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I get what you mean, but I don't really see where he goes from here. He's not going to either of the main shows, and he's not really doing much on NXT. The angy bitter heel thing might work out for a match at the next Takeover, but beyond that? It'd probably do him good to go back home in the long term.

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NJPW Dominion starts in about an hour, featuring, amongst other things ofc, Okada v Omega 2. Kenny may well do it this time. 

There's only been one gaijin champion in the last ten years (AJ), and even before that it was Brock (and before that if was Big Bob Sapp! Including a defence against Nakamura! That's so hilarious I might have to look at those matches). Kenny though is a proper NJPW guy to me, he's become world famous since his time their, which would make a win even more significant I think. 

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19 hours ago, hogso said:

I get what you mean, but I don't really see where he goes from here. He's not going to either of the main shows, and he's not really doing much on NXT. The angy bitter heel thing might work out for a match at the next Takeover, but beyond that? It'd probably do him good to go back home in the long term.

Well I'd like him to give it his all for a bit as he has been injured for so long that he hasn't really done anything. 

If he can stay healthy for a bit and do his thing then he might give it a chance I think if the powers that be get behind him.

If he puts together a good 9-12 months, injury free then I can see him ending up on smackdown after wm34 easily or entering the rumble.

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I would love to see that. 

He's got awesome pedigree as a tag team wrestler too, so if he teamed up with, say, Almas somewhere down the line and have an extended tag team title run, perhaps that'd be a route to a main show for him. 

Kairi Hojo had her farewell show in Stardom the other week, so Asuka's reign may be on borrowed time! 

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Finished off both cards today from over the weekend - CZW ToD 16 and NJPW Dominion, quite a contrast! 

ToD was not nearly a classic, but Jimmy Havoc winning it was unexpected, and pretty awesome - despite him taking a disgusting bump to the outside in the final against Connor Claxton which ripped his back to shreds. MOTN was probably the dojo graduates 4 way, although MASADA v SHLAK was suitably crazy. 

Dominion was quite possibly the best full wrestling card I've ever seen. About 5 hours all in, so very long, but worth more or less every minute. Even if you're a wrestling fan who can't spare all of that time, at the very least spare a single hour for the main event. Probably better than the WK match for me, but it was better in some ways and worse in others...two incredible matches regardless. 

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On 15/06/2017 at 02:33, Villaphan04 said:

Samantha Rotunda (aka Bray Wyatt's wife) has filed for divorce accusing Bray of having an affair with Jojo the announcer. 


Really shit situation all round considering Bray has two children that will be suffering as a result.

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So Money in the Bank tonight. It's been a while since I truly looked forward to a PPV so I'm pretty stoked about this one.

Who does everyone expect to win the Money in the Bank matches? My money is on Baron Corbin for the men's and Carmella for the women's.

I just feel that this match is at its best when it elevates a career. Sometimes it doesn't work out like Dolph Ziggler, but I feel it's always worth a try. WWE won't know that Corbin is main event worthy until they strap the main title on him. Same for Carmella they are both superstars that have grown so much, but need that extra push to perhaps become the next big thing in the WWE. 

I think provided someone like Styles or Charlotte don't win I'll be happy regardless. I like Styles and Charlotte, but others need to have a chance as well. 

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10 hours ago, Villaphan04 said:

I think that Corbin is nailed on to win the men's match. The woman's one can go many different ways. Especially if they have Lana beat Naomi tonight and the winner cashes in. 


So predictable

Corbin wins and Carmella wins. Oh and Jinder still champ (lamest world champ ever) 


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3 hours ago, Demitri_C said:
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So predictable

Corbin wins and Carmella wins. Oh and Jinder still champ (lamest world champ ever) 



I thought it was predictable in all the right ways. 

Carmella winning is the best result in that match. She has the most to gain from this win and it suits her character to have something over the Champion. How she won it? It suits her character, but I can see why people are annoyed. This whole Women's revolution is about Women taking control and doing what the Men do, but here was a Woman playing the helpless damsel in distress unable to climb the ladder, so the Man won the match for her. Again it fits Carmella as a character and Ellsworth's role as a white knight, but still a bit of a backwards step for the Women's division I think. 

The Uso's put on a great match with New Day. Kofi Kingston is the man right now, he's wrestling better now than he ever has and it's great to see. As for the end of the match, it is an ending that makes sense as the heels on the back foot just didn't want to risk losing, it's very sensible and clinical booking though and I can't imagine how that went down in the arena, not after the Money in the Bank match before it ending how it did. Ultimately not bad booking, just very straight forward and sensible booking for the heels.

