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Pentagon-funded Atlas robot refuses to be knocked over


Meet Atlas, a humanoid robot capable of crossing rough terrain and maintaining its balance on one leg even when hit from the side.

And WildCat, the four-legged robot that can gallop untethered at up to 16mph (26km/h).

These are the latest creations of Boston Dynamics, a US robotics company part-funded by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (Darpa).

The robots are part of Darpa's Maximum Mobility and Manipulation programme.

Darpa says such robots "hold great promise for amplifying human effectiveness in defence operations".

Referring to Atlas's ability to remain balanced despite being hit by a lateral weight, Noel Sharkey, professor of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics at the University of Sheffield, told the BBC: "This is an astonishing achievement... quite a remarkable feat."

This version of Atlas is one of seven humanoid robots Boston Dynamics is developing in response to the Darpa Robotics Challenge.

In December, competing robots will be set eight tasks to test their potential for use in emergency-response situations, including crossing uneven ground, using power tools and driving a rescue vehicle.

Darpa wants to improve the manoeuvrability and controllability of such robots while reducing manufacturing costs.


WildCat can bound, gallop and turn, mimicking the movements of quadruped animals. It is powered by an internal combustion engine.

"It is a shame that such technology is not being developed with other research funding," said Prof Sharkey, who is also chair of the International Committee for Robot Arms Control.

"We do not know what military purpose it will serve but certainly it is a step towards a high-speed ground robot that could be weaponised to hunt and kill."

The video shows WildCat performing on a flat surface, but Prof Sharkey said: "It would be good to see how well it could perform in a muddy field."

Last year, Boston Dynamics' Cheetah robot reached a sprint speed of 28.3mph tethered to a treadmill.

Geoff Pegman, managing director of RURobots, told the BBC: "Robotics has been making important strides in recent years, and these are a couple of demonstrations of the technology moving forward.

"However, their application may be limited to areas such as defence and, maybe specialised construction or demolition tasks.

"In other applications there are more efficient ways of achieving the mobility more cost effectively."



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Goodbye, Chopper





Not since Ned Kelly has an Australian criminal enjoyed such public adulation as Mark “Chopper” Read. Unlike Kelly, Read lived to enjoy his infamy, becoming a bestselling author and the subject of a hit film. The heavily tattooed, garrulous Read, who has died aged 58, blended the swaggering Australian “good bloke” persona with a belief in righteous violence.

A street thug who claimed to have spent only 13 months out of prison between the ages of 20 and 38, Read learned to read and write in jail and in 1990 began corresponding with a Melbourne journalist, John Silvester. He and his colleague Andrew Rule edited the letters to create a book, Chopper, From the Inside: The Confessions of Mark Brandon Read (1991), about Read’s exploits. Silvester, now crime reporter at the Age in Melbourne, has written: “There is no doubt some of Read’s stories are embellished, polished or, in some cases, stolen, but there is also no doubt that through the 1970s and 80s he was one of the most dangerous men in Australia.”

Chopper was an instant success, going on to sell more than 200,000 copies, and Read followed it with Hits and Memories (1992) and How to Shoot Friends and Influence People (1993). He went on to produce books at a rate of roughly one a year for more than a decade: initially, he wrote autobiographical tales, but then turned to crime fiction and even children’s books.

He became internationally famous mainly due to the success of the 2000 film Chopper, based on his autobiography. A critical and box office hit, Chopper catapulted its director, Andrew Dominik, and star, Eric Bana, on to Hollywood’s A-list. Bana, a comedian who had been recommended by Read for the part, brilliantly captured the mix of violence and wry naivety the role demanded. The film’s success led to Read developing a cult following, and he began writing columns for the British men’s magazines FHM and Nuts. Read donated all his earnings from the film to Melbourne’s Royal Children’s hospital.

The son of an ex-army father and a fervently religious mother, Read was born and raised in the suburbs of Melbourne. He spent his first five years in a children’s home. He was reunited with his parents, but things were difficult, and he was bullied at school. Made a ward of the state at 14, he was placed in psychiatric institutions and subjected to electro-shock treatment. His brutal childhood led Read to develop his “hard man” persona, and his skills at dishing out violence and enduring pain saw him become a street gang leader by his mid-teens.

