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I haven't watched for a while but it seemed the crowd is not very happy all the way through these days.


In regards to the crowd and the Rumble -


Did Rey Mysterio get a bad reception? He seemed to get booed when he came in and they cheered when he got eliminated? If this wasn't a coincidence or it wasn't me imagining it, what's the story there?

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Judging by the results that must have been the most predictable and boring Royal Rumble of all time.


The surprise entrant was Kevin Nash... If this was the late 90s that may have been exciting but in the year 2014 it's really quite sad.

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Yh but the invasion storyline was good

Yeah it was, but even that got bad by the end.


But once that happened there was no competition. Ok TNA exists but it's not pushing the WWE like WCW used to and it's not breaking new ground like ECW used to, so there's no reason for WWE to even try.


I know people must get sick of people fawning over the attitude era, especially youngsters who maybe didn't see it. But it really has never been better than it was then.

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I haven't watched for a while but it seemed the crowd is not very happy all the way through these days.


In regards to the crowd and the Rumble -


Did Rey Mysterio get a bad reception? He seemed to get booed when he came in and they cheered when he got eliminated? If this wasn't a coincidence or it wasn't me imagining it, what's the story there?




By that stage the crowd were so pissed off that they'd have booed anyone outside of the Undertaker, or someone like the Rock or Austin or Mankind making a comeback.


Really weak event overall. I have no issue with Batista winning but surely they could have ended it with a bit more of an interesting move than a grab of the head reversed into another grab of the head into a throwing over the top rope. Boring. How did they not do something more interesting than that?


I haven't watched the WWE for a decade, but they've really painted themselves into a corner with John Cena. He's had the same superboring gimmick for 10 years and even the kids who lapped it up in 2004 are old enough now that they get that it's a terrible gimmick.


Nobody can talk on a microphone to save their lives. The headliners are totally devoid of charisma. Orton is just okay, Cena is boring, Batista is boring, CM Punk is pass mark, Lesnar has Paul Heyman do his talking for him.


It's just match after match of cookie cutter boredom. They need an original nWo level shakeup IMO. Something that really factionally divides the locker room and gets people to care about these boring wrestlers.


Even the up and comers are boring. Dan Bryan sucks. The shield might be okay but they need to change their gimmick.


The most interesting person to talk on a microphone today was the Road Dogg.

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I said a few pages back that I (and I'm no wrestling expert by any means but I watched a lot back in the 90s and early 2000s) Road Dogg is one of the most underrated wrestlers ever. On the mic he was superb.


But does the size of the roster effect things these days?

I went back and watched a few episodes of Raw from 1999 a few weeks back and the one thing I noticed was how small the roster was. There was probably 40 ish guys on it, but it was the same 12-15 filling the shows most weeks. 


Which I'm sure sucked for the guys further down the card, but it was better for the audience because it meant the guys with the talent made the shows.


When I watch it now there seems to be hundreds of wrestlers, especially when the Raw/Smackdown split was about.

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Yh but the invasion storyline was good


Was it though? I feel like it was totally botched compared to the potential it had.


I remember thinking it was Christmas when I heard that WCW and WWE were basically merging. Then they just marginalised the WCW talent, missed out on Sting, and totally dismantled everything that had made WCW good. They simply absorbed WCW without really utilising any of the stuff that made WCW good in a meaningful way. 


They should have kept Nitro going for a lot longer, even having it take over Smackdown would have been great, then they could have slowly integrated the two brands with each having pot shots at the other over a much longer time before WWE finally killed off WCW. Instead the solution to having way too many wrestlers on the roster was the awful draft system with two separate WWE championships which they are finally getting rid of thankfully.

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I said a few pages back that I (and I'm no wrestling expert by any means but I watched a lot back in the 90s and early 2000s) Road Dogg is one of the most underrated wrestlers ever. On the mic he was superb.


But does the size of the roster effect things these days?

I went back and watched a few episodes of Raw from 1999 a few weeks back and the one thing I noticed was how small the roster was. There was probably 40 ish guys on it, but it was the same 12-15 filling the shows most weeks. 


Which I'm sure sucked for the guys further down the card, but it was better for the audience because it meant the guys with the talent made the shows.


When I watch it now there seems to be hundreds of wrestlers, especially when the Raw/Smackdown split was about.


Yeah, the merger and the subsequent doubling of the roster size made it really difficult to manage. In reality they should have cut a lot of guys or moved them back to developmental federations instead of trying to manage 100 wrestlers.


