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Massive concussion, doubt he'll be back so that could be the end of his career. A very lacklustre match, losing to a part timer who didn't deserve it.



Still, the shock factor as the three was counted is unrivalled.  Never seen a moment like it in wrestling history.


Seems it was taker's choice anyway not WWE's.

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The Undertaker has always suggested that he wanted to retire losing the streak. It was rumored that he wanted to lose it to Daniel Bryan but it's very possible that the powers that be didn't want to end Daniel Bryan's angle in the Authority story-line.


I think Brock Lesnar while a part-timer and someone the Undertaker had issues with was also someone he greatly respected. I know fans may have preferred someone else, but I'm just going to accept the Undertakers decision as I'm guessing he ultimately had the final say in who he faced. 

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Crazy the Warrior is gone after his recent appearances. Sad for kids, man.

Undertaker is just too old now, I don't think he has anything left to give - indeed, even less now. So ending the streak was the right decision. Against Brock though? Hmm. I know they're pretty tight, Taker used to go see his fights when he was in UFC and stuff. I think the timing that seems to have been more forced didn't allow them to set anything else up, cos everyone else was tied up.

Nice to see him on TV again at some point though, imagine him as a manager? That'd be cool.

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Undertaker wanted Brock to beat him back in 2010 when they tried to set it up when he was at the UFC fight.  Its the done thing in Wrestling that you put someone over on your way out.  I think Taker is on his way out.  Lets hope he recovers well and can have a farewell night on Raw.

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Some American 'journalist' named Nancy Grace has been doing the typical wrestling / steroids story that comes with every wrestling death. She is one of those types that tries to get a reaction, a Daily Heil type by all accounts, but apparently she has gone as far as implying that Owen Hart died because of steroid use!


Google Iron Sheik's comment about Nancy Grace today :thumb:  I would upload it but it would be against site guidelines.

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Some American 'journalist' named Nancy Grace has been doing the typical wrestling / steroids story that comes with every wrestling death. She is one of those types that tries to get a reaction, a Daily Heil type by all accounts, but apparently she has gone as far as implying that Owen Hart died because of steroid use!

Capitalize on the heat and sign her up.

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How much?  Are they still available?

I defintely think that this is the start of another golden age of wrestling.  I havent enjoyed it this much since the attitude era.  Just need CM Punk to come back and be heel.  Brock Lesnar is the no1 heel in the business no doubt about that.

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