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One of the best Hell in a Cell matches I've seen in a long time 


No I don't mean the main event! The tag match had a number of great spots, and was entertaining throughout. 

As for the main event, it wasn't terrible, it did a grand job of making moves look ultra dangerous - those slams, suplexes, and the powerbomb on the roof, yeesh. As such I don't think it should be marked down too harshly just cos it didn't have a single huge spot, other than Shane doing Shane Stuff. The ending will divide I suppose, I didn't hate it. 

What I did hate was the rope break in ring. This is a falls count anywhere match. How does that make any sense at all? I know WWE treats it's audience like children/idiots often but holy shit. 

This isn't a spoiler by the way, just a quick question - how long has Corbin been using the Choke Breaker? I remember when I first saw that move, I guess it would've been Gage in early CZW, it was a revelation to me. You can't not make it look devastating. 

King of Pro Wrestling later too! If Evil wins, you'll hear me marking out. It won't matter where you are :D

Edited by hogso
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56 minutes ago, hogso said:

One of the best Hell in a Cell matches I've seen in a long time 

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No I don't mean the main event! The tag match had a number of great spots, and was entertaining throughout. 

As for the main event, it wasn't terrible, it did a grand job of making moves look ultra dangerous - those slams, suplexes, and the powerbomb on the roof, yeesh. As such I don't think it should be marked down too harshly just cos it didn't have a single huge spot, other than Shane doing Shane Stuff. The ending will divide I suppose, I didn't hate it. 

What I did hate was the rope break in ring. This is a falls count anywhere match. How does that make any sense at all? I know WWE treats it's audience like children/idiots often but holy shit. 

This isn't a spoiler by the way, just a quick question - how long has Corbin been using the Choke Breaker? I remember when I first saw that move, I guess it would've been Gage in early CZW, it was a revelation to me. You can't not make it look devastating. 

King of Pro Wrestling later too! If Evil wins, you'll hear me marking out. It won't matter where you are :D

ive only seen that match so far on highlights but DAYUMNNNN!  that match was just awesome!! by far the best match ive seen in a while at WWE, their rivalry is pretty epic too. Rivalry of the year!!

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5 hours ago, hogso said:

This isn't a spoiler by the way, just a quick question - how long has Corbin been using the Choke Breaker? I remember when I first saw that move, I guess it would've been Gage in early CZW, it was a revelation to me. You can't not make it look devastating. 

Corbin has been using the Choke Breaker since his current push started, so 3-4 weeks ago I think. That said he's only ever done it as far as I'm aware against AJ Styles so it's yet to be seen if it becomes part of his everyday move set.

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Shane McMahon being treated in a Detroit Hospital for neck trauma, broken ribs and a dislocated shoulder. I wish the man a speedy recovery.

As for the match in question;


The match was good it was a brutal spot fest which is all it needed to be. Owens disrespected Shane's family and the feud was set, it was a simple feud and one that lead to probably the most brutal Hell in a Cell in over a decade.  

As for the spots. When they were on the roof doing suplexes, powerbombs and all sorts I was on the edge of my seat it gave me old school Hell in a Cell vibes back when fighting on the roof actually happened. The falls from the Cell were decent and I like that Owens took a fall. Then of course the adrenaline addict Shane O'Mac with his 20ft+ elbow drop was crazy. I do think the elbow drop this time was botched not by Shane himself, but by whatever was meant to deploy under the table to cushion the fall a bit. At WM32 it was obvious that an air cushion had been deployed as it billowed out of one side, but here it didn't and Shane hit so hard he bounced and that was brutal. 

The finish needs explaining, though I won't hate on it as we don't know why Sami did it and that will come on Smackdown but it is a bit odd. 

All in all a good match on a PPV that had good Hell in a Cell matches on it for once. I would get into the Uso's vs New Day one, but I think everyone online is talking about that one and I feel McMahon/Owens also deserves a mention. 


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3 hours ago, Daweii said:

Shane McMahon being treated in a Detroit Hospital for neck trauma, broken ribs and a dislocated shoulder. I wish the man a speedy recovery.

