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Takeover parts 1 & 2


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I have absolutly no doubt that the appoint of Rothschild's has been taken out of HDE's hands.

If it was HDE's decision he would never of appointed anyone so big and expansive, he'd of gone for the co-op down the road, because the kind of money this lot will take will give him a minor heart attack!!

Isn't this Norwegian chap the same person who owns the group thats been buying up half the high street stores???

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im still suprised that doug hired these people. he must really want to sell. how much are we paying the rothchilds? is this the money we could have used to buy bakke?

They are consultants. Their fee will be dependent upon and factored into the purchase price

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im still suprised that doug hired these people. he must really want to sell. how much are we paying the rothchilds? is this the money we could have used to buy bakke?

They are consultants. Their fee will be dependent upon and factored into the purchase price

Which is why they will do everything they can to sell Villa.

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No - What it probably means is that Ellis is calling their bluff and also maybe exploring other opportunities using people who may well have a better understanding of how to get a good deal for AVFC. The comers bid will still be going on in the background, assuming its not been called off.

Roth's are only acting as agents to look for suitable people. Its similar to how companies sometimes employ people using agencies to do the donkey work and they are then paid a percentage of final deal etc

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So does this mean that AVIL cannot deal directly with Villa any more? Does everything have to go through Rothschilds?

If Rothschilds have been appointed to facilitate and consult on the sale of AVFC on behalf of the PLC that is probably correct wilsonrx. However, lets not fool ourselves; HDE can pull the plug on any deal involving his ownership at any time he pleases within the terms of any contract he may or may not have entered into with them when they were appointed.

The complex financial mechanisms involved in an asset like AVFC are likely to be beyond the scope of most ordinary businessmen and some one like HDE who never seems to have been fond of acquiring debt is wise to bring in a company like Rothschilds who deal with the buying, selling and financing of commodities on a daily basis.

It has been suggested that it may even have been the Comer Groups idea.

The Comer Group whose core business is in Real Estate Development are more likely to have had experience in the financing of such a takeover bid as HDE is facing. Again, it matters not who brought the Rothschilds into the picture but I am glad they are involved. They did a good job for the Glazers, they can do it for AVFC :)

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dont know if this has posted before but i will post anyway. the mail has called for villa to tell us what is going on with the comers, why it has taken so longa nd if the deal s dead

Mail calls on Villa to come clean Jan 20 2006

By Steve Dyson, Editor, Birmingham Mail

IT'S time for somebody to come clean on the Villa takeover.

Fans are fed up with being told the £64 million deal proposed by Brian and Luke Comer, fronted by self-professed 'lifelong Villa fan' Michael Neville, is 'almost done'.

Yet another 'deadline' has passed and still there is nothing to report on a deal first mooted in October. Last weekend, we were told, was to be crucial to the Irish brothers' hopes of succeeding.

And yet the days continue to pass and the silence is deafening on real progress.

All we hear is Neville insisting the deal is alive, or hints from club sources that the deal is on the verge of collapse because the buyers are still £10 million short.

Reports from Ireland even suggest the proposed buy-out has, in fact, already ground to a halt due to conflicting views over the club's worth.

What is clear is that Villa fans deserve the truth and a simple answer to a simple question: Is the deal on or not?

The initial buzz on the terraces about a brave new dawn at Villa Park has now turned to frustration - and scepticism.

And, to be honest, the failure to close or reject the deal after three months of talking is making a laughing stock of the club.

The takeover was supposed to be completed before Christmas... then before the New Year... then just after the New Year, enabling David O'Leary to have £20 million to spend in the transfer window. So what's the delay?

And what of the unrest the protracted negotiations are causing in the dressing room? O'Leary has stated more than once that takeover uncertainty is having an adverse effect on his players, (we pointedly commented on as much the day after the infamous 0-3 Doncaster result).

Some observers point out, of course, that continuing due diligence as the books get pored over in minute detail will always prevent any trumpet fanfare until a deal is done or collapses. But something just doesn't add up.

While key figures at Villa want to sell, including major shareholder Jack Petchey, it seems that chairman Doug Ellis might not want to hand over the reins.

There has been sustained, gentle persuasion from inside the boardroom for Ellis to step aside, for his health if nothing else.

The problem is that a triple heart bypass operation and prostate cancer have failed to curb Ellis' enthusiasm for a 70-hour week.

He was even back behind his desk last week hours after having a minor operation, under anaesthetic, at Priory Hospital.

This is not the action of a man getting ready to sell up. And he has uttered as much in private to those who have his ear, sources today hinting he is unhappy with the Irish delay and is on the brink of pulling the plug.

Ray Ranson didn't even get to first base with his bid last year because Ellis simply would not sell.

OK, the Comers have brought an extra £20 million to the table, but they too are now struggling at second base.

Those with long memories will recall Ellis telling shareholders at October's Annual General Meeting that he hoped to have some concrete proposals within a month.

That concrete now appears to be a collection of loose pebbles.

And so, Doug - and anyone else keeping cards close to their chests in this agonising chapter of Villa's history - the Birmingham Mail today says your time is up.

And we demand that you tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth on exactly where these talks are going.

Villa fans deserve nothing less.

i thought it was a good piece, but this probably before rothchilds were appointed.

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The point about this, and it may have been made before but I cant be arsed to look through 80 odd pages, is that why now does Ellis chose to do something that fans and fans groups such as VFC have been calling for for so long, in terms of looking for outsode investment

Personally, I think it shows that he's just very sick of the Comers playing silly buggers.

Or. He's just very sick. Another operation this week, I believe.

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So does this mean that AVIL cannot deal directly with Villa any more? Does everything have to go through Rothschilds?

Glorified estate agents. There is nothing stopping a person going up to someone selling a house and offering a suitcase of cash instead of going via the estate agents. The estate agent obviously increases the chances of finding a vendor, and they will take a cut of the final sale from the vendor.

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Daholteend said:

They did a good job for the Glazers, they can do it for AVFC

I think the Manchester United fans would question how good a deal for the club it was, only time will tell but I know I would prefer Glazer to what we have now.

I wonder does this mean Rothschilds will now take the money if it is in the best interests of the shareholders irrespective of whether it is also in the best long term interests of the club as well? Our chairman has always claimed in the past that he would want football men and I would assume people who can invest some real money into the club.

Demitri said:

how much are we paying the rothchilds? is this the money we could have used to buy bakke?

Some of it I would guess. But, if it rids us of you know who once and for all it will be money well spent!

I hope to hear something in the next 48 hours. As I have many times before.

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Rothchilds will like most estate agents, claim a percentage of the sale fee, which for a 64 million pound deal (or whatever millions it will cost) will be a fair whack for them, no wonder they have been so successful. Check out their website ( I did a google search) these fellas have some serious histotry in banking and know their stuff.

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