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A bunch of guys on an American wrestling forum that I use are moaning about "The Bulgarian Brute" Alexander Rusev's 'Russian gimmick' so I've just highlighted the two countries on a map to explain they are different.


Unfortunately it's only a map of Europe so they may think It's on another planet or I'm making it up.

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Flaming tables, backstage brawls, dives in the crowd - good fun! The weeLC match was pretty incredible also. Best part of the event though;

Micheal Cole - "Bryan's pputting Kane on that forklift!!!!!!"

JBL - ".......why"


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I missed the first two matches but from that point on, everyone I wanted to win, did so I'm pleased with that.


Shame they had to make the Wyatt family look pitifully weak against Super Cena "Same old ****!" - as the popular Cena chant goes.

Bad News Barrett wins the IC title which was good news. Big E is boring.

Shield vs Evolution was a pretty good match with some great spots

Paige retained the title

Bryan retained and the match had some interesting spots too. A flaming table in the current WWE?!

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