As for the match in question;

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The match was good it was a brutal spot fest which is all it needed to be. Owens disrespected Shane's family and the feud was set, it was a simple feud and one that lead to probably the most brutal Hell in a Cell in over a decade.  

As for the spots. When they were on the roof doing suplexes, powerbombs and all sorts I was on the edge of my seat it gave me old school Hell in a Cell vibes back when fighting on the roof actually happened. The falls from the Cell were decent and I like that Owens took a fall. Then of course the adrenaline addict Shane O'Mac with his 20ft+ elbow drop was crazy. I do think the elbow drop this time was botched not by Shane himself, but by whatever was meant to deploy under the table to cushion the fall a bit. At WM32 it was obvious that an air cushion had been deployed as it billowed out of one side, but here it didn't and Shane hit so hard he bounced and that was brutal. 

The finish needs explaining, though I won't hate on it as we don't know why Sami did it and that will come on Smackdown but it is a bit odd. 

All in all a good match on a PPV that had good Hell in a Cell matches on it for once. I would get into the Uso's vs New Day one, but I think everyone online is talking about that one and I feel McMahon/Owens also deserves a mention. 



After to question why vince would allow his son to do something so dangerous.  Its absolute madness he could have paralyzed himself last night.

Sganes certainly going to have some serious problems later on in life with all these bumps he is taking.

As for zayn makes no sense whatever explanation they come up. Owens has ruined him why would you help him?

If waz against another opponent id get it but owens? Stupid.

Also cant believe mahal is still champion. Absolutely lame champ. Hoepfully aj will be back to top of card now and beat mahal. Either him or roode


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1 minute ago, Demitri_C said:

Zayns explanation was so lame and makes no sense

Yeah they could have done better.

I get that Owens gave him some words to mull over a couple weeks ago, but the turn around was too quick for that to really work. It would have been cool if they went down that road of Owens stating "you're going about your career all wrong" and then loss after loss after loss he starts questioning that and then snaps. They could have made this a program over several months leading to Zayn snapping and going absolutely mental on whoever was unlucky enough to be there. At that point then Zayn going up to Owens and saying "I know we have had our differences, but you were right" makes sense, but this was too quick.

At this point they may as well have just gone down the "he's like a brother, I'm the godfather of his son" route rather than making this about Zayn seeing the error of his ways 2 weeks after Owens beat "sense" into him? I just hope regardless of how dumb this has been that this makes Zayn more interesting at the very least. 

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23 minutes ago, Daweii said:

Yeah they could have done better.

I get that Owens gave him some words to mull over a couple weeks ago, but the turn around was too quick for that to really work. It would have been cool if they went down that road of Owens stating "you're going about your career all wrong" and then loss after loss after loss he starts questioning that and then snaps. They could have made this a program over several months leading to Zayn snapping and going absolutely mental on whoever was unlucky enough to be there. At that point then Zayn going up to Owens and saying "I know we have had our differences, but you were right" makes sense, but this was too quick.

At this point they may as well have just gone down the "he's like a brother, I'm the godfather of his son" route rather than making this about Zayn seeing the error of his ways 2 weeks after Owens beat "sense" into him? I just hope regardless of how dumb this has been that this makes Zayn more interesting at the very least. 

Completely agree mate, poor booking. 

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So, Evil didn't do the 'impossible', but KOPW was still a great event, especially enjoyed the re-debut of Tempura Boys as Roppongi 3k, Yano getting one over Suzuki again, and the Junior Heavyweight title match was great. 

I also watched GCW'S Nick Gage Invitational 2 - naturally, it's a death match tournament. Some of the most insane spots I've ever seen in non-japanese death match wrestling, they're really building something special over there at the minute. 

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3 hours ago, Daweii said:

Yeah they could have done better.

I get that Owens gave him some words to mull over a couple weeks ago, but the turn around was too quick for that to really work. It would have been cool if they went down that road of Owens stating "you're going about your career all wrong" and then loss after loss after loss he starts questioning that and then snaps. They could have made this a program over several months leading to Zayn snapping and going absolutely mental on whoever was unlucky enough to be there. At that point then Zayn going up to Owens and saying "I know we have had our differences, but you were right" makes sense, but this was too quick.

