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My eyes are crap mate... getting worse with age, so would probably be happy with anything that means less pinch+zooming, which I do way too much on the 4s. Played with the Galaxy S3 the other day, beautiful size, easy to read things on.

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I'm very interested in what the new phone will be. The 4S in my view was a total dud a slight refresh of the 4. iOS updates have been playing catch up with android. So when it comes to hardware what will they do?

I won't be surprised if the big thing is just improved screen size. Talking for ages about how great a bigger screen will be. Then a quad core processor and camera improvements.

What else can they do really? NFC ?

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NFC, 4G (though it wont affect us here in the UK & Ireland) and a 'retina' pixel density on the new screen. I was 99% sold on replacing my Nexus S with an iPhone 5 a month ago. Now I am not so sure.

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I am still thinking S3 to me, only problem is the music in iTunes. The IPhone 5 has a lot to do, to grip me in the way the 3GS and 4 did. 4s was pure loyalty + apps and music.

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NFC, 4G (though it wont affect us here in the UK & Ireland) and a 'retina' pixel density on the new screen. I was 99% sold on replacing my Nexus S with an iPhone 5 a month ago. Now I am not so sure.

Get the next nexus phone then. It comes out just after the iphone 5 will.

But if you try to think about what the next iphone will have you can only see it catching up with other phones or bringing some new software gimmick like siri

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You can move your music from iTunes to another media manager very easily.

Tried to last year and only 13gb showed, with loads missing (should have been 8x that)

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Yeah I agree.

Voice commands strike me as something that you would use for about 5 minutes when you first get the phone, as a novelty, and then quickly realise are quite pointless.

As with a lot of things, though, I guess it's how it can be developed in the future.

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Similar to face to unlock on android, a useless feature. The phones are getting full of them. Siri was just a marketing ploy to get people to upgrade from an I phone 4 when there was no reason to. Samsung pushing software on the S3 as the hardware gap it had was all but gone.

Are there any software advancements left that people will care about?

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Didn't expect the Google Voice Search to work that well. Very impressive. Although with a British Accent, Siri works excellently, Voice Search up until ICS has been fairly poor IMO. I'll be interested to see how well it works with my voice.

Outside of driving and maybe a few other niche areas I can't see voice commands having any future. It would have to be as intelligent as a human to fully replace a direct interface. But even when I'm dealing with humans and giving instructions I still have to give written commands such as emails etc a lot of the time to avoid confusion. Which is why it can never replace a direct concise instruction method such as pressing things.

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does Siri and/or it's equivalents read out text messages?

I've always thought that would be a useful feature for when you're driving, especially if your phone hooks up to your car's audio via bluetooth or whatever.

If you think the text might be urgent so you need to see what it says, it reads it out rather than you having to try and read it and crash and burn!

Might already exist, just a thought.

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Cool, had a feeling it might be, just never seen it myself.

In car is probably the best use of voice commands (and that feature) that I can think of.

A situation where you can't (supposedly) use your hands and you won't look like a psychopath shouting at your phone

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Suppose, people with disabilities too must benefit from the improvement of voice and control

My friend managed to redesign the website of Dublin bus to be usable to the blind by using voice activation software. It was his thesis back in 2004

Things have come a long way since then

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Just as I'm about to sell my iPhone 4, my phone **** up.

It constantly switches to and from silent when I have it on loud from the side of the phone.

Anyone else had this problem?

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Sorry Limpid but I did explain, it seems nobody wanted to listen. It's not as though my opinion was somehow strange, please find me an unbiased review on the Internet that will tell you anything different to what I said.

And I totally agree with the last sentence spot on mate, as long as you appreciate that there are Android fanboys too.

I don't think you did. And I don't think anyone reading it thought you did either. It just came down to "Well I just think it's better." even though it seems to be universally accepted that the ability to get a refund on the Android Marketplace is the one major difference and a great feature for consumers. And I find it pretty unacceptable that the Apple app store makes no provision for refunds. What happens if you pay for something that turns out to be crap? Tough luck?

I accept I may have posted slightly for effect although I didn't say anything that wasn't true so I apologise for that. The iPhone 4, aside from its well-documented issues is a great package but it's getting behind the times a bit software-wise and the hardware is let down by the OS.

I admit I have a big beef with Apple due to them excluding me from using their products. Even though it wouldn't be a massive task to make a Linux version of iTunes (due to Mac OS being Unix) they won't do it. They won't even help the wine community to get it running on wine which shouldn't be difficult at all. Instead they write a completely different version for Windows so they can rope in Windows users but don't even make any mention of Linux anywhere because they consider that a threat to Mac as the position of default alternative to Windows.

This wouldn't be a problem if you didn't have to use iTunes to use an iPod / Phone but you do - for no reason other than vendor lock-in they force you to use iTunes to activate the devices. I don't use Windows and I won't pay ridiculous prices for a Mac so how can I use their products?

So I have to admit I can't wait to see Apple fail. They're a nasty, selfish company who need bringing down a peg or two. But as a package, the iPhone 4 is quite nice, just not for me and slightly behind the times.

This is from 2 years ago. Not a lot has changed apart from the iPhone thread seems a bit quieter these days. Android is about 59% of global share and iOS is about 23%


Obviously that was in March, so it will be even more stacked in Android's favour.

Apple have now successfully managed to ban the import of the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 into the US because it's rectangular. They've also got the Galaxy Nexus banned because it searches more than just the Internet at the same time. Google are having to release an emergency update which disables a lot of phone functionality for the US market just because Apple enforced a patent they should never have been granted (and the judge is an idiot).

Since I originally posted this, Apple have gone further downhill, and I can't wait to see them completely fade into insignificance again.

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