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I get no feelings of appeal from that AT ALL. It describes to me the worst of all worlds and if Microsoft are true to form won't even be usable until a service pack is available. The author is committed to going to windows 8 but has to trust that someone might make some decent hardware; hardware Microsoft has no say over. The author doesn't like Chromebooks because they need to be connected to the internet but then says that win8 is "like a house made of internet". Can you see the problem there?

I really don't get this gushing over vapourware. The hardware doesn't exist, the software isn't ready, or simply doesn't exist. Win8 might be good, but Microsoft's track record suggests it won't be. They've not fixed their internal problems which means even if they somehow get the OS layer right, it still won't interoperate properly with the applications which also don't work properly together.

And the author uses the phrase "sweet, sweet minesweeper". I wasted 5 minutes reading this drivel.

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*disclaimer: I can't be bothered to read the article*

The thing that gets me about anything Microsoft these days is how completely skewed the coverage they get compared to how little people actually care.

There's always loads of articles and news stories but hardly any comments or interest compared to anything iOS or Android. So you'd think the editors would say 'hey, these Windows articles are getting 5% of the click volume of stories about Samsung, Apple, or HTC. It seems like nobody cares'.

It's almost as if these sites and publications have an interest in keep publishing this stuff that no-one actually looks at. Like if someone was paying them or something...

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I don't get why you hate Microsoft so much. If i could pick one piece of software that I'd say is excellent I'd pick xp. I don't give the slightest care about why programmers think it's terrible. Windows is better than all OSs yet made. Nobody uses Linux, it's not for the masses

What will cheer me up to no end, then is when windows 8 sells well, and when surface sells well, when oem win8 devices sell well. Then the anti windows brigade eat their words.

Every consumer wants an awesome windows that costs as little to upgrade as win8. I'm hoping it's a great os. Fingers crossed

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I don't get why you hate Microsoft so much. If i could pick one piece of software that I'd say is excellent I'd pick xp. I don't give the slightest care about why programmers think it's terrible. Windows is better than all OSs yet made. Nobody uses Linux, it's not for the masses

What will cheer me up to no end, then is when windows 8 sells well, and when surface sells well, when oem win8 devices sell well. Then the anti windows brigade eat their words.

Every consumer wants an awesome windows that costs as little to upgrade as win8. I'm hoping it's a great os. Fingers crossed

I don't hate Microsoft, I just know from first hand experience their issues. How I feel about Apple is close to hate, but I know that's illogical as they're a non-singular entity. I even use Windows 7 by choice.

Your comment that nobody uses Linux is very funny. I'm sure you'll understand why and I assume you meant something different.

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Are you talking about Windows or Microsoft, you seem to confuse the two.

You've never used anything other than Windows and yet think it's "batter than all OSs yet made", that's an argument from ignorance. It's an example of the kind of argument religious people make, except they insert their own religion into the phrase.

I've given reasons why I don't like things about Windows and Microsoft. I also have problems with Linux and Android. I'm attacking your blind worship of Microsoft and Windows on the basis of nothing more than marketing spin and I refute your outrageous claims. I'll also criticise other systems where appropriate, but that's not relevant here

When you used to do this in the Apple thread, they couldn't argue because you were mostly right. It was easier for them to put their cheaply made white earbuds in and go la-la-la. When you talk about Windows the same way, with nothing to back up your assertions, you're going to get called on it.

You are currently coming across (to me anyway) exactly like the fanbois in advance of the release of the iphone 4 and 4s. They had no idea what product they were getting but had already committed to buying it regardless. I can't help but notice that we don't have a thread for discussing Windows 8 in here, because I think it would just be posts from you linking to blatant marketing pieces to make you feel like you aren't the only believer.

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Well I see at long last Google Play Store is going to get their own version of Itunes Gift Cards which might not be a big deal to some of you but for those of us who have kids with Android devices it will prove to be a godsend.

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Anyone know anything about Samsung Allshare? I can get it working so that my S2 and my S2 Tab can see each other and the PC can see both, but the PC/My computer won't show up as a connected device on either the phone or the tab. I have Kaspersky Internet Security enabled and have fiddled about with that a bit with no success, and I even tried temporarily disabling the firewall, still with no luck.

I really wanted to stream movies from my PC to my tablet, but this is not happening.

Alternatively, are there any other streaming/sharing programs out there that might so a similar job?

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The thing that irks me is you guys don't give Windows 8 a chance. You've written it off before it's even come out. You call it vapourware before you get to see what hardware it'll be released on.

This part of the article sums up why windows 8 is exciting.

Sure, the transformer thing has been done before, even by devices called the Transformer. Windows 8 is clearly the first OS designed with both capabilities in mind, though, and it shows. Navigating Android via keyboard and mouse is a mess; ditto iOS. But once you're armed with a half-dozen keyboard shortcuts and gestures, Windows 8 is equally easy to navigate with two fingers or keyboard and mouse. I've even found that I'll switch frequently back and forth, depending on what I'm doing; I'll edit photos with a mouse, then pick the tablet up and swipe my way through an article I'm editing, tapping and leaving quick notes with the on-screen keyboard.