At this point they may as well have just gone down the "he's like a brother, I'm the godfather of his son" route rather than making this about Zayn seeing the error of his ways 2 weeks after Owens beat "sense" into him? I just hope regardless of how dumb this has been that this makes Zayn more interesting at the very least. 

I was hoping Shane would get to  the top of the cell and HHH's music hit, then he and Owens team up to chuck Shane off.  Could then build HHH/KO against Shane/AJ feud, with a couple of stables involved ending at Survivor Series.  Zayn could then do a heel turn somewhere along the line.

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2 hours ago, sharkyvilla said:

I was hoping Shane would get to  the top of the cell and HHH's music hit, then he and Owens team up to chuck Shane off.  Could then build HHH/KO against Shane/AJ feud, with a couple of stables involved ending at Survivor Series.  Zayn could then do a heel turn somewhere along the line.

That would have been pretty cool as well. I think anything would have worked better than "Owens gave me something to think about two weeks ago, he was right". It'd get HHH back on television as well which WWE need to start thinking about sooner rather than later.

2 hours ago, Villaphan04 said:
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Rumors are flying that Neville walked out of Raw this past monday. 


Yeah apparently if true Neville wasn't happy being bumped from the card in favour of Kalisto. The original plan was Neville vs Amore for the title with Amore winning, which for Neville is fine he just wants to wrestle, but when you arrive at RAW to find not only are you not in the match, but the plan is for the guy replacing you to actually win? Seems like pissing off talent for the sake of pissing off talent. If he has walked and everything is true then kudos to the lad, as he'll make more money on the Indies and he'll be treated a lot better too. 

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Rumours are that Ricochet could finally be on his way to WWE. He's not on the next NJPW tour, ACH is teaming with Taguchi instead, and there was a little moment as he left KOPW that looked kind of like a good bye (not as clear cut as War Machine's good bye, who are almost certainly now on the way to NXT).

Ricochet is the single best athlete in world wrestling for me. Plus, he has the look, the move set, the fans and kids will love him and as such he's hugely marketable. Ofc he's kinda rubbish on the mic, which may hinder him, but with a decent manager...I think he's capable of a lot more than 205 fodder. 

He's most similar to Neville out of any one who has ever been in the WWE, but better. Perhaps he's a ready made replacement, and will slot straight in. I have read that there's a 90 day no compete clause with Lucha Underground, though, from the date of the last season 3 show on tv, which I believe is later this week. So maybe it won't be all that soon. 

On the subject of LU, the Hell of War match between Dante Fox and Killshot in part one of Ultima Lucha Tres - holy shit! Utterly brutal, incredibly well booked match, even if the ending was a bit kooky, surely a last man standing rule instead of basically a stretcher match would have been better, but man. What a match. 

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8 hours ago, Wainy316 said:

Nia Jax is the latest to walk apparently.

In a way I am glad if it's true as I'm just not a fan of big women in wrestling. 

Nia Jax is 240 pounds. Alexa Bliss could carry a clone of herself on her back and still weigh less than Nia Jax does and it's that I have an issue with. I am fine with weight mismatches as some of the greatest matches in history have been David vs Goliath kind of matches, but the mismatch between Nia Jax and the whole women's division is massive there is no one that should realistically beat her 1 on 1. 

So if she's gone then I probably won't miss her.

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15 hours ago, Daweii said:

In a way I am glad if it's true as I'm just not a fan of big women in wrestling. 

Nia Jax is 240 pounds. Alexa Bliss could carry a clone of herself on her back and still weigh less than Nia Jax does and it's that I have an issue with. I am fine with weight mismatches as some of the greatest matches in history have been David vs Goliath kind of matches, but the mismatch between Nia Jax and the whole women's division is massive there is no one that should realistically beat her 1 on 1. 

So if she's gone then I probably won't miss her.

Neville should have been briught back ti destroy amore. I actually cant stand amore and its reported behind the scenes he is one of the most disliked people and caused countless problems. Yet he gets rewarded instead of neville. As for jax its crazy she is a great wrestler. She should have held the title until aksura came in and beat her.

Guess we will see bliss fed to her shortly 

Also i dont understand thw booking sometimes. Your trying to create new stars and you havw bobby roode losing to ziggler in what his 4th match? 

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