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Is there intelligent life out there ?


Is there other intelligent life out there ?  

80 members have voted

  1. 1. Is there other intelligent life out there ?

    • Yes - All Hail our new insect overlords
    • No - We are all alone

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There are enough ''evil'' people that live or have lived comfortable lives to suggest that they won't be gone like a 'puff of smoke'.

In the days when the Nation of Israel had God's protection the Canaanite nations who bearing in mind practiced the most heinous acts of worship like child sacrifice etc....then their enemies did not last long.

Since Jesus's death we have been living in a time when God has not interfered in mankinds affairs in as much as he has in the main been left to his own devices.

It is only after mankind has turned on Religion en masse, which Chindie in his own words is promoting..... as I've said before that God will step in & take charge of matters and evil people will be judged.

How convenient, as soon as humanity begins to wise up and get intelligent, the big bloke decides to do a no show.

It is no coincidence those stories were more prevalent back then.

It is no coincidence where the education rates are higher, the beliefs in religion are lower.

It is also no coincidence that the early christians stole everything from other religions and came up with the new testament when the romans decided they needed some means of control over their unruly population, especially after the uprising in judea which led to the abolishment of central control of christianity being in the eastern church and then centered it in rome.

There are older religions in the world that spread those stories first and even go into more detail, does that make you wrong? How does it feel knowing everything you were taught has been plagairised?

The best thing about all this is that even if religion were to be disproved completely, you and other christians wouldn't accept it. You would remain blind and foolish. However if god came down and proved it true, many athiests or agnostics would put their hands up and say well thats me wrong.

Keep your judgements to yourself, no one is really right in all this, everything we know could be bollocks. But i'm certain that this dangerous blind faith is not good for humanity. Blind faith never is, be it religion or science. I couldn't care less if you believe in god, but it's this evangelical tripe coming from you which i find tedious.

You could be wrong, at least have some humility.

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God don't have time for that,he's too busy pitting the christians and muslims against each other Smile

Not Jehovah's Witnesses though..eh Mr Smalljob.... because they have been put into concentration camps & died

rather than take up arms against their fellow man...whether he be Christian or Muslim...

Besides....the fact that religions have caused much of the bloodshed we have seen in history is in fact that reason

why God will allow the Chindies of this world to do his bidding and destroy it!


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Is there something I'm missing here?

Yep, it might involve more thought than anything to do with either 'the bible' or 'christianity'.

Read what Julie said and what it might mean and then look at it and have a think why someone might be shocked at what she said or 'claimed' on behalf of christians/Jews/gentiles or whomever.

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Right well assuming this isn't bollocks for a moment, judged by god... Judged to what? Theres no hell, remember, apparently. Whats he going to do to all these evil people?

You'll have to wait and see won't you... The moment mankind turns on religion was termed by Jesus the start of The Great Tribulation".

Jesus warned the Christians that Jerusalem would be destroyed and every single word he told them came true!

So get doing what you & countless others want to do and destroy religion. It will happen.

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Right well assuming this isn't bollocks for a moment, judged by god... Judged to what? Theres no hell, remember, apparently. Whats he going to do to all these evil people?

You'll have to wait and see won't you... The moment mankind turns on religion was termed by Jesus the start of The Great Tribulation".

Jesus warned the Christians that Jerusalem would be destroyed and every single word he told them came true!

So get doing what you & countless others want to do and destroy religion. It will happen.

Then finally the world will be a far better and peaceful place.

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Oh my god, bit off topic but how hilarious would it be if someone could Hack into Stephen Hawkins voice thing machine, and start spouting hatred,

Would the world stop and listen and agree because of who it is...................

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Back to the question

cbsnews April 18, 2010 Searching for Intelligent Life Out There

Astronomers Seek Signs of Life Beyond Our Solar System, and New Planetary Discoveries Are Expanding Their View

CBS) Who hasn't looked up at the night time sky and wondered . . . Is anybody out there? These days, astronomers are doing more than just speculating about intelligent life on other planetsl; they're actively seeking it out. And the scientists leading the hunt seem remarkably confident that one of these days they'll be able to say where, and when. Don Teague reports our Cover Story:

Are we alone? It's a question we humans have been asking ourselves since we first gazed upward to the heavens.

Consider the constellations of the ancient Greeks, the theories of Copernicus, and (of course) the movies of Hollywood.

Still, the serious scientific search for extraterrestrial intelligence is a reasonably young venture. In fact, it only turned 50 just this past week.

It all began in Green Bank, West Virginia in 1960.

A young scientist named Frank Drake turned a giant radio telescope skyward, and listened for signs of life in the universe.

"That was a time when astronomy had become very exciting," he said, "because of the realization that we were going to start exploring space, going to other planets. And, always the prime question in the general public's mind, as well as with scientists was, is there life out there? And in particular, is there intelligent life?"

Drake said he became fascinated with the power of radio astronomy, with stars, of hydrogen in our galaxy, the things astronomers study. "But, always in the back of my mind, was the possibility that we might be able to use our radio telescopes to find intelligent life," he said.

Today, the scientists who work on the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI for short) are STILL listening, and when they aren't, their computers are.

"A good analogy is to say, we've scooped one glass of water out of all of the earth's oceans," said Jill Tarter, inspiration for the Jodie Foster character in the 1997 film "Contact" who discovers evidence of alien intelligence in the form of a radio signal from space. "And we've examined that glass of water looking for fish. Well, we haven't found any fish yet. It's not logical. We haven't yet done enough searching to draw that really important conclusion about whether or not there are any fish in the ocean - or other intelligences in the universe."

The real-life Tartar has been searching for ET for more than two decades now, and has seen the nature of that search change over time.

