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  • 1 month later...

A man in Washington state is taking the piss out of the police. He is accused of kidnapping and raping boys and filming the rapes. In court he has decided to represent himself, and as he is acting as a lawyer for himself he is entitled to review any evidence in the case freely. Which basically means he can watch child porn in jail.

Law backs accused's right to view porn

July 15, 2011

TACOMA: A legal loophole in the US is allowing a man in Washington state accused of child sex crimes to view child pornography in jail.

The man, Weldon Marc Gilbert, is acting as his own lawyer in the case and that means he's entitled to review the evidence.

The evidence in the case includes more than 100 videos seized from Gilbert's Lake Tapps home after his 2007 arrest. Authorities say some of the footage was shot by Gilbert.

''Make no mistake - I don't like it,'' the Pierce County Sheriff, Paul Pastor, told Seattle's KOMO-TV. ''But it is not my choice whether to do it or not to do it. There's no question that I don't like it. There's no question that this makes me grind my teeth.''

The materials normally would be contraband at the Pierce County Jail but restricting Gilbert's access to the videos could result in a mistrial, the station reported on Wednesday.

''We don't want to do it, but we have to follow the law,'' the Pierce County Prosecutor, Mark Lindquist, said. ''The fix here is to change the law.''

Gilbert worked as a pilot and is accused of using offers of flying lessons, money and alcohol to lure more than a dozen boys to his home, where police say he then molested them. When Gilbert viewed his videos in the Tacoma jail, he was with an investigator in a room visible to jail guards, KIRO-TV in Seattle reported.

Gilbert pleaded guilty in the US District Court in 2009 to producing child pornography and received a 25-year sentence. But, The News Tribune at Tacoma reported, the deal was contingent on Gilbert also pleading guilty in a state court to sex crimes, with prosecutors recommending a concurrent sentence. When a judge told Gilbert his state sentence could be as long as life, he withdrew his guilty plea.

I suspect once the trial is over this guy might find that the guards "accidentally" leave his cell door unlocked on the same night as the prison boxing team have their annual gathering...

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I suspect once the trial is over this guy might find that the guards "accidentally" leave his cell door unlocked on the same night as the prison boxing team have their annual gathering...

Lets hope so

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Family upset by Chuck E. Cheese mascot's apparent gesture


Another star stands accused of behaving badly.

Chuck E. Cheese, spokesmouse for more than 500 pizza and entertainment restaurants in 48 states and six countries, was recently captured in a photograph appearing to make an offensive gesture while posing with a 4-year-old Las Cruces fan.

Posing next to Corbin Anderson, Chuck E. has his right arm around the boy in a friendly fashion, while his left hand looks to be giving the camera a brown, fuzzy finger.

A spokeswoman for the pizza chain says the unflattering image can be explained by, well, a wardrobe malfunction.

"He has big wide paws, like a glove, and they're lumpy and not clearly defined," said Brenda Holloway. "His glove is a thumb and three fingers, so what you see is his index finger extended - not his middle finger," she said.

Corbin's parents are not convinced.

Jesse Anderson said he has some words for Chuck E.

"Why would you do that? If you don't like your job, there is somebody else out there who would love to do what you do. You can go somewhere else to flip somebody off. That's inappropriate."

It started on Corbin's birthday on Sunday. Corbin, his parents, grandmother and four brothers and sisters had reserved a party spot at the Chuck E. Cheese restaurant in the Mesilla Valley Mall. Corbin, a devoted fan of Chuck E., had been snubbed in favor of a larger party that was being held several tables over, a partygoer said.

"All Corbin really wanted was a hug from Chuck E. Cheese. You know how little kids are with their idols," said Karen Anderson, Corbin's grandmother. "But it seemed like he did not really want to be there," she said of the pizza restaurant mascot of 35 years, who was not allowed to speak to the Sun-News.

When the family arrived home after the party and uploaded the pictures to their Facebook account, they saw what appeared to them to be an obscene gesture.

"I was mad. I still am," said Andrea Anderson, Corbin's mother. "That's his 4th birthday picture, and it's ruined. That was no way to treat a child," she said.

Both parents said they contacted the corporate headquarters of Chuck E. Cheese, but claim that there was not a willingness to apologize or even address the situation.

Chuck E. Cheese corporate spokeswoman - who has seen the image - maintains that the position of the hand is due entirely to the floppy nature of the outfit material, and that they have contacted the frustrated parents.

"It's not like we ignored their concerns," said Holloway. "We would be happy to talk with the family and see if we can come to an amicable solution to this," she said.


Old-school Chuck E. Cheese training video

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Couple break record for world’s longest name as superheroes


A dynamic duo in the UK are thought to have flown into the record books by changing their names to mark their love of superheroes.

Their new names are now thought be the world’s longest.

22-year-old Emperor Spiderman Gandalf Wolverine Skywalker Optimus-Prime Goku Sonic Xavier Ryu Cloud Superman HeMan Batman Thrash – from Nottingham – grew up with the name Kelvin Borbidge.

Baron Venom Balrog Sabretooth Vader Megatron Vegeta Robotnik Magneto Bison Sephiroth Lex-Luthor Skeletor Joker Grind – who’s 23 and also from Nottingham – was known in school as Daniel Knox-Hewson.

Both men say they wanted to do something that reflected their true personalities.

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Paul Daniels hospitalised by Sooty

Paul Daniels hospitalised by Sooty


TV magician Paul Daniels was reportedly been hospitalised after being hit with a pizza by Sooty the puppet. The accident happened during the shooting of a scene for the new ITV series, The Sooty Show. According to The Sun, the happy-go-lucky puppet was just having a bit of fun when the pizza connected with the magic man's head on the second take.

