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How the jury can rule that Apple didn't infringe on Samsung's Standards Essential patents is beyond me. You literally can't have a mobile phone without infringing on those patents.

A jury full of fanbois.

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That's the key thing, the rules apples patents were valid but samsungs weren't. Look a jury full of USA USA morons can't decide this. Supreme Court which is also hugely biased to who pays them is the only way forward.

But just think what a European Court would rule. The EU is the only real bastion of freedom. To not give 2 shits what big companies want or think and to only care about European people.

What is clear to us is Apple is the biggest company in the world and they won't stay there forever in a free competitive market. So what they need to do is not have a competitive market, corner it. Kill netscape, control the internet scenario

Honestly how can Apples patent on pinch to zoom be vaild? It was shown that pinch to zoom was around before Apple patented it. That is 100% going to be over turned by appeal.

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What is key in Samsungs statement should ring home.

It is unfortunate that patent law can be manipulated to give one company a monopoly over rectangles with rounded corners, or technology that is being improved every day by Samsung and other companies."

If Apples products were so great people would buy them. People are in record numbers. But Apple sees the reality, others do things better in the long run. Just because you were the first to do something doesn't mean you can control it.

Imagine Real Madrid patenting the wingers who switch position during matches. Or Milan for playing 4 defenders. Both revelations in the football industry that has changed the sport for the better.

Tim Berners-Lee and Vinton Cerf should have patented the internet imo

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There is prior art for all of the patents Apple were pushing, even "bounceback". A frankly bizarre decision which I hope gets put right on appeal.

After this decision Motorola have little choice but to block the import of Apple devices to the US.

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Yes they only way in the US this can be a fair fight is Google getting involved. USA vs USA. Google have a good public image in the US being a well known tech firm. Samsung are the Asians making cheap knock offs of the iphone to the average american moron.

Imagine though if Apple could stop people using pinch to zoom? having knowingly copied it themselves?

Look this needs to end, Google has to step in.

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Apps I have been playing with this weekend.

Llama - location based profiles. No, it's not as powerful as Tasker, but you wont need to complete a six week correspondence course in software engineering to figure out how to make the **** thing work either.

Uniqlo wake up - It's just a nice alarm clock. Like being woken up by the turrets from Portal, only without all the shooting.

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There is prior art for all of the patents Apple were pushing, even "bounceback". A frankly bizarre decision which I hope gets put right on appeal.

After this decision Motorola have little choice but to block the import of Apple devices to the US.

Some members of the Jury have now came out to speak about the verdict, and the more they speak the more they're showing the verdict should be thrown out.

They've admitted that after the first patent they didn't consider prior art because it "bogged them down".

They've admitted the damages they decided on were set high enough to be more than "a slap on the wrists", ignoring the Jury instructions which state they should be for actual losses only and not at all punitive.

That's after they ruled some devices didn't infringe, but did still gave damages against them for inducement, how they decided a device that didn't infringe a patent wilfully infringed the patent is beyond me! That the judge had to tell them to go back and reconsider due to how much they **** up the damages should show everyone that this whole thing needs throwing out.

There were 109 pages of Jury instruction (the Jury said they didn't need the instructions!) and 700 questions, it's simply impossible that this was a fair result.

Sadly this shows everything that is wrong with trial by jury. Juries are far too easily led to ignore facts and make dumb decisions. Jury selection (especially in the US) favours both sides selecting the people it feels are the easiest to lead, not those that are best placed to make a fair decision.

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The 700 questions thing actually made me laugh out loud when I read it. They're supposed to have considered, at length and in depth, 700 different bits and bobs relating to the case and all having a potentially severe bearing on the outcome. And they manage to do that inside 3 days?!

This has to be the first real opening salvo of a Google v Apple patent war - Google need to make a stand on this, especially now they have Motorola in their portfolio. They need to make Apply realise that they can't play this game.

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I think the foreman was the main factor in the jury farce. He has an overly broad patent for a device that records video off the Internet. There's lots of prior art including amongst other things, TiVo.

He stated that he imagined if it was him defending a patent how he would feel and it made him think clearer about the case. The other jurors said that because he had experience in the area they listened to him and that's why the verdict was so quick, basically some nobber who gets a patent on something he shouldn't have sending Jonny Foreigner packing.

I think this could spectacularly backfire on Apple now. I see it going all the way to the Supreme Court where they can't get away with siding with a US company. There they will throw most of Apple's patents out on prior art, decide that some of the trade dress was wilfully copied but the damages will be minute as it hasn't significantly impacted Apple and probably decide that Apple have violated Samsung's patents. So in the end, I can see Apple having lots of patents invalidated and probably having to pay Samsung more than they will get themselves.

Then hopefully Google come and **** them up the arse with the Motorola patents. (sorry, couldn't stand Apple before, now it just keeps getting worse)

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You have to question how much the fact that the trial was between America's #1 company and Johnny Foreigner was a factor too.

It is the main factor. As Apple lost its cases again Samsung it took in other countries.

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Then hopefully Google come and **** them up the arse with the Motorola patents. (sorry, couldn't stand Apple before, now it just keeps getting worse)

They've already started that.

They filed a suit weeks ago asking for the ban of sale of pretty much all Apple products for violating a handful of their patents.

Going to be pretty interesting how that one ends up.

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Changing the subject slightly, does anyone find the ratings in the play store to be a bit... generous?

Any games I've downloaded form there have basically all been shit. But rated pretty highly.

I downloaded a "darts" (quotes because it barely resembles darts) that had loads of reviews and averaged over 4 out of 5 stars, and it's utterly, utterly shite. Completely unfinished and doesn't make any sense.

I fail to see how it cold have been rated so highly

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To be honest I never use the play store much, I think I've 3 apps on my phone that I've downloaded that I use. I have tried out a few games but never really played any for more than one at most a few hours. As for ratings I'd agree that most are rated high for most things.

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