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Apparently a few wrestlers were training in my gym today - Rusev, Lana, Big E, Joshua(??) and.... KANE! Would've been cool to have seen the big man.

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Yeah so far shamus has beat some Mexican dude, then some other dude beat some other dude then the divas were fighting then there was a triple threat with the Wyatt's and gold dust and. Cody Rhodes and two black dudes, I think the black dudes won but I can't remember then there was another fight and now john cena has just been bood all the way to the ring to fight another Wyatt dude

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Oh and Dolph Ziegler fought someone

There was a 3 way tag with two long haired dudes and a midget against two Spanish dudes and a midget dressed like a bull...only I don't think the bull was a proper midget cuz he didn't have the mad belly and out of proportioned arms and legs like most midgets, the midget horse won though he done some somersault and pinned a long haired Geeza.

All in all I won't be breaking my neck to go again, the ones that I recognised looked like they were going through the motions, the atmosphere was crap and it is clear that John cena is more hated than he is loved.

I like the Wyatt's though they are a bit old school, you could see them getting into scraps with the L.O.D, the nastyboys and the bushwhackers.

Overall I'd give the night a 4/10

Poor lineup, poor matches, poor atmosphere.

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Ah right that makes sense then cuz I know that when my sister went a few years ago all the big names were there and when my godson (that's who I took today) went last year there was a fair few of the big names.

If the main show is being televised tomorra that'll be why they are holding the big boys back

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Can someone explain the John Cena thing as well? Why is he pushed as being the BIG STAR when the crowd clearly hate him, he got boo'd for the whole match and when he had the mic it was pretty damn embarrassing watching him trying to get the crowd onside.

Is it purely for the merchandise that the kids buy or what? If it is that's pretty shitty

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Originally Cena was just relentlessly rammed down everybody's throats despite his lack of any form of talent or wrestling ability. He's a big guy with a ripped body, that's what Vince McMahon likes. This kind of coincided with WWE heading for a more family friendly approach over the past decade but the older male fans hated this.

Now that the product is maturing again and moving slightly away from family-friendly rubbish, older male fans are returning and with that a lot of booing and hatred for Cena. Listen to that chant battle between the Cena fans and everyone else, a few squeaky high pitched voices - "Let's go Cena" vs many loud, deep voices - "Cena sucks!"

The WWE were found out at one point for both pipping in Cena chants and cheering via the sound system or just dubbing taped segment swith more cheers.


But, Cena in one way or another is getting a reaction, the fans want to come and boo him and see him getting beaten. At the end of the day, he is drawing business. If he was getting no reaction of any kind, he'd be gone.


You just know this feud with the Wyatts will go Cena's way as everything does. Even if Cena did turn, it's just so expected.

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Bit more of the collection...




Got a new Cactus Jack shirt but it must be in the wash, I've worn that one to death, so many holes in it it looks like I've been in a deathmatch myself.






Our younger dog goes berserk when she sees that Dallas Page




Real scale ring, I wish I had the room to keep it set up but it is huge.






Some cards, have a whole folder of them somewhere




Belts. Used to have an Intercontinental title from the mid 90s but they hadn't perfected the design yet and it just fell apart. had the Attitude Era World title too but I think a dog may have partly eaten that.




Used to impersonate Howard Finkel and Mean Gene Okerlund




Wrestlemania Rap!




Another autograph.

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