I want a device that is capable in both modes. Apple and Google don't do that. Google has no desktop OS other than chrome. Apple wants to keep iOS and OSX separate to make more money. Microsoft don't care about selling two pieces of hardware, they care about selling copies of Windows.

They are making a modern OS, dual purpose. They've taken a desktop OS and added parts of phone OS, while Apple and Android are phone OS running on devices that need more than that.

Windows is giving us what we want.

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Back on Samsung, the build of that Jelly bean rom is 31 July. So Samsung had a working rom 2 weeks after the release of 4.1. I think this speaks more about the lighter touchwiz skin than anything else. So in a potential future 4.2 update with Samsung having access 3 months in advance, you'd hope they'd have a working rom before the release of a new version of Android.

Of course this only pertains to the headline phones. It will be easier for them to keep S3 and S4 up to date quickly due to lighter touchwiz skin.

This needs to be a score for Android if its top dog can possibly get updates out that fast.

What do you think? Quick updates going to happen?

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The thing that irks me is you guys don't give Windows 8 a chance. You've written it off before it's even come out. You call it vapourware before you get to see what hardware it'll be released on.

"Why can't you see that my religion is much better than all the others and you can''t prove it's not."

I think you are having difficulty with this simple premise. You are advocating the winders of Windows 8 when you haven't seen it, especially in it's tablet form and yet you are telling us it will be the best OS ever. The rest of us will wait and see. It might be great, my experience tells me it won't be.

[snipped marketing blurb describing how I use my tablets already]

I want a device that is capable in both modes. Apple and Google don't do that. Google has no desktop OS other than chrome. Apple wants to keep iOS and OSX separate to make more money. Microsoft don't care about selling two pieces of hardware, they care about selling copies of Windows.

I understand exactly what you want. However you've been saying that Windows 8 WILL deliver this. How do you know? You've read some marketing spiel and taken it as gospel.

They are making a modern OS, dual purpose. They've taken a desktop OS and added parts of phone OS, while Apple and Android are phone OS running on devices that need more than that.

Windows is giving us what we want.

Who is "we"? I can run a full version of a desktop OS on my phone as an app. I posted a video about this a few weeks back. I can already do what you describe and I don't think it's useful. I've actually tried this, I'm not commenting on something that might happen. That truly gave me an integrated mobile and desktop environment on the same device. Note my use of past tense, I'm emphasising that I've done this. I'm not predicting something which I don't know.

Microsoft are taking an existing poor OS (which has taken 6 major versions to start to become usable and still is riddled with basic security problems) and grafting on some incompatible bits and dumbing down the result into a single OS. I anticipate it won't be powerful enough for the desktop and will be too clunky for the mobile. Any subsequent release will need the latest hardware and there will be no market for older devices.

We've seen it all before from Microsoft. This is just like in the early days of Windows when it was just a GUI command launcher running on top of MS-DOS. It was hailed as the "best of both worlds", but nothing actually integrated properly and you had to get it re-installed every few months.

I don't believe marketing promises.

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This needs to be a score for Android if its top dog can possibly get updates out that fast.

Is there a chance that the biggest danger for Android is that Samsung becomes so dominant that other manufacturers pull the plug.

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I think that's definitely true Mykey. Samsung is becoming the default option for Android. HTC may focus its headline devices towards windows phone 8. LG though are making strides in android and hopefully Sony can too. So even if HTC reduce their Android drive then hopefully there will still be competition.

What we need is Google to stop using Samsung for their Nexus devices. Go to HTC or someone else. Give them a helping hand.

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But in saying that, the phones have to run an OS. If it's not Android then it'll be windows and Nokia is the preferred Manufacturer for Microsoft. So I'd imagine nobody will be ditching a free OS like Android anytime soon.

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This needs to be a score for Android if its top dog can possibly get updates out that fast.

Is there a chance that the biggest danger for Android is that Samsung becomes so dominant that other manufacturers pull the plug.

Possibly. But then Burger King/Wendy's/Little Chef/KFC etc all manage to spin a profit despite McDonalds being the artery clogger of choice.

I quite like Samsung phones in the same way I quite like a Big Mac, but 9/10 I'll end up in KFC or Burger King instead - can't really explain why....

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Unless you want to get bogged down in semantics, to all intents and purposes it is. Google ask certain things of companies who make Android powered handsets but they certainly dont sell licenses to the software like Microsoft do with Windows.

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Unless you want to get bogged down in semantics, to all intents and purposes it is. Google ask certain things of companies who make Android powered handsets but they certainly dont sell licenses to the software like Microsoft do with Windows.

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Unless you want to get bogged down in semantics, to all intents and purposes it is. Google ask certain things of companies who make Android powered handsets but they certainly dont sell licenses to the software like Microsoft do with Windows.

It's not semantics, you have to license a ton of stuff to actually use it (some of them to motorola mobility, which is basically paying google now).

Google might not directly charge for it, but using it is in no way cost free, and depending on the outcome of certain lawsuits could actually get very expensive.

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