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Gonna get to the point where every computery technical thing is going to be in one product.

I've got a phone with is phone/email/sat nav/music/video/camera/calculator, stopwatch, etc/task list/web browser/calender/news updates... Makes you wonder what else they can throw into one piece of equipment.

Add an iPod able to do all of the above aswell and you need never carry anything else with you..

Of course, if you lose it, you lose it all. So hard to say if it's all good.

I still think the iPhone will be huge. But not this model. It's the first one. Things like not being able to forward are things overlooked which the next model will be able to... trial and error.... after a few models it'll be quite amazing.

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Tegis, have you tried it?

I've got an earlier incarnation and I have to say its ok its also indestructible, Its bounced out of my pocket at least five times when we've scored and had to be recovered in bits from various pieces from rows in front this season

Its still going :D

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Tegis, have you tried it?

I've got an earlier incarnation and I have to say its ok its also indestructible, Its bounced out of my pocket at least five times when we've scored and had to be recovered in bits from various pieces from rows in front this season

Its still going :D

Then we are in the same boat. My 9100 refuses to break :-( Can't get this until that happens. I think I need to be creative on this. Lending it to the kids maybe?

I've tried the new one over a weekend. Same deal but with more toys and less weight/size. Brilliant

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Apple is a joke IMO and with phones they will be an even bigger joke they release a new model of ipod every other week so your brand new iphone will be replaced by a superior smaller version in a matter of months no thanks

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No substance?

It misses some important features but for those who don't need these communication specs such as EDGE and 3G (I guess that is most of us) it's state of the art.

The screen and gadget is immense, the mp3 player is unique and the graphics on it spectacular. Being their first attempt I would say this is kind of worrying for pretty

much every other producer of mobile phones. Stop bitching with the "I hate Apple and therefore I have to hate everything they make" without even trying it.

Apple is a joke?

I dear remind you they released the phone in the States back in June or something and they just realeased the phone with the same appearance in the UK. The same phone will come to Europe in a matter of months, perhaps smaller countries like Sweden and Norway as well. The same phone, and let's say March or April. I guess they will introduce a smaller and better phone next year, maybe not? But excuse me, doesn't every other producer do the same? K700, K750, K800 and K850, it's kinda hard to follow the trends nowadays. And on top of that; the price is spectacular. I just paid 399 dollars for mine as a friend is bringning it over from California.

Top that.

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Yes the N95 is the obvious pick but:

1) It costs twice as much

2) It doesn't look very good, it's contruction isn't very solid and the menus are somewhat poorer than the best on mobile phones

When you take it up from your pocket it always open itself up and it really should have been more compact.

It has everything the iPhone has, it's just that iPhone is SO much better when it comes to grapchis and entertainment. No, it

doesn't have the same communication abilities but seriously, other than business people, who needs it?

Myself fit into the iPhone bracket, superior music and entertainment pack - and it's exterior is kind of second to none.

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Now this isn't aimed at anyone in particular...............

thing is, what do you use a phone for? Thats what you have to ask yourself

Me I use a phone for making phone calls, texting people, surfing the net and a small amount of calender type organisation

Do I listen to music on it? nope, thats what my i-pod is for. The i-phones capacity isn't nearly large enough to cope with my music

The camera in a phone for me has always been an irrelevance, not found a decent one yet. I want to take photos I use a proper camera

Now thats not to say I don't want an i-phone but I will be waiting until the next gen comes out with its rumoured improved net capabilities, seeing if the memory capacity improves dramatically and it might just save me carrying around both implements but until then I can't see the point

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Now this isn't aimed at anyone in particular...............

thing is, what do you use a phone for? Thats what you have to ask yourself

Me I use a phone for making phone calls, texting people, surfing the net and a small amount of calender type organisation

Do I listen to music on it? nope, thats what my i-pod is for. The i-phones capacity isn't nearly large enough to cope with my music

The camera in a phone for me has always been an irrelevance, not found a decent one yet. I want to take photos I use a proper camera

Now thats not to say I don't want an i-phone but I will be waiting until the next gen comes out with its rumoured improved net capabilities, seeing if the memory capacity improves dramatically and it might just save me carrying around both implements but until then I can't see the point

this exactly what i said in this first page i dont need the i phone. i have an ipod for my tunes a camera for pics so all it really is is fancy gadget that people want to show off.

its not worth the money your spending at present your better off waiting to these crooks like o2 lower their prices.

they know they can rip people off because people are stupid (no offence) and will pay the money

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his exactly what i said in this first page i dont need the i phone. i have an ipod for my tunes a camera for pics so all it really is is fancy gadget that people want to show off.