The draft was a really poor attempt at it IMO. 

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The problem with the invasion was that WWF totally undermined WCW.

WCW (and ECW) were always portrayed as the bad guys, and not big scary bad guys, more like cowardly cheating bad guys. So they were always weak.


And the only times they did have anyone portrayed as a good wrestler on their side, it was a defector from the WWF.


When you do that, your making a rod for your own back if you later try and push the same wrestlers you've been portraying as weak for a year.

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Dead on Stevo.


I don't know if it was an ego driven thing with Vince, I imagine it was pretty bitter between WWE and WCW at that stage, but the marginalising of WCW stars was incredibly poor creatively.


He could have had two strong federations duking it out with epic matches that had only occured in dreams up until then. He really needed to give Sting a blank cheque as one of the only big names who hadn't wrestled in WWF earlier in their careers. 


They could have had WCW takeover smackdown and had massive cross promotional rivalries over the next couple of years with long built up feuds. 


It's a shame really. It killed wrestling for me.

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I haven't watched for a while but it seemed the crowd is not very happy all the way through these days.


In regards to the crowd and the Rumble -


Did Rey Mysterio get a bad reception? He seemed to get booed when he came in and they cheered when he got eliminated? If this wasn't a coincidence or it wasn't me imagining it, what's the story there?

Everyone wanted Daniel Bryan to come in at Number 30.. Anyone else would have got booed, hence why Rey did. Would have made more sense to put a heel at number 30 as then all the booing would have made people think they were just booing the heel. The only reason Roman Reigns got some much cheer at the end was because no one wanted Batista to win.

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The problem with the invasion was that WWF totally undermined WCW.

WCW (and ECW) were always portrayed as the bad guys, and not big scary bad guys, more like cowardly cheating bad guys. So they were always weak.


And the only times they did have anyone portrayed as a good wrestler on their side, it was a defector from the WWF.


When you do that, your making a rod for your own back if you later try and push the same wrestlers you've been portraying as weak for a year.

I remember this and agree. Why was Steve Austin with WCW and ECW?  :crylaugh:  It should have been key people like the NWO and Sting/Eric Bischoff etc. ECW and WCW should have been separate with greater attention to both. I liked the storyline but it could have been done a lot better IMO.


Besides, it must have been shit for the wrestlers to see their industry collapse and employment opportunities limited.

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I'd like to hear a proper interview with someone important about that storyline.


Been listening to the Steve Austin Show here and there (some of it s excellent) and hoping he'll go into depth on it, but he hasn't really from what I've heard. Although I haven't listened to the Jim Ross one so hopefully he'll ask him about it.


The Stone Cold thing was probably just because Vince was now being portrayed as a face (IIRC) because of the WWFvsWCWvsECW storyline. But I imagine they wanted an Austin vs McMahon feud again before Austin retired, which I assume they knew was close.

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I said a few pages back that I (and I'm no wrestling expert by any means but I watched a lot back in the 90s and early 2000s) Road Dogg is one of the most underrated wrestlers ever. On the mic he was superb.



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I don't know if it was an ego driven thing with Vince

Of course it was! He wanted to embarrass them, show that his product was the best once and for all. Mostly in regards to WCW, they deemed the ECW name worthy enough to rape it for all it was worth after all.

It's incredible to think, taking that on to account, how well Booker T did for himself in WWF/WWE.

In regards to the Rumble, it's indicative of how badly they've upset the fan base with the Bryan no show that his comments, and Foley's, about it are currently in the top 10 news stories on the BBC news website.

I wouldn't say all is lost, they could use that as a work, Bryan having referred to management as 'the machine', and have him face off against the new 'corporation'.

Then again, they could not. The WWE Network thing does indeed sound like a good deal, but with total control over distribution, I would think that gives them even greater license to do whatever they like. If that does prove to be the case, I wouldn't be surprised to see Reigns squashed within 6 months, for example.

I might actually keep up with it now to see what they do to him (any publicity is good publicity!), and to see if they do bring in Sami Callahan and potentially team him back up with Moxley/Ambrose.

Edited by hogso
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Jesus christ, that was embrassing. Beyond embrassing. Worst rumble ever. Shocking conclusion. Shocking roster of wrestling.

Cant understand why bryan and ziggler are being buried. Its clear they are the most popular wrestlers or have potential to be but they continue with the same shite.

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