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Jericho's was the best debut I've ever seen.


That Millenium Clock business was genius.



The Rock destroying him on the mic afterwards was also a bonus


(I didn't really know who Jericho was back then though. But still loved it)

Was Jericho big at the time then?


I remember watching all that when I was younger but I had no idea who Jericho was either. 



Jericho was the guy who basically started me watching WWF when he moved over from WCW.


He was basically a cruiserweight and television champion contender in WCW. He didn't really get anywhere near the heavyweight title at any stage, which is why he left, but he was probably the best dude on the microphone in the whole company.


He was the first heel I ever liked as a kid. Basically, he feuded with Dean Malenko who called himself the man of 1000 holds, and started calling himself the man of 1004 holds and I found that hilarious. The cruiserweight division was the best wrestling in WCW, and Jericho was great with the lion tamer and moonsaults etc. He was fantastic as a heel or face. I'd followed the WWF a little bit until then, but I only really started watching regularly when Jericho, Benoit and Guerrero moved over.

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Did Goldberg do well in the WWE?


I always liked him in WCW.


I wouldn't say he was as successful in WWE as fans of him would have liked. He had a pretty average run and like a lot of "legends" of the industry he came in and went straight for the WWE Championship but he just didn't put on great matches. I don't know if he just had more passion for what he was doing in WCW, but the Goldberg in WWE was not quite the same. I think what summed up his tenure at WWE perfectly was his match at WrestleMania 20 against Brock Lesnar which must go down as one of the worst matches in WWE history. It was just two big and slow guys plodding around the ring for 30 minutes it was embarrassingly bad, but it unfortunately wasn't the first time in WWE that Goldberg had put on a match like that. Goldberg came to WWE but didn't bring the intensity he had in WCW which was a huge shame.  

Edited by Daweii
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Did Goldberg do well in the WWE?


I always liked him in WCW.


I wouldn't say he was as successful in WWE as fans of him would have liked. He had a pretty average run and like a lot of "legends" of the industry he came in and went straight for the WWE Championship but he just didn't put on great matches. I don't know if he just had more passion for what he was doing in WCW, but the Goldberg in WWE was not quite the same. I think what summed up his tenure at WWE perfectly was his match at WrestleMania 20 against Brock Lesnar which must go down as one of the worst matches in WWE history. It was just two big and slow guys plodding around the ring for 30 minutes it was embarrassingly bad, but it unfortunately wasn't the first time in WWE that Goldberg had put on a match like that. Goldberg came to WWE but didn't bring the intensity he had in WCW which was a huge shame.  




It was a very memorable match.  Very surreal with the crowd booing both men as they were both leaving the company the following day.  The adverse crowd and the time allotted effected the match greatly, but Lesnar could never be described as a plodder.


They both deserved to go out on the receiving end of a Stone Cold stunner though.

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Did Goldberg do well in the WWE?


I always liked him in WCW.


I wouldn't say he was as successful in WWE as fans of him would have liked. He had a pretty average run and like a lot of "legends" of the industry he came in and went straight for the WWE Championship but he just didn't put on great matches. I don't know if he just had more passion for what he was doing in WCW, but the Goldberg in WWE was not quite the same. I think what summed up his tenure at WWE perfectly was his match at WrestleMania 20 against Brock Lesnar which must go down as one of the worst matches in WWE history. It was just two big and slow guys plodding around the ring for 30 minutes it was embarrassingly bad, but it unfortunately wasn't the first time in WWE that Goldberg had put on a match like that. Goldberg came to WWE but didn't bring the intensity he had in WCW which was a huge shame.  



If Lesnar hit the shooting star press (and he'd hit a lot of them before in Ohio Valley Wrestling) nobody would have talked about that match in the negative light they did I don't reckon.


The build up to WM20 was enormous. It was going to be the biggest and best Wrestlemania ever. Imagine botching the finish of the main event to that biggest event ever. Jesus Christ.


