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Is there intelligent life out there ?


Is there other intelligent life out there ?  

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  1. 1. Is there other intelligent life out there ?

    • Yes - All Hail our new insect overlords
    • No - We are all alone

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Water is the foundation for life, so that is why they search for water and not gods when they examine new planets :-)

It's the foundation of life that we know of.

Doesn't necessarily means it's the foundation of life everywhere ;)

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Is Hell not where blasphemers go? Or is it's nature overplayed by common thought?

The Bible doesn't teach there is a Hell.. The word Hades means the common grave of mankind

The concept of people burning in a fiery torment in an afterlife as a punishment for their sins goes back to the Babylonians, Egyptians and other ancient pagan religions. It was a teaching adopted by the Church to keep the masses in check!

That last sentence is so steeped in irony it's absurd. ALL the Church's teachings are designed to keep the masses in check.

Depending on which version you read you could argue that the bible teaches of a hell NUMEROUS times. Jesus himself (God in human form ?) mentions it a few times.

Death where you are conscience of nothing.

Er...Sounds good to me. An eternity of ANYTHING would be hell. It will be just as it was before we were born. And that is the beauty of death.

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Depending on which version you read you could argue that the bible teaches of a hell NUMEROUS times. Jesus himself (God in human form ?) mentions it a few times.

Indeed, although all the images of hell we know now weren't brought into until Revelations IIRC.

There are some early refences of it though, like

Psalms 37:20, "But the wicked shall perish, and the enemies of the LORD shall be as the fat of lambs: they shall consume; into smoke shall they consume away."


Malachi 4:1, "For, behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the LORD of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch."

Kinda gives the impression these blokes where intent on telling people to keep in check or they'll be up in smoke long before Jesus and his 6ft Bee Gee looks came about.

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"The people of Samaria must bear the consequences of their guilt because they rebelled against their God. They will be killed by an invading army, their little ones dashed to death against the ground, their pregnant women ripped open by swords." (Hosea 13:16 NLT)

That was a warning to the Samarian's if they made a pact with the Assyrians, who were by far one of the cruelist Empires that ever ruled the Ancient World ...see Sennacharib's Walls in the British Museum. God was merely warning them of what would happen if they turned their back on their worship of him & made an allegience with the Assyrians.

I notice you don't quote the next verse, which promised their protection, should they listen to God's words.

(Hosea 14:1-3) . . .“Do come back, O Israel, to Jehovah your God, for you have stumbled in your error. 2 Take with yourselves words and come back to Jehovah. Say to him, all YOU people, ‘May you pardon error; and accept what is good, and we will offer in return the young bulls of our lips. 3 As‧syr′i‧a itself will not save us. Upon horses we shall not ride. And no more shall we say: “O our God!” to the work of our hands, because it is by you that a fatherless boy is shown mercy.’

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Psalms 37:20, "But the wicked shall perish, and the enemies of the LORD shall be as the fat of lambs: they shall consume; into smoke shall they consume away."

(Psalm 37:20) For the wicked themselves will perish, And the enemies of Jehovah will be like the preciousness of pastures; They must come to their end. In smoke they must come to their end.

That was an Illustration based on burning pastures, that are easily destroyed. Just like pastures are destroyed by fire very easily which smokes for a little while and then it is gone, left with a patch of black on the ground. So the enemies of Jehovah will be gone with a puff of smoke.

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You're the one that keeps going on about your ability to touch my nerves etc. I havent atacked you in any way. You never STARTED trying to debate anything chindie...

You keep saying I'm offended by what some guy over the internet has to say about me...

I think I did start to debate I raised some points that never got answered with anything other than some claptrap about gods.

I want to ridicule because I want people to see sense.

And it does seem to get at you since you've bitten back a couple of times and eventually gave up trying to and glibly remarked, to paraphrase, I had no place criticising if I didn't read the Bible.

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I think Julie has now provided us with the ultimate example of why these beliefs are bupkiss. They can't even agree on the scripture they believe in.

