Holy Shit!! FF7 emulator!

I played FF7 through on my phone and android tablet, like the 20th time I'd played the game through. A struggle due to controls.

But as for the game, there is no words to describe how important that 1997 PS1 game is to me. There is no movie, there is no book, there is no painting. No art. That is as emotive as that piece of utter genius that square released. It's complete perfection.

Square soft. Take a bow son.

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So 4 months for the S3 to get JB, wonder how long till it gets 4.2 which could be announced in just over a weeks time.

Another vote for Nexus only in future especially if the rumours of multiple handsets is true.

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I'll just come out and say this.

I thought FF7 wasn't very good :D

Granted, I didn't play it until this year for the first time (regulars in the Games and Gaming thread will know that's fairly normal for me ;) )

But to me it was little more than an interactive cartoon. Where's the gameplay?

AAaaaaaanyway, back on topic. It seems to be "Cell Standby" that rinses my battery. Not sure if that's because it's always looking for signal, but that's my guess.

Might test it this weekend when I'm at home and therefore not always looking for signal and see if it's obviously better

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Like a lot of old games, FFVII doesn't hold up, playing it for the first time today would mean you have no realistic chance of understanding why it was great back in the day. I call it GoldenEye syndrome.

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Its a fair point Rev. I have a certain level of nostalgia that allows me to forgive many of the games obvious flaws.

Lets hope one fine day, Squaresoft realise the series since has been dross and remake the damn thing which is clearly what everyone wants.

And in a futile attempt to bring this post back on topic - I still think my s3 is very lovely indeed. Mrs E has massive phone envy with her 4s. AND 4.1 is coming to O2 soon.

I'm not fussed about having the latest OS since I'm still loving the jump from 2.2 to 4 so another couple of weeks won't hurt.

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Yep, I'm sure that's why I didn't like it. Like I'm sure people wouldn't be too fussed about Ocarina of Time if they played it for the first time now even though it's the best game ever, EVER (imo of course)

Anyway, Eames, i'm kind of in your boat. I don't really know what JB has that's any different from what we have (apart from Google Now) so it doesn't really bother me that much.

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Yeah in 97 is was a stunning. In every way. I'll never stop eulogising that game. Love it so dearly. :wub:

I've played it through at least 10 times. Probably more and come back and play it every few years. I even bought a PS1 for 10 quid a few years ago solely to play FF7.

Then of course played it on Android.

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OOT was an amazing game as well, Superb. I must have played that to death.

Google Now is an interesting thing and may be useful. Although, I drive everywhere so it giving me a map home after work isn't really going to help me at all.

Plus, I share a Googe account with Mrs E, so I'm not a huge fan of Google telling her exactly where the **** I am at any given time of the day. <_<

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Google Now is the beginning of what it has the power to become.


Thats very deep, just like, "The Otter is only as wet as the water" but is actually pretty meaningless,

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Got my S3 back today all repaired and new. Annoyingly my apps are not auto restoring from the play store. I dont really want to go in and install each single one. Anything I can do to get them to restore? Anyone know much about Kies? When I backed up data before I sent it off, it wasnt working properly but I managed to get everything backed up albeit on 2 different files. Will it be ok to restore from 2 different files or will only one work?

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