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General Krulak (part 3) - Questions


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Would you agree this summer has been a disaster? Look at it clubs such as Spurs, City, Everton have kept their best players + strengthened. Even the likes of Sunderland, Birmingham and Stoke have strengthend considerably. On the other hand we are 1 player down on last season, lost arguably our most instrumental player Milner, pocketed £16mllion + Shorey money. Our ex manager Martin talked about us needing to strengthen just to stand still, which most would agree. I won't bring up the reason why Martin left, but our complete non-activity is extremely disturbing from a fans perspective. Fans of other clubs are laughing at us right now too. Last season we were very forntunate not to have any serious injuries to our key players.

So far we have beaten a West Ham side who has lost all its opening games, drawn and lost to a european club we should be beating, lost 6-0 to a championship promoted side and won 1-0 against Everton, who clearly were unfortunate as they dominated us at our home ground. It is extremely hard not to see a very difficult few months to the club.

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why did it take Kev Mac so long to decide he wanted to be manager?,and it seems like my comment was right when i said we wouldn't have a manager in place before the window shuts.i feel that Randy is has played a game here so we wouldn't have to bring in players so not spending.you's and and MON have made this summer a compleat pile of shite with the way yous have carried on.selling one of our best players and not even having the balls to invest the money back into the playing staff..you's are no better than any other bunch of money men that have made crap of OUR game..

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Hi General, if KM is appointed manager what plans are in place to replenish our backroom staff that left when MON had his hissy fit? Are you planning on having all coach/scout positions filled by the Stoke game too as this will have a massive difference to the preparation of our players? I hear David Moyes has got a cracking backroom team. :winkold:

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General, would you please ask Randy to sell the club to some rich arab who is prepared to finance the club to be able to compete at the highest level please ? because this laughing stock of a football club is only going one way now and thats downhill...

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There is no question it's been a bad summer for the fans.

But I suspect it's been quite a good one for the club owners:

1) Got rid of a manager they didn't so eye to eye with (either passively or not)

2) Sold the clubs most influential player for a huge profit.

3) Soon to hire internally for the manager so save a fortune and get a bit of a yes man.

4) Have reduced the wage bill by selling or releasing several players and management, ensuring we have smallest squad in the Premiership

5) Since the start of the year have made about £20m+ in transfer fees alone and not spent on new players for 14 months (Ireland doesn't count as part of deal Man City wanted and we as the small club had to accept)

6) Have MADE approximately £1-2m in transfer since BARRY left.

7) Gone out of Europe nice and quickly as Europa League actually costs the club money until latter stages.

8 ) Managed to get a huge sponsor in which means even more money for us (messed up shirts but that's just fans so not a biggy)

9) Have convinced the fans that we really care and it's all good in the long run and we aren't just feeding them positive PR.

I'm sorry General but I would have a lot more respect for the board if they were just honest with us. Say we have no money and can't do x and y and fans will stick by the club and back them to the hilt. But say "well we could and we might and we want" knowing full well you can't just p*sses everyone off.

It's not the last three weeks, pretty much since the turn of 2010 this club has been going backwards and it's only in the last three weeks that this has begun to accelerate to a degree where more people are seeing it.

Please General - tell me one good thing that has happened this summer where it REALLY matters - on the field. Smallest squad has got smaller despite knowing that Dunne, Collins, Gabby, Carew and now Ireland have all had injuries within the first month of the season.

I know unless we're telling the board how great we think you all are we won't be listened to, or will be over-reacting or aren't thinking about the long-term but the facts are I've supported this club for 25 years with season tickets whenever I can afford them and are beyond fed up with being told one thing while another is going on.

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Hi General,

How do you like new experiences?

You must be in an extremely small bracket of fans who have for the first time seen the club take a big step backwards. Like myself the vast majority of the supporters under the previous owner have seen the club get to the verge of being successful many times only to see the owner bail out when it came to investing the money required to take the final push. I have to say this time its still hurt but for you personally being a supporter for only 4 years it must be really painful. You have my sympathy.

A further question if I may which I have asked you previously.