Yeah but you just said it didn't you. Two gadgets you have to carry around. I totally agree, the cameras on the phones are crap; even the best ones. Sure they brag about megapixels but we all know they don't count for shit when the rest inside there is not worthwhile. The pictures are always blurry on the sides.

I am positive the iPhone just changed the way all mobile producers will work in the future. When the phone, camera and mp3-player is all complete in one good enough gadget I guess I will be happy. They have managed the mp3 player and phone to some degree, the camera is poor but like I said earlier, every other producer should look over their shoulders.

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Now this isn't aimed at anyone in particular...............

thing is, what do you use a phone for? Thats what you have to ask yourself

Me I use a phone for making phone calls, texting people, surfing the net and a small amount of calender type organisation

Do I listen to music on it? nope, thats what my i-pod is for. The i-phones capacity isn't nearly large enough to cope with my music

The camera in a phone for me has always been an irrelevance, not found a decent one yet. I want to take photos I use a proper camera

Now thats not to say I don't want an i-phone but I will be waiting until the next gen comes out with its rumoured improved net capabilities, seeing if the memory capacity improves dramatically and it might just save me carrying around both implements but until then I can't see the point

this exactly what i said in this first page i dont need the i phone. i have an ipod for my tunes a camera for pics so all it really is is fancy gadget that people want to show off.

its not worth the money your spending at present your better off waiting to these crooks like o2 lower their prices.

they know they can rip people off because people are stupid (no offence) and will pay the money

Camera for me is the single biggest feature. Yes i have a camera but i will take my phone with me wherever i go and if that incorporates a camera good enough for the kind of photos i take on a night/day out then it's a massive bonus as it will save me a fortune on buying a slim line casio or simlar and also carrying two devices, particularly relevant when your without a coat.

The same thing applies for the music...the N95 can take an 8gb micro sd card which is quite astonishing i think and more than ample for music the average person needs from day to day. And of course it's a 2 minute job (minus transfer rates) to swap hours and hours of music on your pc.

I dont think anyone is comparing these features to the stand alone gadgets and expecting them to come out on top but in many cases they are doing an increasingly impressive and more than adequate job, without the drawback of carrying several seperate devices.

The rate of progress from 5/6 years ago is simply astonishing and looks set to just keep on going. Personally it is something that i really do get alot of quality use from. I tend to create an album of cameraphone pics most weekends and as my 1gig (yeah i know) iriver just died on me, i find i have an 8 gig replacement already in my pocket, one less thing to carry around!

There are also much lower models than the ones discussed here so all you need to do is identify your needs and buy the appropriate phone. Since i know i'll often hop on a train to meet mates for a drink...being able to listen to music there, take photos while i'm out and then call a taxi home..all for one small divice is fantastic. I genuinely love my phone! :)

On a bit of a side note, i hear an 8 megapixel cameraphone is coming out soon. Personally i think they need to settle for a while and really work on ways of improving shutter speeds and the flash range. That would show the biggest improvement to the pictures.

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N95 wins hands down for me.

Primarily it is a phone.

So for me, the phone features are what we should judge it on.

No mms, memory, forwarding, and thats before we mention the price and crappy contracts it comes with.

N95 as a phone is the best Ive come across, yeh it has little problems, everything does.

But I certainly wont be looking for an iPhone anytime soon.

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I'm due an upgrade too in a few weeks. I like the look of the LG viewty, handles similar to the iphone in that it's touch screen but a 5mp camera plus it seems to work as a mobile. But for me the main plus is the abilty to play divx, which offers far better quality for the memory. and it looks gorgeous.

Saying that, I'm also stumped on that, the NG95 or the Sony Ericsson K850i. God damn which one to get!?!?!

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Having read all the comments here and elsewhere I have decided to give the IPhone a miss for a year or so till they hopefully resolve some of the issues. I dont really use MP3 players, Phone Camera's etc but do surf the web etc whilst mobile - however I do LOVE new gadgets!

Anyway with head ruling heart and following comments on here I have started to research the N95 as I my primary need is business calls.

Initially it seems the answer BUT from the 20 or so recent reviews I have just read it seems to have a patchy reputation with all kinds of faults. Admittedly its a small sample but out 20...............6 people reported having to get replacements in three cases five times. Of the balance no-one gave it 5/5 and the scores on average are around 2.5 - 3.00 which seems poor to me considering this is ssupposed to be a benchmark product.

Whats a man to do?

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