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From 10 minutes onwards, how many more matches have there been where the crowd have been as mental as that?  I'll bet they loved this backstage. 

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We talked about that a few pages back. Absolute peak of wrestling, that.

I've never heard anything like that pop when the glass breaks for Austin.

"That's gonna put some butts in the seats"

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One thing that struck me about wrestlemania was the shit commentators.

I'm sure Cole and Lawler used to be good together, even though neither of them could touch JR.

But at mania they didn't really seem bothered. No emotion. They sounded at times like buddies chatting about the match in front of their TVs

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One thing that struck me about wrestlemania was the shit commentators.

I'm sure Cole and Lawler used to be good together, even though neither of them could touch JR.

But at mania they didn't really seem bothered. No emotion. They sounded at times like buddies chatting about the match in front of their TVs


Yeah, I agree, when I take a nostalgic look back through old shows, great commentary goes all the way through and I do think it was an integral part and added to the atmosphere and experience.


When Vince used to do it, Bobby Heenan and JR gets a lot of stick in the 'All he does is repeat the same thing over and over with feeling' but 'Ma Gawd!' he was good at it! Used to make my hairs stand up on my arms. Not an intentional hair pun.


A good example, was the No Way Out 2003 Bishoff vs Austin Match.

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One of the biggest pops of all time.  Thanks Schiavone, some people might have missed it if you hadn't warned everybody.


King has been lame for years.  Heel King was superb, a fantastic example of which is on that very video above.

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Jericho's was the best debut I've ever seen.


That Millenium Clock business was genius.



The Rock destroying him on the mic afterwards was also a bonus


(I didn't really know who Jericho was back then though. But still loved it)

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