Goldberg didn't work as well in WWE because people were a bit over his character by the stage. He was bigger than jesus for a while in WCW but you can only squash so many guys before people want something different.

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Did Goldberg do well in the WWE?


I always liked him in WCW.


I wouldn't say he was as successful in WWE as fans of him would have liked. He had a pretty average run and like a lot of "legends" of the industry he came in and went straight for the WWE Championship but he just didn't put on great matches. I don't know if he just had more passion for what he was doing in WCW, but the Goldberg in WWE was not quite the same. I think what summed up his tenure at WWE perfectly was his match at WrestleMania 20 against Brock Lesnar which must go down as one of the worst matches in WWE history. It was just two big and slow guys plodding around the ring for 30 minutes it was embarrassingly bad, but it unfortunately wasn't the first time in WWE that Goldberg had put on a match like that. Goldberg came to WWE but didn't bring the intensity he had in WCW which was a huge shame.  



If Lesnar hit the shooting star press (and he'd hit a lot of them before in Ohio Valley Wrestling) nobody would have talked about that match in the negative light they did I don't reckon.


The build up to WM20 was enormous. It was going to be the biggest and best Wrestlemania ever. Imagine botching the finish of the main event to that biggest event ever. Jesus Christ.


Goldberg didn't work as well in WWE because people were a bit over his character by the stage. He was bigger than jesus for a while in WCW but you can only squash so many guys before people want something different.


Wrong match.


It was vs Angle that Lesnar botched the SSP. Mania 19

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Did Goldberg do well in the WWE?


I always liked him in WCW.


I wouldn't say he was as successful in WWE as fans of him would have liked. He had a pretty average run and like a lot of "legends" of the industry he came in and went straight for the WWE Championship but he just didn't put on great matches. I don't know if he just had more passion for what he was doing in WCW, but the Goldberg in WWE was not quite the same. I think what summed up his tenure at WWE perfectly was his match at WrestleMania 20 against Brock Lesnar which must go down as one of the worst matches in WWE history. It was just two big and slow guys plodding around the ring for 30 minutes it was embarrassingly bad, but it unfortunately wasn't the first time in WWE that Goldberg had put on a match like that. Goldberg came to WWE but didn't bring the intensity he had in WCW which was a huge shame.  



If Lesnar hit the shooting star press (and he'd hit a lot of them before in Ohio Valley Wrestling) nobody would have talked about that match in the negative light they did I don't reckon.


The build up to WM20 was enormous. It was going to be the biggest and best Wrestlemania ever. Imagine botching the finish of the main event to that biggest event ever. Jesus Christ.


Goldberg didn't work as well in WWE because people were a bit over his character by the stage. He was bigger than jesus for a while in WCW but you can only squash so many guys before people want something different.


Wrong match.


It was vs Angle that Lesnar botched the SSP. Mania 19



Oh damn. Well there goes all my Wrestling History cred! Wait until someone discovers all the other stuff i've made up in this thread! :D


I probably didn't remember Lesnar Goldberg because it would have been the most boring match in history. Two wrestlers who only had one defining character feature and that's that they were basically unbeatable. The last thing I can actively remember watching Goldberg do was kick Bret Hart in the head and concuss him so badly that it ended up ending his career.

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Amazing opening segment on Raw last night apparently.  Just watched it and it was sweeeeet.




Aww man that was good. Don't eff this up Vince!

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Amazing storyline they have built up and we are seeing a great side of Cena as well.  Extreme rules should be a decent ppv:


D Bryan v Kane - WWE WH Champ

Cena v Wyatt - Steel Cage

Evolution v The Shield

Bad News Barrett v Big E Langston - IC Champ

Rob Van Dam v Swagger V Cesaro

Paige v Tamina Snuka - Divas Champ

Rusev v R Truth and Xavier Woods - Handicap match


Pre Show - EL Torito v Hornswoggle - WeeLC (i.e TLC) match - don't ask!

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