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General Krulak (part 3) - Questions


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If this is what the board class as vision and experience then it's short sighted, did you ever watch the football this man served up? For crying out loud this is the man who took Baros of our hands! Absolute shocking appointment if true and honestly I've paid for 2 season tickets but I have been robbed this year high and dry by Faulkner! After all this build up and pretence about the right man Gerard bloody Houllier? KMac who lost 6-0 and gets knocked out of Europe, still doesn't realise that Ireland has to play in the hole, played Beye at LB! Seriously if this is the bright future then god help us!

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Houllier... for the love of God please no. This would be the only appointment that I would really get upset about. If this happens we can forget our Proud Past, Bright Future slogan. We could rename it Fading Past, No Future. Look at the mess he made at Liverpool. He bought absolute junk there and made them the laughing stock of the Prem. Please I beg you don't do this.

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Houllier... for the love of God please no. This would be the only appointment that I would really get upset about. If this happens we can forget our Proud Past, Bright Future slogan. We could rename it Fading Past, No Future. Look at the mess he made at Liverpool. He bought absolute junk there and made them the laughing stock of the Prem. Please I beg you don't do this.

Where on the other hand I would be happy with Houllier! His record in the prem speaks for itself;

A 52% win record

Never finished lower than 5th!

And has a record of winning trophies!

Whereas Curbs IMO would be a massive mistake. A guy that is quoted as saying Villa was his worst career move as a player speaks volumes for me. However if Mr Lerner appoints him, I will still support the club, the manager (with gritted teeth) and the team!

I trust the board will make the right appointment. They have gave me no reason to question them before and I am sure Mr Lerner, who has spents millions developing the club, wouldn't want his investment going down the swanny.

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General Krulak Here:

1. Back from my trip only to discover that Randy is a bum and lacks ambition, I am a liar and a shill, we've really spent no money on the Club, every possible Manager we have looked at is not wanted at the Club or is a lousy Manager or is an indication of no desire to move forward, that we passed on getting a Manager in order not to spend money during the transfer window, etc. etc. etc. And I am supposed to answer comments/questions that surround those issues??? There is no way I can do it...NOT because I don't have the answers but because no one would believe me...which makes coming on this site pretty much a waste of my time and yours.

2. Randy and the Club have NOT given up. Randy and the Club are daily working to make us better. The idea that Randy hasn't spent money on the Club is simply absurd. In reality, he has bought the Club OVER three times...that is how much money he has put into AVFC. All the Managers we are looking at may not meet your criteria but you aren't tasked with selecting them. You have no idea who we are looking at other than reading the papers...and those that you have guessed correctly, you have something negative to say about all of them. Suppose we happen to pick one of them...or suppose we are trying to get one to come to the Club...I am sure they enjoy reading the blogs to see how our fans react to their names...and rest assured, anyone we would want is smart enough to do some due diligence on the Club and Fan base. Simply put, there are some Fans who have just turned on Randy like pit vipers...turned on the man who has done more for your Club in 4 years than most have done in 40. This summer will pass...it will be a footnote in history before we are all done. I have done all in my power to keep you all informed as to where we are...and there are some that just discount everything I say. I am at a loss as to where to go from here other than to say that we are continuing to work towards a resolution of this issue. WE didn't quit the team 5 days before the start of the season...WE didn't leave the Club high and dry. If you think that it is easy to go find a Manager, think again. You have mentioned some high visibility Managers...do you really believe we haven't spoken to them? You say we should throw money at them and they will up and quit their current Clubs...you know nothing!! For those who understand the issues we are faced and support us...thank you! Fosr those who don't, I would only ask that you try to fathom the depth of the issues and the effort we have been expending since this all started.

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I'm quite surprised you're able to keep your temper to a minimum with the amount of repetitive and disrespectful comments/questions you get flooded with on a daily basis. As some have pointed out, for all the negatives you have to read, there are more positives out there that don't get heard. Sincerely hope your visits to these sites don't harm your obvious love and affection for this great club.