Lana is a much better wrestler than I would ever have expected. I mean she's only been training for about 8 months and she's already about as good as Brie Bella was which is impressive. As for the match itself it was alright. I don't think Naomi could have done much more with someone as green as Lana, but Naomi showed a few new tricks to her arsenal - I don't think anyone knew she could mat wrestle the way she did last night, or wrestle a slower more technical style, but she did which is great to see. All in all a very standard match with Lana I think surprising everyone more than anything.   

Jinder Mahal is an interesting character - He wrestles a very slow and almost old style of wrestling, he's very methodical and his ring psychology is very good, I just think he's been dealt a bad hand with the Jobber to Champion push. As for the match itself it was the match from Backlash all over again, it was so note for note that Orton again got distracted like an amateur and threw the match away. Mahal was down for 4 minutes while Orton attacked the Singh Brothers not once, not twice, but three times and of course by the time he got back in the ring Mahal had him for the win. Very formulaic and that was made worse because we saw this exact match 4 weeks ago.

The main event was the match of the night. Yes Corbin winning was very predictable, but like Carmella he has the most to gain from it and it will catapult his career. Corbin is a long-term main event heel in the making and this win is the next step on that road. The match itself was full of great spots largely involving Kevin Owens - It became almost a running joke as the match went on to follow every move on Owens with, "Sami just killed Owens", or "Styles just killed Owens" cause he was taking some killer bumps. Though in that same vein I give kudos to Dolph Ziggler, that sunset flip power bomb he took from the top of the ladder was insane. All in all the match was great with some great spots, some great teasing for future matches and an all round satisfying end.  

I didn't dislike Money in the Bank this year, but I can fully understand why many people left last night underwhelmed. I look forward to seeing what Corbin and Carmella do now they hold all the power on Smackdown. 


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I thought it was ok, no surprises.  The highlight was probably when Styles and Nakamura were in the ring together.  I've not seen much of Nakamura before and still to really get the hype but you could tell things amped up a bit when they faced off.  Should be a great Mania match if they go that way.  Also I quite like Jinder Mahal, it's a gimmick that shouldn't work and certainly shouldn't be round in the 21st century but he pulls it off brilliantly.  Rather him than Randy as champ.

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Quite enjoyed the show overall, although the ending of women's match felt quite disrespectful. Some nice spots in the main event, Zayn's powerbomb on Ziggler in particular, but nothing that matched the high points of previous MITB matches. Corbin's win was so predictable that I did, in fact, predict it, but I think he's a good choice - there's plenty they can do from here to turn him into a monster heel, and I loved that the ladder he grabbed to take out Nakamura before the match was shorter than he was. Great to see Styles and Nakamura face to face, and the crowd was super into it which really helped sell the excitement of the moment. Really hope they put those two into a program.

I know it's blasphemy to say it, but I don't mind Mahal. He's a solid worker, and he's clearly getting a reaction from the crowd. I share JBL's bemusement at Breezango. And having seen Maria and Mike Kannelis' shtick over on Impact, I'm not excited.

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The Styles / Nakamura match from NJPW, which was the last there for both, is an absolutely incredible match, if you can find it. If they can put on a match even half as good in WWE, it's potential MOTY stuff for the promotion. 

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Personally I think what they should do gave mahal vs styles feud with styles winning then feuding with Owens beat him then feuds with a big nakamura vs styles at summer slam have nakamura win it then Corbyn cashes in

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15 hours ago, hogso said:

The Styles / Nakamura match from NJPW, which was the last there for both, is an absolutely incredible match, if you can find it. If they can put on a match even half as good in WWE, it's potential MOTY stuff for the promotion. 

I've seen highlights on YouTube and yeah, it's a corker. As far as I'm concerned Styles is the best in the world. Even wrestling WWE-style he and Nakamura would put on a masterclass.


15 hours ago, Demitri_C said:

Personally I think what they should do gave mahal vs styles feud with styles winning then feuding with Owens beat him then feuds with a big nakamura vs styles at summer slam have nakamura win it then Corbyn cashes in

My money's on Cena beating Mahal at Summerslam and Corbin cashing in then.

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49 minutes ago, Villanun said:

I've seen highlights on YouTube and yeah, it's a corker. As far as I'm concerned Styles is the best in the world. Even wrestling WWE-style he and Nakamura would put on a masterclass.


My money's on Cena beating Mahal at Summerslam and Corbin cashing in then.

good theory


Raw was good, predictable heel turn by Big Cass but so enjoyed it. Enzo is really holding him back. 


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I was hoping for a Enzo and Cass to do a heel turn while together, even if it was part of a Big Cass singles run. Cass absolutely has everything you need to be a world champion in the WWE. He's massive, he speaks well on the mic, gets good reaction from the crowd.


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