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Is there intelligent life out there ?


Is there other intelligent life out there ?  

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  1. 1. Is there other intelligent life out there ?

    • Yes - All Hail our new insect overlords
    • No - We are all alone

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Chindie your knowledge of the Bible & what it says shows in your response.

One day soon, we will ALL find out the answers raised in this thread and then maybe they'll

be one or two large slices of Humble Pie to be digested.

That's hardly a loving attitude.

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Chindie your knowledge of the Bible & what it says shows in your response.

One day soon, we will ALL find out the answers raised in this thread and then maybe they'll

be one or two large slices of Humble Pie to be digested.

Really? Where am I wrong?

No, we won't find out the answers, we'll be dead, and that will be that.

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I think you clearly havent actually read the Bible Chindie. TO then make judgements on what it does and doesnt encourage, is a bit out of your depth.

And if you have, you werent paying enough attention.

Really? Why do you think that?

I'm glad I've touched a nerve. It's made you fall into the trap of losing a foundation of argument for a glib response.

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Chindie your knowledge of the Bible & what it says shows in your response.

One day soon, we will ALL find out the answers raised in this thread and then maybe they'll be one or two large slices of Humble Pie to be digested.

That's hardly a loving attitude.

I don't think my point was in anyway "unloving"

There can't be two correct answers, either there is a Creator or there is not -

There is intelligent life on other planets or there is not.

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To be honest, I could go ahead and quote then endless contradictions and guff in the bible, especially the new testament.

But what would that prove? That it's a book wrote under roman pressure, after the collapse of the jewish occupation, 40 odd years after jebus kicked the bucket, with all it's stories and main points being stole from other religions? It's a flawed piece and IMO you would have to be stupid to take it as serious as people do.


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Chindie your knowledge of the Bible & what it says shows in your response.

One day soon, we will ALL find out the answers raised in this thread and then maybe they'll

be one or two large slices of Humble Pie to be digested.

That's hardly a loving attitude.

I read it as 'Look forward to burning ****' myself.

Thank Satan it's all bullshit.


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Chindie your knowledge of the Bible & what it says shows in your response.

One day soon, we will ALL find out the answers raised in this thread and then maybe they'll be one or two large slices of Humble Pie to be digested.

That's hardly a loving attitude.

I don't think my point was in anyway "unloving"

There can't be two correct answers, either there is a Creator or there is not -

There is intelligent life on other planets or there is not.

Anticipating humility in others is something which seems rather prevalent amongst Christians. It just doesn't seem like something Jesus would have done.

The "All you unbelievers are gonna be sorry" attitude just doesn't seem to fit well into a system that promotes love and forgiveness as key tenets.

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I read it as 'Look forward to burning ****' myself.

So when in the past I've pointed out that "burning persons alive" was something that specifically God said had never even come into his heart....unlike the pagan nations who didn't beleive in the God of the Bible and as a matter of custom sacrificed their children in the furnace and it became a custom that every household had to follow.

You then having not listened to a word I said... should suppose that I would mean the above??!

There is no point in discussing.

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I think you clearly havent actually read the Bible Chindie. TO then make judgements on what it does and doesnt encourage, is a bit out of your depth.

And if you have, you werent paying enough attention.

Really? Why do you think that?

I'm glad I've touched a nerve. It's made you fall into the trap of losing a foundation of argument for a glib response.

That's what you're all about trying to do isnt it. The most hate thats been shown in this thread has all been coming from you. And I'm the one following evil.

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Chindie your knowledge of the Bible & what it says shows in your response.

One day soon, we will ALL find out the answers raised in this thread and then maybe they'll be one or two large slices of Humble Pie to be digested.

That's hardly a loving attitude.

I don't think my point was in anyway "unloving"

Considering JW beliefs about the last days, your use of the word "soon" suggests otherwise.

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I read it as 'Look forward to burning ****' myself.

So when in the past I've pointed out that "burning persons alive" was something that specifically God said had never even come into his heart....unlike the pagan nations who didn't beleive in the God of the Bible and as a matter of custom sacrificed their children in the furnace and it became a custom that every household had to follow.

You then having not listened to a word I said... should suppose that I would mean the above??!

There is no point in discussing.

I'm clearly making a flippant remark to the medieval concept of hell in the Christian sense, the years of torment and so on, which I read into this idea of humble pie being had.

Is Hell not where blasphemers go? Or is it's nature overplayed by common thought?

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To be honest, I could go ahead and quote then endless contradictions and guff in the bible, especially the new testament.