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I for one will always appreciate the time you put in responding to VTer's rants and odd question thrown in. I do feel some believe they have right to bad mouth anyone at the club who hasn't been a supporter longer than them. This shouldn't be the case but you just can't tell some of them. Others, well that are just a sample of the instant society that we live in; they just "want it now". Saying that they are Villa fans and love the club a great deal and I understand their passion but express mine a little different. So please take it for what it is; Villa fans not knowing all the facts and wanting answers for the club they love. If they don't get them they make it up for themselves.

Better add a question in here before BOF or someone gets after me. :D Have you got a timeline for when you want the manager in by? I am just thinking it would be nice for the players to have a little time with the manager and his tactics before we go into the Stoke game.

Thanks again,

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I totally agree with you General and I sympathise with you having to wade through a cyber cesspit of crap at present. But fortunately you recognised there are plenty of us who appreciate not everything can be done yesterday, especially key decisions. I hope your spirit isn't too greatly diminished by some " fans'" lack of patience and willingness to make absurd judgements with zero evidence to back it up. The Stoke game can't come soon enough!

editing in question ( :lol: )

how close are we to an announcment if you don't mind me asking?

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Hi General,

Is Randy any closer to getting the right man for the club yet?....We've had all sorts of names mentioned in the last few days from the media and from other messageboard users, it just has everyone on the edge of their seats each time a new name comes out as being the "ONE", but then that fades off and another one props up.

I think everyone is just sick of all the hype that comes with each name or in some cases the disapointment.

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I hope the actions of some don't deter your from continuing to post.

Thank Randy for his continued hard work.

Can you give us anymore information on whether the new manager will be in place by the Stoke game, or if this is the plan but it might not work out like that?


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Hi General,

Dont be to peed off with us. Most of us understand the work that you and Randy have done behind the scenes. Its a different club to the one Mr Ellis ran, and 99% of us are very grateful to you and Randy for that.

However, that era has left a scar on many peoples minds, and this summer has just got people wondering whether those dark days are coming back. They are just frustrated General. They are passionate about the club they support and they worry.

At the start of the summer, we all had high hopes of getting the three players we all thought would give us a good chance of challenging. We then had talk of sell to buy, then Mr Quitter Quit, and now we are searching for somebody to run the team. I think people have the right to worry, but dont think none of us are grateful to you and Randy.

We are!!

General, is it possible to say how many applications the club has had for the job, and are there any late ones?

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Just another post to say please do not stop posting on here due to what appears to be a few (too many) emotionally unstable people who will believe anything they read in the press. I just shake my head after reading some of the stuff on this thread, I really do.

Unfortunately we're going through a rocky patch at the moment and it seems like a severe case of 'it never rains but it pours' for some.

I think it's fair to say the vast majority of our fanbase are fully aware of what Randy has done for the club and are appreciative of it.

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All I would say is that ALL clubs have an element of extreme support and they donot take into consideration who they offend, or the manner in which they choose to air their 'extremism'.

Generally their comments are bereft of any factual content and based on an emotional outburst. These post are pretty easy to spot in my opinion and should be treated with the contempt they deserve.

Anybody with any intelligence will understand the difficulties that you face in the recruitment of such an high profile position and will understand that you can not tell us what you would like to.

I often wonder what it is that keeps you on these forum' but I also know that it is greatly appreciated by the majority.

Good luck with the recruitment and only time will tell whether it is the right one or not. I am 100% confident that it won't be for the want of trying.

I hope that you can see through all the bullshit and will continue to give us an in sight as to the goings on at Villa Park

Keep up the good work

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Hi General,

I'd suggest if it deters the likes of Curbishley or MacDonald ( good reserve team coach though he is) from taking the job then those who have moaned will have done the club a favour.

Do you also think you should again be taking a cheap shot at our ex manager with your we didn't quit the club and leave it high and dry 5 days before the start of the season jibe? It doesn't make the club look big or clever and I personally think the chairman and chief executive should shoulder some of the blame rather than having you pass the buck with these cheap shots.

Regarding a new manager it is probably time we all let the clubs actions speak louder than the few words we are getting.

Hope you and yours are all well.


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Rather than reading all of the negative, abusive posting on here General I just wanted to assure you that I and the vast majority of Villa fans I know are delighted with the way this club is run.

I have absolute faith that this club is in good hands and that whoever is appointed as manager is the best man for the future of this football club.

Keep up the good work. UTV!

