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Working my way through Mania.


Just saw the Cena/Wyatt match.


Absolutely awful. 

The ones before that have been decent though, even the Shield/"authority" squash.

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If the crowd were into it then the Cena Wyatt match would've been good ie the story in the match.  However as the crowd were doing the opposite of what WWE wanted ie they wanted Cena to hit Wyatt with the chair and turn heel , it was awful/

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Yeah it was shit. So slow. Which was clearly intended to play off the crowd but it just didn't work


And the commentators sounded like they weren't into it either. No emotion. It's as if they thought "well the crowd aren't going for it so **** it. Can't be arsed"


Just struck me as a guy trying to play heel who everybody loves and a guy trying to play face who everybody hates.

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Yup.  I think Wyatt looked good though.  I loved when he did the crab whilst Cena was trying to do the five knuckle shuffle. 


Jenny - can I ask how much you paid for WM or what package you got?

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First time I've seen Wyatt wrestle.


Wasn't overly impressed. Decent "weird" gimmick, not sure how good he is in the ring though.

I liked his vertical suplex/throw thing

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Watch his match against Daniel Bryan at Royal Rumble and the match against  the Shield elimination chamber.  Wyatt will def be a big player.  He has got it all and is a bit of a throwback.

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Yeah it was shit. So slow. Which was clearly intended to play off the crowd but it just didn't work


And the commentators sounded like they weren't into it either. No emotion. It's as if they thought "well the crowd aren't going for it so **** it. Can't be arsed"


Just struck me as a guy trying to play heel who everybody loves and a guy trying to play face who everybody hates.


If you thought that was slow wait till you see the streak match. Absolutely awful.

Edited by Phumfeinz
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Working my way through Mania.


Just saw the Cena/Wyatt match.


Absolutely awful. 

The ones before that have been decent though, even the Shield/"authority" squash.

Couldn't PM me with a zelda character could you?

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Hoping that with the move of 'talent' from NXT to the main roster Solomon Crowe/Sami Callahan will make his TV debut soon! The guy is just fantastic, he's one of these that can be a top heel but because he's good in the ring and plays a very believeable character, he gets over. Time will tell with his NXT gimmick though...he used to just be a bad ass, pretty much, him and Jon Moxley/Dean Ambrose used to be called The Switchblade Conspiracy, seek out some of their matches if you have a chance.

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Working my way through Mania.


Just saw the Cena/Wyatt match.


Absolutely awful. 

The ones before that have been decent though, even the Shield/"authority" squash.

Couldn't PM me with a zelda character could you?



I could... what's in it for me?

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