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Just popping in here to tell you all that


The Undertaker dies at the end



Stefan, we've all seen Royal Rumble 1994 already.



Well you'd think people would have read books that are 18 years old but no.

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Thought Raw was ok.  Glad they focused on the IC title with the tournament.  Good to see Evolution back but that crowd was horrible, no reaction.  Evolution were awesome back in the day.  Wyatt impressive on the mic again.  Should be a good match between the two in a steel cage.

So extreme rules card looks like:


AmDrag v Kane - WWE WHC

Shield v Evolution

John Cena v Wyatt - Steel Cage

Cesaro v Swagger

Big E v one of RVD, Sheamus and Barrett - IC Title

Paige v Tamina Snuka - Divas Title

Usos v Rybaxel - Tag Team Titles

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Barrett needs a decent finisher like there's no tomorrow.  That Wasteland thing had all the impact of a marshmallow mallet, and any elbow/arm/fist-striking finisher at the moment is just going to suffer in comparison to Reign's superman punch.  Should have made it that Irish whip into a spinning side-slam thingy he does.

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I dont think it was last long term but that article is horrible.  Firstly the yes chants started about 2 years ago after WM 28.  Secondly he has been over with the majority of the fans not just the IWC for about a year and Stone Cold over since before summerslam.  DBry is a hell of a performer and will always have a spot near the top. CM Punk leaving meant that he was pushed up to the main event but you can see by the fans reaction that it was the right decision.  No one has been as over as Daniel Bryan is now since Stone Cold.  Fans absolutely love him and he deserves his spot.

He will be part of the main event scene with Roman Reigns, Cena, Orton, Batista, Wyatt, Lesnar, Cesaro.


He doesnt lack charisma but he isnt great on the mic.  Triple H made that feud

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Barrett needs a decent finisher like there's no tomorrow. That Wasteland thing had all the impact of a marshmallow mallet, and any elbow/arm/fist-striking finisher at the moment is just going to suffer in comparison to Reign's superman punch. Should have made it that Irish whip into a spinning side-slam thingy he does.

I like the elbow. Maybe stick a spin in there too, like Tanaka's roooaaaarrring elbow.

Have you seen that hype guy from NXTs finisher? You think Barretts look weak, have a look at that. Ridiculous :lol: Mojo Riley or something his name is I think?

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Have you seen that hype guy from NXTs finisher? You think Barretts look weak, have a look at that. Ridiculous :lol: Mojo Riley or something his name is I think?


Haha yeah, Mojo Rawley his name is and the finisher's 'Old School' in a Hulk Hogan Leg Drop way to say the least, 'Hype-R-Drive' it's called, 


Here it is at the end of this video -




- where he beats a guy with.....dreadlocks....with it.


EDIT - Mind you, the the moves before it, the splashes and the back kick set it up well here, but it'd get a bit predictable if he did all of that every time, although variations may work and I suppose it'd create some tension as the opportunity is there to counter him.


Say that. it all came out of a counter by him, so there's a lot of scope there for movement I suppose, even if the actual finisher itself is quite basic.. 

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