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Well said General - Unfortunately whatever you do, whatever you say you will get an element of fans that will knock Mr Lerner and the board. Even if Mourinho was appointed and he had a billion quid to spend on player there would be some knockers.

Tornado - Do one! (BOF : He has done)

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Ive mix views on What the General has said..

Firstly totally I agree with him on Randy Lerner putting so much into the club..The guy has been fantastic..I actually feel so sorry for how MON has treated him..MON has shown no respect for all Lerner has given him....I doubt MON will ever find a club where he had the resources and freedom he had at Villa.If it was over funds,then MON should have accepted it and worked hard with what he had already bought into the club.The funds he had been given(alongside a very good youth set up)are more than enough to get a quality squad of players to challenge for 4th spot..

But secondly and reguarding the manager situation,the best feedback you can get is from the supporters of the club..If you are getting negative remarks on Houllier,Curbishley and Southgate...There are reasons behind this..(not heard any negative response to the Jol and Moyes links)..

I will actullay be very dis-appointed if we appoint any of them as manager..I would rather appoint Kevin MacDonald until the end of the season,than have any of those 3 anywhere near any future funds(especially Houllier)...

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General Krulak Here:

1. Back from my trip only to discover that Randy is a bum and lacks ambition, I am a liar and a shill, we've really spent no money on the Club, every possible Manager we have looked at is not wanted at the Club or is a lousy Manager or is an indication of no desire to move forward, that we passed on getting a Manager in order not to spend money during the transfer window, etc. etc. etc. And I am supposed to answer comments/questions that surround those issues??? There is no way I can do it...NOT because I don't have the answers but because no one would believe me...which makes coming on this site pretty much a waste of my time and yours.

2. Randy and the Club have NOT given up. Randy and the Club are daily working to make us better. The idea that Randy hasn't spent money on the Club is simply absurd. In reality, he has bought the Club OVER three times...that is how much money he has put into AVFC. All the Managers we are looking at may not meet your criteria but you aren't tasked with selecting them. You have no idea who we are looking at other than reading the papers...and those that you have guessed correctly, you have something negative to say about all of them. Suppose we happen to pick one of them...or suppose we are trying to get one to come to the Club...I am sure they enjoy reading the blogs to see how our fans react to their names...and rest assured, anyone we would want is smart enough to do some due diligence on the Club and Fan base. Simply put, there are some Fans who have just turned on Randy like pit vipers...turned on the man who has done more for your Club in 4 years than most have done in 40. This summer will pass...it will be a footnote in history before we are all done. I have done all in my power to keep you all informed as to where we are...and there are some that just discount everything I say. I am at a loss as to where to go from here other than to say that we are continuing to work towards a resolution of this issue. WE didn't quit the team 5 days before the start of the season...WE didn't leave the Club high and dry. If you think that it is easy to go find a Manager, think again. You have mentioned some high visibility Managers...do you really believe we haven't spoken to them? You say we should throw money at them and they will up and quit their current Clubs...you know nothing!! For those who understand the issues we are faced and support us...thank you! Fosr those who don't, I would only ask that you try to fathom the depth of the issues and the effort we have been expending since this all started.

General, a lot of your post is fairly antagonistic if I'm being kind. This site and others like it have always been a place where fans can let off steam about everything to do with the club. I'm sure that getting a new manager in is difficult as you say, but then a lot of people on here spend an awfully large proportion of their disposable income on following the club, so I can understand their frustration at the last few weeks.

I think it's fair to say that this has been the first major setback since Mr Lerner has been in charge, and so of course we're all interested to see how it plays out. However, the point about managers reading comments on here seems like a rather lame attempt to apportion blame on the fans, which was similar to the comments about the low level of ticket sales you made the other day. No manager is ever going to have 100% support, and so if they're put off by reading a few comments on the internet, then they clearly don't have enough bottle for the job anyway.

Lastly, I don't think anybody would doubt that Mr Lerner has invested a huge amount of time and money, and no doubt emotion in Aston Villa. However, we're still waiting to see if we can become anything more than "best of the rest" which is something we've been for an awful lot of the Premier League years anyway (whilst acknowledging that the likes of Man City have changed the footballing landscape). The appointment of the new manager will be a strong signal as to our intent.

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