I am fully aware that you don't get involved in transfers therefore could you please tell me, with no manager in place, who at the club made and is currently making decisions surrounding transfers and therefore decided to sell James Milner? who at the club decided to purchase Stephen Ireland? and before his departure did Martin O'Neill also want Stephen Ireland as part of the Milner transfer?

Good luck to you, Mr Lerner and Mr Faulkner in your quest for a man with the necessary qualities and experience to manage a top 6 Premier League Club. I hope to god the wait has been worth it.


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Oh and regarding investment in the PLAYING side:

According to Mr. Fear's list over on VitalFootball Villa have spent an average of £15m a season in transfers (very quick rough sums) and Villa's prize money for finishing 6th is £12m a season. Now forgetting everything else like ticket receipts, merchandise, TV money, cup runs this isn't the biggest expenditure ever is it?!

I'm not saying we should be bankrupting ourselves and keeping a sensible financial head on is a great idea but on the same hand we've spent very very little in Premiership terms and RL has not been bankrolling a massive expenditure in improving Villa's fortunes. He's a business man and slowly making us a better financial prospect for himself or others - again nothing wrong with that but we just want honesty rather than suggesting RL is investing heavily in the club.

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General, I guess with your supporter hat on, you have to admit the club look to be going backwards?

Teams around us have strengthened while we decided we couldn't do any transfer deals apart from selling our best player of course and Shorey. Funny that. No decent cover for left back and the striker that has been required for years still hasn't been purchased.

If reports are to be believed we're now after a manager that wants to keep Heskey (yes, seriously) and in less than a month has got us dumped out of Europe and humiliated 6-0 by a team promoted from the championship.

To me the dream with this Board is over - actions speak louder than words. It's a sad day for the club when Birmingham City have a better manager than us and sign players like Hleb while we amazingly dither whether to appoint a manager who may just be the cheapest option.

A very disgruntled and disappointed fan.

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General: I will try to follow the topic by asking three questions.

1) How do you endure the mindless, mean-spirited, inane, moronic, accusations on this thread that pretend to be questions?

2) Is there a fund to which I can donate to replace computer monitors? Because if I were you I would have thrown several across the room reading some of the posts here (described in question 1).

3) Finally, can we please consider the likelihood that at least 3 out of 4 of the idiot posts are from city fans (adjectives deleted) trying to create trouble with their neandertholic wit?

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Hi General,

Hope you are well.

What an exciting few weeks! Don't you think?

Can you explain where this 43 million pound debt the club has, come from?

And I will tell you the high profile mole inside our club? Come on General you guys can only keep it secret for so long?

If the board came clean the supporters would understand and lower their expectations, because this could ultimately be Mr. Lerners downfall.

I can clearly understand now why Mr. Faulkener hasn't responded to any of his messages left by reputable agents, however our supporters need to understand.

Best Regards

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Presumably, KM is to be our new manager.

This is what I summise as the official site has his big picture on it with the headline "McDonald has stated he wants to be considered for the position".

If he isn't getting the job, why do it - I haven't seen Villa put on the site who else has applied.

If this hadn't been put on, and KM didn't get it, he could have gone back to the reserves, no one would be the wiser, he would have dignity - and everyones a winner.

Now, if he doesn't get it, everyone in the world knows that the club are saying "Thanks, but we don't think you are good enough".

I don't have randy down as that kind, so presumably, KM is getting the job and you are just feeding out tit-bits so we are used to it before it happens.

If this is the case, I agree entirely with everything said. The future, who knows, KM could go on to be as good as Mourinho - however, it could have been done long ago and therefore, whatever you say, was clearly down to transfer window.

Therefore - you will have lost most peoples respect and trust.

I hope this gamble is worth it, as we are not Man U - if 70k dont turn up there, there are 75k waiting to take their place,

If we don't turn up - you get an empty ground !

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Well there you go General the worst summer i have experienced as a Villa fan. With a popular manager and star player both gone and only Stephen Ireland in return. I hope you realise how moderate the Villa fans in general have been, because if this had happened under Doug there would have been up roar.

I hope you all can pull something out of the fire place i really do. But each passing day i get the sinking feeling that Kevin MacDonald will get the job he's clearly not qualified for, and we pretty much wont see the £20 million again either. Yes Martin left us in the shit, but boy have we dragged our heels.

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