Daniels, who was left dazed by the incident, received medical attention on set and was later taken to A & E where he was treated for suspected head injuries and a black eye. Sooty was undamaged in the incident.

It's magic!

"Paul was such a good sport and so professional," a source told the paper. "He's insisted they use the scene where he got injured, not the first one.

"Well, he did suffer for his art, so it would be a shame to waste it. And after all, it's only a puppet!"

Daniels' agent said of the incident: "It damaged his eye. We had to go to hospital. But he's made a full recovery and is about to go to the Edinburgh Festival for a month."

The 73-year-old also got a 'pizza the action' with his own Twitter report. "All that happened was that I got hit in the eye with a pizza and called into a lovely local hospital on the way home to have it checked," he wrote on Twitter.

The Sooty Show will be seen on ITV1 later this year.

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Two snippets that caught my eye from the Guardian's report on the London rioting:

Using BlackBerry handsets – the smartphone of choice for the majority (37%) of British teens
OK, we know what they meant, but still...

Jenny Jones, the former deputy mayor of London, blamed an under-resourced force for missing the tweets and the status updates.
Not enough snowboards to go around, perhaps? :)
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  • 3 weeks later...

The jokes write themselves

Athletes posing for risque calendars is nothing new, so perhaps the 15 members of the Bethany College men's golf team figured it was no big deal to strip, place their clubs strategically in front of their groins and say cheese.

And then post the photo on Facebook.

Unfortunately, Bethany is a small Lutheran school in Lindsborg, Kan., that plays in Midwest events like the Evangel Tournament, the Central Christian Tournament and the Oklahoma Baptist Tournament.

Christian college golf takes a dim view of nudity, even partial nudity. So athletic director and golf coach Jon Daniels, who was emailed the picture by someone, suspended the team for three tournaments.

"I've been around a long time and I think this is a case of young people who just don't think beyond the moment and don't realize who they're hurting," Daniels told the Witchita Eagle.

Yes, and those harmed by viewing bare legs and torsos cry out for suspensions.

Bethany, by the way, is very good on the links: The Swedes have won 11 of the last 15 KCAC championships.

Captain Jack Hiscock reportedly said the team would appeal the suspension to the school president.

In their defense, it should be noted that the golfers seem to be covering up mostly with drivers. Could have been worse. They could have used their putters.


Captain Jack Hiscock is from Swindon, as it happens

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Florida pastor of an "internet church" proposes National Atheist Registry

Pastor Michael Stahl -- or "Pastor Mike," as he's known on the net -- posted on his blog about a year ago saying he was pretty sure he was going to start a grassroots organization to keep a database of atheists called "The Christian National Registry of Atheists."

"I mean, think about it. There are already National Registrys [sic] for convicted sex offenders, ex-convicts, terrorist cells, hate groups like the KKK, skinheads, radical Islamists, etc.." Stahl writes. "This type of 'National Registry' would merely be for information purposes."

He probably thought that was a really great idea. That is, until the rest of the internet found out about his idea yesterday.

"Pastor Mike" was happy to let the rest of the interwebs know that his website got tons of hits from angry people after somebody discovered he'd just recently posted a link to the old post on his Facebook page -- which he's since had to delete.

We'll also note that Stahl's church, the "Living Water Church," isn't actually a church in Miramar. Instead, it's an online church -- or an "I-Net" church, as he calls it -- but he says he lives in Miramar.

A year later, though, Stahl says he still supports his atheist registry, and if anyone were to start a Christian registry, he says you could put him at the top of the list.

You can read all about Stahl's complaints with internet people here, but let's focus on what's really important -- the "Atheist National Registry" idea from Pastor Mike, as he says he honestly doesn't understand why anyone would be against such a thing.

He says it would just be for informational purposes and wouldn't have addresses of those damned atheists, just their names and possibly a photo.

Here's the brilliant explanation from "Pastor Mike," which includes all of his errant spelling and grammar:

Now, many (especially the atheists), may ask "Why do this, what's the purpose?" Duhhh, Mr. Atheist for the same purpose many States put the names and photos of convicted sex offenders and other ex-felons on the I-Net - to INFORM the public! I mean, in the City of Miramar, Florida, where I live, the population is approx. 109,000. My family and I would sure like to know how many of those 109,000 are ADMITTED atheists! Perhaps we may actually know some. In which case we could begin to witness to them and warn them of the dangers of atheism. Or perhaps they are radical atheists, whose hearts are as hard as Pharaoh's, in that case, if they are business owners, we would encourage all our Christian friends, as well as the various churches and their congregations NOT to patronize them as we would only be "feeding" Satan.

Frankly, I don't see why anyone would oppose this idea - including the atheists themselves (unless of course, they're actually ashamed of their atheist religion, and would prefer to stay in the 'closet.').

In case you didn't read that, he didn't really come up with a reason for the registry except for atheists being super bad and quite possibly homosexuals.

We'll keep this one filed under "almost-great ideas."

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Police commissioner's son jailed for 16 months over meth lab

POLICE Commissioner Karl O'Callaghan's son has been jailed for 16 months for his role in manufacturing drugs in a home laboratory.

Russell Joseph O’Callaghan, 30, suffered serious burns when a clandestine drug laboratory exploded inside a Carlisle house on March 19 this year.

He was sentenced today in the District Court to 16 months in prison for attempting to manufacture the prohibited drug methamphetamine.

Just a tad embarrassing ...

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