Read quickly realised that stealing from drug dealers was much more profitable than preying on ordinary citizens: not only do dealers possess large sums of cash, he reasoned, but they cannot complain about their losses to the police. He would later use these activities to promote himself as the scourge of Melbourne’s underground, a criminal who stole from criminals and (supposedly) never harmed an innocent person.

Read was regularly arrested and in the mid-70s was sentenced to 17 years in Pentridge prison, Melbourne, for kidnapping a judge (in an attempt to get a member of his gang freed). Inside, Read became involved in prison gang wars. With matters getting out of hand, Read requested a transfer to another wing of the prison. When he was refused, Read asked a fellow inmate to cut both his ears off. He wrote: “They said there was no way I would be getting a transfer, so I made the simple decision that ears off = transfer. Believe me, it works.” According to some accounts, the name “Chopper” stemmed from this episode, though others attributed it to his habit of cutting off his victims’ toes using boltcutters. Others said it was an earlier, childhood nickname.

Not long after this, Read was stabbed repeatedly by members of his own gang, who wanted to kill him because they feared his thirst for a prison gang war was becoming uncontrollable. Read survived, but lost several feet of bowel and intestine in the attack.

Read was still being held under maximum security when his books became popular. He began to receive prison visits from Mary-Ann Hodge, who had read one of them, and the couple married in 1995. Three years later, he was released from jail, and the couple moved to a farmhouse in Tasmania. After a son, Charlie, was born, Read wrote: “Fatherhood changed me. I reckon I became a human being at 45, when I saw my first boy born … That’s the moment I joined the human race.”

The marriage ended in 2001, Read finding farm life in Tasmania boring. He married Margaret Casser in 2003 and their son, Roy, was born the following year. “When I was 50 and I saw my second boy born, I became a fully paid-up member of the human race,” wrote Read. “I have no regrets, but those moments told me what I should have been – a good human being.”

Read was by now a fully fledged Australian icon, his total book sales having passed 500,000 and his live performances, in which he showed a gift for comedy, selling out theatres. He began exhibiting paintings and in 2006 released a rap album, Interview with a Madman. He appeared in public service advertisements warning against drink driving and domestic violence. He liked to boast that he had killed 19 people and attempted the murder of 11 others, but also said he would “never let the truth get in the way of a good yarn”.

Declaring himself bankrupt – due to a gambling addiction – in 2007, he also announced that he had hepatitis C, but would not be applying for the liver transplant that might save him. He had recently received treatment for liver cancer.

He is survived by Margaret and his sons.

Edited by maqroll
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Everyone loves a happy ending, especially when it involves a scumbag getting shot.


Biker jacked at gunpoint before thief shot by cop - caught on helmet cam

Video here (NSFW - Someone does actually get shot)

A rider on his motorbike was caught a very scary moment when he was suddenly held at gunpoint while a thief attempted to steal his ride. What he probably didn't expect, was a nearby undercover policeman who almost immediately shot him before he could get away.

The incident happened at an unknown location in Brazil and was caught on the biker's helmet cam which is available for you to watch in full.

The biker was casually arriving at a junction when another motorbike appeared out of nowhere with the passenger on the back already pointing a gun in the victims face. He naturally hands over his motorbike before the undercover cop arrives on the scene.

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Toothless Penis Biter Jailed
The trial judge told Jason Martin, 41, he had carried out the attack to humiliate his former pal Richard Henderson who had accused him of “being back on the drugs”.
The father-of-one had told a jury: “I didn’t do that..I am not a gay man in any way. 
"The thought of putting a man’s penis in my mouth..well it’s not for me. Not in a million years would I do it!”
But he was found guilty of wounding with intent to cause serious injury by grabbing Mr Henderson’s penis and testicles during the bust-up near their homes in Folkestone Road, Dover.
Judge Adele Williams said his victim said he had “never felt such excruciating pain like that before in his life”.
She added: “These were horrendous injuries but you have shown not one flicker of remorse... in fact, you regard yourself as the victim.
“I have no doubt that when you lost your temper on this occasion you were determined to inflict as much pain and injury upon your victim as possible.
“You also set out to humiliate him by taking hold of his penis and testicles and gnawing at them.”