How are people this gullible?! It's bullshit, bollocks, fools gold, idiocy, ignorance in action, fairy tales, childrens stories, lies!

Open your eyes, learn!

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There are enough ''evil'' people that live or have lived comfortable lives to suggest that they won't be gone like a 'puff of smoke'.

All you have to do is read through the bible and and find endless contradictions, which conviently for christians they feel the need to pick and choose depending on the arguement.

I'm sorry but this is a package holiday, all inclusive, and you ain't getting your money back when you find out a fat bloke shat in your bed.

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Sorry Chindie, but you're coming across like a bit of a cock here, which is not the impression I get of you from your normal posts.

Live and let live, 'n all that jazz.

I used to believe in live and let live. With religion, I don't anymore. Needs to be fought and wiped away for the greater good.

If I come across as a cock then so be it.

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There are enough ''evil'' people that live or have lived comfortable lives to suggest that they won't be gone like a 'puff of smoke'.

In the days when the Nation of Israel had God's protection the Canaanite nations who bearing in mind practiced the most heinous acts of worship like child sacrifice etc....then their enemies did not last long.

Since Jesus's death we have been living in a time when God has not interfered in mankinds affairs in as much as he has in the main been left to his own devices.

It is only after mankind has turned on Religion en masse, which Chindie in his own words is promoting..... as I've said before that God will step in & take charge of matters and evil people will be judged.

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You're the one that keeps going on about your ability to touch my nerves etc. I havent atacked you in any way. You never STARTED trying to debate anything chindie...

You keep saying I'm offended by what some guy over the internet has to say about me...

I think I did start to debate I raised some points that never got answered with anything other than some claptrap about gods.

I want to ridicule because I want people to see sense.

And it does seem to get at you since you've bitten back a couple of times and eventually gave up trying to and glibly remarked, to paraphrase, I had no place criticising if I didn't read the Bible.

You honestly think ridicule has ever been a good way of making people see sense? Really?

That's poor, really poor.

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God don't have time for that,he's too busy pitting the christians and muslims against each other Smile

Not Jehovah's Witnesses though..eh Mr Smalljob.... because they have been put into concentration camps & died

rather than take up arms against their fellow man...whether he be Christian or Muslim...

Besides....the fact that religions have caused much of the bloodshed we have seen in history is in fact that reason

why God will allow the Chindies of this world to do his bidding and destroy it!

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There are enough ''evil'' people that live or have lived comfortable lives to suggest that they won't be gone like a 'puff of smoke'.

In the days when the Nation of Israel had God's protection the Canaanite nations who bearing in mind practiced the most heinous acts of worship like child sacrifice etc....then their enemies did not last long.

Since Jesus's death we have been living in a time when God has not interfered in mankinds affairs in as much as he has in the main been left to his own devices.

It is only after mankind has turned on Religion en masse, which Chindie in his own words is promoting..... as I've said before that God will step in & take charge of matters and evil people will be judged.

Right well assuming this isn't bollocks for a moment, judged by god... Judged to what? Theres no hell, remember, apparently. Whats he going to do to all these evil people?

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There are enough ''evil'' people that live or have lived comfortable lives to suggest that they won't be gone like a 'puff of smoke'.

In the days when the Nation of Israel had God's protection the Canaanite nations who bearing in mind practiced the most heinous acts of worship like child sacrifice etc....then their enemies did not last long.

Since Jesus's death we have been living in a time when God has not interfered in mankinds affairs in as much as he has in the main been left to his own devices.

It is only after mankind has turned on Religion en masse, which Chindie in his own words is promoting..... as I've said before that God will step in & take charge of matters and evil people will be judged.

Right well assuming this isn't bollocks for a moment, judged by god... Judged to what? Theres no hell, remember, apparently. Whats he going to do to all these evil people?

Why are you suddenly incapable of holding a conversation without resorting to slandering on almost every post? I dont remember you even being like this before.

The fact that you dont mind coming across as a cock says it all really as far as having a debate goes. You cant have debates with cocks, all you get is slagging matches.

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