"Particularly early on there was this, 'What's a nice girl like you doing in a field like this,' right?'" she laughed. "It has become much more mainstream. And when SETI can end up being the rationale for building a new astronomical telescope, it's really joined the mainstream."

Actually it's an ARRAY of radio telescopes, the Allen Telescope Array (named for Paul Allen, the co-founder of Microsoft who funded the project).

When the Allen array is completed, it will have 350 dishes spread over 90 acres of the northern California wilderness, all waiting and listening.

And if you think this is all a costly waste of time, these scientists disagree.

"In fact, when we think about this - and we do take it seriously - we actually do plan for success," said Tarter. "And so if you were to look at the refrigerator that's here at the observatory you'd find a bottle of champagne waiting."

Astronomers like Tartar hope they're closer than ever to discovering that elusive signal, in part because they're finally figuring out where to look.

In 1992, the very first planets outside our solar system were found in the Virgo constellation.

Today, there are more than 400 known planets out there. And many believe we are on the verge of finding many more planets. And on one of those planets, they reason, there's a good chance there could be life.

Which brings us to the Kepler mission. Launched a little more than a year ago, its cargo includes the most sophisticated and sensitive optical telescope ever.

"If Kepler were turn around and point at Earth, it would be able to tell when one person in a small town switches off her porch light at night," said Jon Jenkins, a SETI investigator working on the NASA project.

While the Hubble Space Telescope has dazzled the world with its gorgeous images of everything from nebulae to supernovas, Kepler has just one and only mission: planet hunting.

"And the breakthroughs that Kepler is going to make are going to cause the theorists to spin on their heads, and come up with new theories for how planets form, how planetary systems evolve," said Jenkins. "In fact, we'll ultimately discover, I believe, new kinds of planets that people haven't imagined in terms of what they're made of and where they are."

But will they find LIFE?

Ask most Americans, as we did in a CBS News Poll, and you find out that almost half of us believe there IS intelligent life somewhere else in the universe. Even more of us believe there's NON-intelligent life out there, just waiting to be found.

And if our popular culture is any gauge, it's a virtual certainty that somewhere there are others like us.

But, unlike the way it works in the movies, the real-life search for aliens is time consuming and - believe it or not - kind-of dull.

"We're doing something incredibly boring," said Jenkins. "We're staring at a very large patch on the sky that has 165,000 stars that we've preselected, and we're going to simply stare at these stars for the next three-and-a-half years, watching for instances when the star winks at us because a planet has crossed in front of its star, blocking out a very small fraction of the light. It's kind of like a total eclipse of the sun, when the moon gets in between us and the sun, except these stars and planets are so far away that all you would be able to see would be a very small dot on the star."

The Kepler mission has only just begun, but already, NASA astronomers have found five NEW planets - making SETI scientists more and more hopeful that the question "Is anyone else out there?" may have an answer soon.

And they're betting that answer is "Yes."

"We will see other civilizations which, almost certainly, will have gotten around the troubles that afflict our ways of life here on Earth, and have shown it can be done," said Drake. "And it will also tell us how closely we are related to one another here on Earth. Because, the creatures we find in space will be so different from us, for sure, that we'll suddenly realize, 'Boy, we humans are a special lot.'"

And so the search continues . . .

"I do look at the sky at night, and it's an amazing sight," said Tarter. "It never stops satisfying. It never stops exciting you to look up and to think about the fact that, 'Gee, those are other people's suns. And maybe on some planet up there, someone else is looking in this direction asking the same kinds of questions we are, but just from the other side


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you should listen a little to Stephen Hawking, hes not that stupid methinks :-)

You mean Stephen Hawkings the agnostic? The man who hasnt ruled out the possibility of there being a God? That bloke?

Everyone is agnostic, unless you're an idiot.

So all athiests are idiots. Least we agree on something!

Are you **** dumb or what?

Agnosticism is a philosophical viewpoint that certain truth claims are inherently unknowable. It deals with KNOWLEDGE, not belief.

There isn't a single person on this planet that KNOWS there is or isn't a God, because it is inherently unknowable. Hence the ENTIRE **** POPULATION of the planet is agnostic. Unless you're a god damn retard (or nutjob) that claims they have KNOWLEDGE one way or another, not an idea, not an incline, not a belief, KNOWLEDGE. Do you understand the difference?

All atheists are agnostic, all theists are agnostic. No one walking on this planet has KNOWLEDGE over the existence of a God. The pope will try to tell you that he does, but he's lying.

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you should listen a little to Stephen Hawking, hes not that stupid methinks :-)

You mean Stephen Hawkings the agnostic? The man who hasnt ruled out the possibility of there being a God? That bloke?

Everyone is agnostic, unless you're an idiot.

So all athiests are idiots. Least we agree on something!

Are you **** dumb or what?

Agnosticism is a philosophical viewpoint that certain truth claims are inherently unknowable. It deals with KNOWLEDGE, not belief.

There isn't a single person on this planet that KNOWS there is or isn't a God, because it is inherently unknowable. Hence the ENTIRE **** POPULATION of the planet is agnostic. Unless you're a god damn retard (or nutjob) that claims they have KNOWLEDGE one way or another, not an idea, not an incline, not a belief, KNOWLEDGE. Do you understand the difference?

All atheists are agnostic, all theists are agnostic. No one walking on this planet has KNOWLEDGE over the existence of a God. The pope will try to tell you that he does, but he's lying.

Read the rest of the thread after that mate.

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You'll have to wait and see won't you... The moment mankind turns on religion was termed by Jesus the start of The Great Tribulation".

Jesus warned the Christians that Jerusalem would be destroyed and every single word he told them came true!

So get doing what you & countless others want to do and destroy religion. It will happen.

I suspect my waiting will be in vain, I'll be dead by then.

And we can only hope that religion dies, we'll all be better off. They can keep the architecture though, some of that's alright.

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