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Actually on Android phones and call issues, a friend of mine has a HTC Wildfire S, on Vodafone. Last couple of days has seen her have a lot of trouble with calls and texts. It goes through periods of not receiving texts at all, or allowing them, and on the call side seems completely dead. It still reports full signal though. I'd guessed at first something might gone awry with network settings but I would have thought that would have affected the texts completely, rather than the intermittent fault she appears to have.

First port of call was Voda themselves of course but they cut her off their customer service line. Any ideas what it might be in case there is something she can do herself? Cheers again fellas.

EDIT - I'm guessing its going to be a case of getting Voda to pull their finger out but maybe theres the slimmest chance somene here has had a similar problem and point in the direction of solution.

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I know someone who is having exactly the same problems with an iphone on o2. I think the only thing you can do is pester the network. If it's not networked locked you could try a sim from another provider to try to prove this.

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Yeah I expected as much.

It just seems weird that the phone simply cannot make or receive calls, and seems to be up to texts sometimes and not others. I'll get to get back onto Voda.

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Yep, my mate knows that every time he drives out of town he'll receive a bunch of text messages as his phone registers to the next cell, even though the phone shows good coverage.

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Just spent some time with the galaxy note, to think i laughed at the whole idea of the thing. It's awesome, the screen is probably the perfect size for mobile browsing. The stylus is actually useful which baffled my preconceptions utterly. Basically i want one as i spend about 10mins a month on my phone actually talking. Which means looking stupid outdoors will be limited to a few mins.

Now the problem here is the galaxy S3 will be a 4.8 inch screen which might plcate me enough with more mobility and possibly better batterylife. Im in seoul at the moment and headed to the world expo next week so i assume I'll get to play around with the new S3 in the huge samsung centre. That'll help make my mind up.

But i think a galaxy note might be my purchase! Then I can get the new windows nokia phone at the end of the year and have both for different situations, one for commute to work etc.. The other for normal going around life.

Also totally off topic, typed all this on new ipad, gosh darnit awesome piece of kit. Nearly nearly make me rethink my disdane for tablets. But compared to an ultrabook there's no contest.

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MY wifes Galaxy Note arrived yesterday and I have been setting it up. Fantastic Screen, the size you get used to really quickly which meant when I went back to my S2 it seemed tiny. I am due an upgrade next month and had pretty much decided on the S3 but the bigger screen of the Note has but a huge question mark over it.

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But thinking maybe the S3 screen on 4.8 inch will be enough for mobile browsing, it'll be far more mobile than the note. It's hard to pick to be honest. Dunno how to make my mind up.

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Read techradars review and they seem impressed, but the comment that the batterylife can be stellar at times is what sealed it for me.

Their negatives are it's ok looks, the non metalic body and S Voice being pretty average. None of which bother me, especially S Voice, I'm NOT talking to my phone. I accept the looks are not my taste either, but the plastic body keeps weight down which I've been fine with since the first Galaxy S.

Stellar Batterylife, that defo seals the deal.

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I saw a guy whip out his galaxy note last night in a bar to send a text. he looked like an absolute clearing in the woods if I'm honest!

Hoping to get my hands on a S3 when they're released and give it a test drive.

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Yeah, think the S3 looks like it's the phone to be getting. Improvement on S2 in screen size, batterylife, power and camera. Plus 50gb dropbox is awesome, plus sticks with must haves in removable sd card and battery. Plus I think I'll pick up the wireless charging kit at some point too. That'd be handy for just plopping phone down beside bed.

Will hopefully have some hands on time with the phone in a couple of days as Samsung tent at Expo.

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I saw a guy whip out his galaxy note last night in a bar to send a text. he looked like an absolute clearing in the woods if I'm honest!

TBH, I don't buy a phone based on what other people think I look like using it. That would never even enter my head.

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Been using the Galaxy Note for the past hour, excellent piece of kit. Really want one to be honest, fits in jacked pocket, screen is awesome for internet and movies. Love the s pen too, really speeds up swype and is more accurate than my finger. The Note is meant for mobile browsing, not as a phone but works as both.

Really tough choice tbh. Will see what the S3 looks like size wise.

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I saw a guy whip out his galaxy note last night in a bar to send a text. he looked like an absolute clearing in the woods if I'm honest!

TBH, I don't buy a phone based on what other people think I look like using it. That would never even enter my head.

Good for you.

I do.

Not so much "this will make me look really cool", I don't really care about that.

But if something will make me look like a bit of a bellend, like the Note does (only imo of course), then I'll probably avoid it.

I don't buy a phone based on what other people think I'll look like, but it's certainly a factor.

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The Note is 20mm taller and 17mm wider than the S2. Not a massive difference.

If the Note did NFC I would buy one instead of the S3 thats how highly I rate it from the little time spent with it.

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Is it really only that much bigger?

Maybe this guy wasn't using a note then. I just assumed it was because it was huge, but still smaller than an iPad or similar tablet.

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It may not sound like much but the Note is strikingly larger when seen in the flesh. I have an S2, which is itself a big phone (I think, personally, about as big as you'd want in a phone, it's right on the edge of being so big that it's size begins to impact it's usability, for me), my brother's brother in law has a Note, and loves it. Even as an S2 user, it's huge.

I don't even think of it as a phone really, it's a device that just so happens to have phone capibilities, you could make a call on it once in a while. Some people have started referring to it jokingly as a 'phablet' which as irksome as the term is, is pretty accurate. It's neither fish nor fowl. It seems to be made a device for more... comfortable/convenient/simple mobile web browsing than anything else, the extra screen real estate is very useful for web browsing on the go, you have less messing about resizing webpages. I don't mind that aspect of mobile web use (I use my S2 for web browsing quite a lot during the day if I think about it) but I can see the usefulness of not needing to zoom and swipe about pages as much for someone who is mobile browsing a lot.

I wouldn't have one myself and I'm... somewhat surprised it's been as popular as it seems to have been, but it's not a bad device. I wouldn't have one as my main phone, certainly.

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Also totally off topic, typed all this on new ipad, gosh darnit awesome piece of kit. Nearly nearly make me rethink my disdane for tablets. But compared to an ultrabook there's no contest.

You pretty much went on a one man crusade against the Iphone and Apple saying you wouldnt touch one with a bargepole.

I look forawrd to you Iphone 5 review in September

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