But what would that prove? That it's a book wrote under roman pressure, after the collapse of the jewish occupation, 40 odd years after jebus kicked the bucket, with all it's stories and main points being stole from other religions? It's a flawed piece and IMO you would have to be stupid to take it as serious as people do.

Quite so. Similar story all other religeous texts. But some people like to believe, ain't nothing we can do about that. But why they feel the need to claim its fact, rather than just coming clean that its full of holes but they choose to believe it, it beats me.

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.unlike the pagan nations who didn't beleive in the God of the Bible and as a matter of custom sacrificed their children in the furnace and it became a custom that every household had to follow.


"The people of Samaria must bear the consequences of their guilt because they rebelled against their God. They will be killed by an invading army, their little ones dashed to death against the ground, their pregnant women ripped open by swords." (Hosea 13:16 NLT)

"Suppose a man has a stubborn, rebellious son who will not obey his father or mother, even though they discipline him. In such cases, the father and mother must take the son before the leaders of the town. They must declare: 'This son of ours is stubborn and rebellious and refuses to obey. He is a worthless drunkard.' Then all the men of the town must stone him to death. In this way, you will cleanse this evil from among you, and all Israel will hear about it and be afraid." (Deuteronomy 21:18-21 NLT)

"From there Elisha went up to Bethel. While he was on his way, some small boys came out of the city and jeered at him. "Go up baldhead," they shouted, "go up baldhead!" The prophet turned and saw them, and he cursed them in the name of the Lord. Then two shebears came out of the woods and tore forty two of the children to pieces." (2 Kings 2:23-24 NAB)

"Then I heard the LORD say to the other men, "Follow him through the city and kill everyone whose forehead is not marked. Show no mercy; have no pity! Kill them all – old and young, girls and women and little children. But do not touch anyone with the mark. Begin your task right here at the Temple." So they began by killing the seventy leaders. "Defile the Temple!" the LORD commanded. "Fill its courtyards with the bodies of those you kill! Go!" So they went throughout the city and did as they were told." (Ezekiel 9:5-7 NLT)

I could go on if you didn't get the point.

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Is Hell not where blasphemers go? Or is it's nature overplayed by common thought?

The Bible doesn't teach there is a Hell.. The word Hades means the common grave of mankind

Death where you are conscience of nothing.

The concept of people burning in a fiery torment in an afterlife as a punishment for their sins goes back to the Babylonians, Egyptians and other ancient pagan religions. It was a teaching adopted by the Church to keep the masses in check!

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That's what you're all about trying to do isnt it. The most hate thats been shown in this thread has all been coming from you. And I'm the one following evil.

I'm ridiculing your beliefs, yes. If you want to call that touching a nerve, or it's caused you to do that... then so be it. It still doesn't stop you deflecting anything I've said and now going on to try to attack me or my aims. You stopped trying to debate anything said here a while ago. All you've done is further the idea that people believing in this rubbish are stupid, gullible or ignorant.

I hate religion, I have no bones saying that. I roundly love humanity though, hence why I hate the cults.

If it annoys you, or offends you, or you don't like it... perhaps you should stop believing so much shit.

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Is Hell not where blasphemers go? Or is it's nature overplayed by common thought?

The Bible doesn't teach there is a Hell.. The word Hades means the common grave of mankind

Death where you are conscience of nothing.

The concept of people burning in a fiery torment in an afterlife as a punishment for their sins goes back to the Babylonians, Egyptians and other ancient pagan religions. It was a teaching adopted by the Church to keep the masses in check!

You'll have to forgive me if I don't believe that the Bible doesn't teach of hell.

And keep the masses in check?! What, like all the rest of it? Never!

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That's what you're all about trying to do isnt it. The most hate thats been shown in this thread has all been coming from you. And I'm the one following evil.

I'm ridiculing your beliefs, yes. If you want to call that touching a nerve, or it's caused you to do that... then so be it. It still doesn't stop you deflecting anything I've said and now going on to try to attack me or my aims. You stopped trying to debate anything said here a while ago. All you've done is further the idea that people believing in this rubbish are stupid, gullible or ignorant.

I hate religion, I have no bones saying that. I roundly love humanity though, hence why I hate the cults.

If it annoys you, or offends you, or you don't like it... perhaps you should stop believing so much shit.

You're the one that keeps going on about your ability to touch my nerves etc. I havent atacked you in any way. You never STARTED trying to debate anything chindie...

You keep saying I'm offended by what some guy over the internet has to say about me...

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