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I can't imagine I'd even notice if I had the 4.3 update

I barely noticed the 4.1.2 update I had this week....... my N7 is now on 4.3 and there is no obvious difference 

Edited by Eames
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But the important things are Gmail, Google Now, Google Maps, Google Hangouts and all of them are updated separately from the core OS. This makes the core OS updates very low key and of very little actual difference.

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Try being on a Samsung phone and waiting (sometimes) months!


Been there with an S2 which is why I chose the Gnex.


Conor I guess its down to personal choice. If Samsung offered anything like a reasonable upgrade time (6 weeks max) I would probably go back to an S4 mainly because of the much better camera, Id go so far as to say I would choose the HTC One in a shot if they hadnt gone for their multipixel camera (or whatever its called)


I am hopeful that when Motorola announces the MotoX this week that it will pretty much run stock, have fast software upgrades and has a half decent snapper on it along with LTE as that then might be the one I would choose.

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Aye new maps is great. Especially the browser desktop version. The old one and it's side bar did my head in. Hogged the screen which you wanted the maps to be on.

Google Maps and Gmail are the two android things I couldn't live without. Especially in London

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Finally got 4.3. instantly feels snappier.

And Conor, the N4 isn't a piece of crap! I love mine. Having seen the screens on the s3 is much rather have mine than that artificial cartoon saturation. As for the Samsung skin, no thanks.

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My one big concern about choosing the S4 is how much bigger the OS is compared to Plain Manilla, its impossible to think that it in anyway can be as fast or efficient.

All that bigger os stuff is for all the added features they have put in. If you just turn them off they're off. Proof is in the GPe of the S4 having same battery life as regular S4.

When it all boils down to is aside from the initial aesthetic look and feel. Samsungs priorities in each iteration of the Galaxy S are spot on. Try fit bigger better screen into same chassis size. Improve the camera and improve the batterylife and keep the device light and comfortable in the hand.

They do this with cold precision without any of the design panache of Apple or HTC. But a month after you own the device who cares.

I find it slightly amusing that Josh Topolski glossed over all the bad parts of the S4 GPe and focused on the core functionality advantages over the HTC One and picked it for his new phone.

The initial hardware lust fades.

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Finally got 4.3. instantly feels snappier.

And Conor, the N4 isn't a piece of crap! I love mine. Having seen the screens on the s3 is much rather have mine than that artificial cartoon saturation. As for the Samsung skin, no thanks.

Of course talking about preference and coming from an in every way superior phone in the S4 back to the N4 is a shock. Screen is garbage washed out, camera is appalling, it's big and heavy with a smaller screen, made even smaller by the infuriating onscreen buttons.

Plus I dislike that bland minimal look of the stock os. It's depressing to look at especially on that screen. I'm a huge fan of Amoled since the first Galaxy S phone to now.

I have mates and understand why people love nexus devices, they get Googles os straight from Google. It's great that there is now good hardware available too with the GPe HTC One and Galaxy S4. Lots of choice now which is great.

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Finally got 4.3. instantly feels snappier.

And Conor, the N4 isn't a piece of crap! I love mine. Having seen the screens on the s3 is much rather have mine than that artificial cartoon saturation. As for the Samsung skin, no thanks.


I have the S3 and the N4, the N4 wins hands down.

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Just reading the last page on this thread, it's almost as if different people prefer different things!  :blink:

"But what _I_ like is the only right opinion."

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The above two posts (92% darrens) are among the stupidest ever posted in this thread.


Every letter of my posts were opinion, even went to effort to state as such. So why even attempt to pretend there is anything but opinion being stated? Is it suddenly 2010 again and there's an iPhone thread in the Tech forum???  :rolleyes:



Nexus users are like skateboarders.  :P

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Not sure what you've got to take issue with TBH.


I was agreeing with Rev, the past couple of pages seem to have descended into the same old arguments about taste, which is a little pointless.


Don't get the skateboarders thing.


92% my post the stupidest in this whole thread? Really? Wow. I'd say it's yours above; it should be 'Darren's', and 'amongst'. Shockingly bad, and the worst post I've ever read, anywhere, any time, my whole life.


Do I need a winkie to make the aggressive tone sound jovial? ;) there you go.

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 Is it suddenly 2010 again and there's an iPhone thread in the Tech forum???  :rolleyes:


Striking similarities to the iPhone thread actually.


But not for the reasons you mean, I'd wager.

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Just strange that in the iPhone threads, the Android "supporters" seemed unable to comprehend that someone could possibly just prefer an iPhone over an Android, out of a difference in taste or opinion or preference.


It's almost as if different people prefer different things ;)

Edited by Stevo985
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I'm seriously considering going over to an iPhone for my next handset - I have no interest in rooting and 99% of the stuff that Android allows you to do, I just want a handset with excellent battery life that does what I want it to, when I want it to and Mrs E's 4s appears to serve her rather well, where as I seem to be forever worrying about battery life and RAM use etc.  


That said, I've said that pretty much the same thing every time I'm mid contract and I never quite get there....... 

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Nah I'm definitely Android for the near future now. There's nothing drawing me to an iPhone these days, despite the fact I recognise they still have several advantages (but they're far outweighed by Android's advantages)


I'm also considering getting one of the new Nexus 7s when they're released. I've done a fair bit of travelling lately and I'm an avid YouTube user (I watch stuff on YouTube more than I watch TV these days!) so a nice little tablet would suit me down to the ground.


So keeping everything Android is way more convenient for me at the moment.

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I love my N7 and probably am in the same boat re: YouTube. 

Ever since you posted the Yogscast video of Voltz I watch a lot of their stuff now. Some of it is **** hilarious. 

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