The prosecution at Canterbury Crown Court had told how Martin attacked his neighbour, who was dressed in his pyjamas and no shoes, after receiving a text to turn down his music.
As the two argued, Mr Henderson made a jibe about Martin’s alleged drug abuse and a fight broke out.
Heroin-addict Martin, who had denied the offence, claimed he was punched first and then held in a headlock before being kicked.
“You also set out to humiliate him by taking hold of his penis and testicles and gnawing at them..." - Judge Adele Williams
Mr Henderson, who was covered in blood from the alleged attack, was taken to hospital where surgeons had to stitch his penis.
He told the jury that his penis had been bitten “like it was a sandwich”, causing him “excruciating pain.”
He was asked what it was like and replied: “My willy was not attached to the rest of my body...I have never experienced that kind of pain to this day and I don’t want to experience it ever again.”
Photographs of the injury were later shown to the six man-six woman jury panel after being told “they don’t make pleasant viewing!”
The court heard that when police officers interviewed Martin after the bust-up he still had blood around his mouth.
Martin claimed that was from a “fat lip” he received from a punch and not from biting the penis, telling the jury: “I have only got a couple of teeth in the lower part of my mouth...I can’t even bite into a hard-boiled egg!”
He was asked to show the jury his lack of teeth, saying he had dentures but only used them "for cosmetic reasons".
He added: “I accept that I did grab his testicles, not maliciously or to hurt him badly.”
Martin said that he had had a text from Mr Henderson’s partner, Michelle Hilton, about how loud the music was on his XBox.
He said he went to the neighbour’s flat because he thought the complaint was unfair and was grabbed by Mr Henderson who then tried to “ram my head into a metal staircase”.
Martin broke down in the witness box during his trial and wept after admitting he had told police officers “I have not done anything to him”
He said: “I had just grabbed around him (Mr Henderson), I didn’t realise at the time that I had done anything to him. It was just a rat bite. I just grabbed into an area, I didn’t realise at the time it was his testicles.”

Judge Williams asked: “You must have felt his penis and testicles in your hand?”
Martin replied: “I didn’t know if it was his penis or his testicles or his upper leg or arm. I didn’t know what it was. I was just getting beaten up and I was scared.”
After being arrested for the assault he was released on bail and was stopped again by police driving dangerously through the town – while children were on their way home from school.
He was jailed for seven years for the wounding and the judge added another year for the dangerous driving.
Martin, who also admitted a string of other driving offences –has a criminal record which included six offences of driving while disqualified, four for drink driving and seven for driving without insurance.
He was also banned from driving for five years.

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Everyone loves a happy ending, especially when it involves a scumbag getting shot. 

Biker jacked at gunpoint before thief shot by cop - caught on helmet camVideo here (NSFW - Someone does actually get shot)A rider on his motorbike was caught a very scary moment when he was suddenly held at gunpoint while a thief attempted to steal his ride. What he probably didn't expect, was a nearby undercover policeman who almost immediately shot him before he could get away.The incident happened at an unknown location in Brazil and was caught on the biker's helmet cam which is available for you to watch in full.The biker was casually arriving at a junction when another motorbike appeared out of nowhere with the passenger on the back already pointing a gun in the victims face. He naturally hands over his motorbike before the undercover cop arrives on the scene.

I highly approve.

Instant justice. The best kind d

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StigVillan, on 17 Oct 2013 - 12:32 PM, said:


BOF, on 16 Oct 2013 - 10:32 AM, said:

Everyone loves a happy ending, especially when it involves a scumbag getting shot. 


Biker jacked at gunpoint before thief shot by cop - caught on helmet camVideo here (NSFW - Someone does actually get shot)A rider on his motorbike was caught a very scary moment when he was suddenly held at gunpoint while a thief attempted to steal his ride. What he probably didn't expect, was a nearby undercover policeman who almost immediately shot him before he could get away.The incident happened at an unknown location in Brazil and was caught on the biker's helmet cam which is available for you to watch in full.The biker was casually arriving at a junction when another motorbike appeared out of nowhere with the passenger on the back already pointing a gun in the victims face. He naturally hands over his motorbike before the undercover cop arrives on the scene.

I highly approve.

Instant justice. The best kind d




really !!


should we arm everybody so they can go about dishing out instant justice  ?

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really !!

should we arm everybody so they can go about dishing out instant justice ?

May aswell trial it :-P It was a cop that shot the scummer y'know.
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BOF, on 17 Oct 2013 - 3:22 PM, said:


tonyh29, on 17 Oct 2013 - 12:41 PM, said:

really !!

should we arm everybody so they can go about dishing out instant justice ?

May aswell trial it :-P It was a cop that shot the scummer y'know.



Yeah I know  .. it was the comment of "instant Justice , the best kind"  I was commenting on  but the OP has clarified that


you could argue though that the bloke had put his gun away (tucks it in his belt around 50 secs) before the rozzer shot him and nor did he ( the shooter)  issue any warning  , so it was like an execution  ....  mind you publicly executing Brazilian's seems to be fair game even in London ( ducks)



more importantly though where the f**k did that copper appear from , the camera pans away for a nano second and he's just there , all the cars have closed doors 

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No. Just the proper authorities, trained enough to administer and apply justice that is decided on by the majority in conjunction with the law of a nation, built on a shared understanding of morality.

I'd trust the average man in the street more than I'd trust the proper authorities, tbh.

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Panicked groom who staged BOMB scare to cover up forgetting to book wedding venue is jailed

A flustered groom was today jailed for 12 months for staging a bomb hoax at his OWN WEDDING after forgetting to book the venue.

Bungling Neil McArdle telephoned the listing building where he was due to wed to warn of an impending explosion, in a plot which ‘had all the makings of a comedy’, Liverpool Crown Court heard.

The 36-year-old realised he had not filled out the correct forms and rang in the emergency threat on the morning of the ceremony.

McArdle did not have the heart to inform his bride-to-be Amy Williams of his mistake after seeing her ‘looking amazing’ on her wedding day on April 24, the court was told.

As his unsuspecting fiancee got ready for her big day, McArdle left his home in Kirkby, Merseyside, and disguised his voice in a phone box to tell an astonished receptionist: “This is not a hoax call. There’s a bomb in St George’s Hall and it will go off in 45 minutes.”

His happy fiancee arrived at the venue in Liverpool, in her wedding dress, in full expectation she was about to tie the knot.

But police quickly converged on the city centre building in response to the bomb threat and evacuated staff, meaning the wedding was cancelled.

The court heard how the bride's sister suspected her soon-to-be brother-in-law outside the venue, as she raged at him: “You’ve probably done the bomb hoax yourself!”

After his call was traced and he was arrested, McArdle, who had pleaded guilty at an earlier hearing to a single charge of communicating false information with intent, told cops he had only realised his booking mistake on the eve of the wedding.

He said he felt ‘embarrassed’ and ‘panicked’, and set up the bomb threat to buy himself more time.

Judge Norman Wright said the scare was aggravated by the Boston marathon explosions just 11 days earlier which had ‘killed and maimed people and must have been at the forefront of people’s minds at the time.’

McArdle wept in the dock as his barrister Charles Lander revealed the couple were still together despite the ‘betrayal of trust'.

He said: “This has all the making of a comedy, but this is not a laughing matter.”

Judge Wright told McArdle: “What you did was to perpertre a bomb hoax at St George’s Hall, of neo-classical design, a world landmark, and a public building used for many different purposes.

“It has a coroner’s court, births and deaths are registered there and public tours take place.

“The business of the building was disrupted by your call. This must have struck sheer terror in the heart of the person who received the call.

“Having realised you hadn’t booked the wedding, you did nothing, and nothing and nothing and buried your head in the sand.

“You are an intelligent man, you’ve got a degree and as a result of your last conviction yoi did a thinking skills programme to analyse situations if you needed that.

“Only you know, looking into your heart of hearts know why {you rang in the bomb hoax.}

“Maybe there was some ambivalence in your mind about the wedding, but you did nothing.

“You didn't say we need to talk and level with her. You tried to weasal your way out by creating a bomb hoax to give you more time.”

Mr Lander, defending, said: “He was going to tell Ms Williams, but having gone to sleep, he woke up and she looked amazing, and he couldn’t get out the words to her and tell her what he hadn’t done.

“The wedding was never going to take place, he was always going to be found out by Ms Williams and her family."


Edited by choffer
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Interesting 15 min documentary on Vice about the Japanese love industry... 



Interesting 15 min documentary on Vice about the Japanese love industry... 



I can't access this at the moment. Does it involve poo at the end?
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