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General Krulak (part 3) - Questions


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Like many on this forum, I was very upset last night having driven a 160 mile round trip to see us succumb in the way that we did. Unlike a poor premier league performance where we have subsequent games to put right what might go wrong, last night was the end of a journey that we spent all of last season fighting for, only to throw it away in such poor circumstances.

I may be in a minority(or I may be part of the silent majority) but I implore you and the board, please ensure we get the right manager not the first available one. If we have to wait a few more weeks, then so be it, our long term prospects are far more important than the short term challenges we face.

We are all feeling a little emotional now, but the next appointment is too important to make off the back of our reactions. What is clear to me though is that whilst Kevin Macdonald might feel he needs time to mull things over, if he was truly passionate about the role and felt he could make a difference, he would have reached that conclusion by now. I've been in that situation and know how it feels. If he isn't sure by now, he never will be which begs the question is he the right man.

All I ask of the board is to ensure the next incumbent understands our goals, buys into them and delivers quality entertainment, blooding youngsters alongside our stars. With the exception of one or two teams, tomorrow's success story is not about the size of the cheque book but how well we add talent to what we already have. Arsenal have done it for years - let's learn from it.

Onwards and upwards.

Best wishes.

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General I believe that the investment Randy has made into the club in the last four years has been in the form of loans. Can you tell me if this is true. Also can you advise why he took this option instead of through additional share equity?

Not to answer on the General's behalf but Risso went through this some time ago. He could maybe make it clearer but i'm sure it was half his money and half in loans. Not sure if this will stay in but i thought i'd say as the General is away.

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General, I've been supporting Villa for almost 50 years and next to my family it's my greatest passion. I'm experienced enough to know that knee jerk reactions very rarely acheive the desired result.

I understand that our fans are frustrated by the happenings of the last couple of weeks, but what is important is not the last couple of results or even the next couple of results. The real issue that faces Randy and the board is making the right managerial team appointment to take us forward over the next few seasons.

There were thirty thousand of us there last night General and there'll be 35,000 plus at VP on sunday. Villa fans are in it for the long haul so please ignore the vociferous shouts for "action now" in favour of taking "the right action" when that becomes possible.

My very best wishes to you and Randy and Paul, not just for the next few days and weeks but for the next few years.

Great post!

General Even my 18 year old son who has never really got into football (dont call social services on me) is coming on Saturday with his mates to get some support behind the team, not everyone is doom and gloom and some even get more determined to get behind the club.

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General I believe that the investment Randy has made into the club in the last four years has been in the form of loans. Can you tell me if this is true. Also can you advise why he took this option instead of through additional share equity?

Sorry to answer, but the cash has come half in loans, half in share capital. (unto 31 May 2009which is the latest info I have)

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Hi General.

Firstly before you read below.. This is not a swipe at you or Randy. I'm 100% behind you all and truly belive you have the clubs best interests at heart. I appreciate and respect you both and thank you for the last 4 years as they've been the best I've experienced for a long time.

I'm a passionate Villa fan of 22 years. I experienced my 1st game at VP in 1989 aged 11 against Norwich I think it was, and stood/sat in the Holte End ever since. I've been a ST holder since 1996 and attend virtually every away game bar some of the midweek ones when work commitments don't allow - So I like to think as my self as one of the most loyal and passionate fans this club has.

I've defended the name of AVFC in many of heated argument with the fans of our Midland rivals (Blues,WBA,Wolves) when the piss has been taken at work/pub etc when in all honesty it is just banter - All because I can't bear anyone slagging or insulting my club, I take it personly as if they were insulting a family member.

However I just can't bear it anymore... Every time I turn on the radio (talk sport, 5 live) we're being slated by various presenters (apart from Stan) about the mess/crisis the club is in. I go to work and all the Blues,baggies fans are taking the piss out of me and my club. I went to St James last week and atmosphere amongst the fans was vile - I seen arguments amongst us and nearly a fight broke out as the fans couldn't cope with what they were witnessing. At VP Thurs the atmosphere again was terrible amongst the Holte - The hatred towards Heskey,Davis & Beye was up there with what was shown to DOL. Every time I come on VT all I'm reading is doom & gloom !!

There Is absolutely NO Positivity coming out of the club no more. NO ONE know where they stand. The most important people in this whole debacle is.... US the loyal fans that turn up home & away week in week out. We had 30000 at VP on Thurs, the highest attendance in the Europa cup that night - Citeh could only muster up 23000 yes 23000 with all the stars they got on show. This alone should show you how loyal and great our fans our.

To put this into perspective.......... WE NEED ANSWERS AND FAST !! We need to know what is going on at ours (Not yours) beloved club before the most important thing to AVFC (us) decide enough is enough. I say this as we are FICKLE !! Once the Holte turns against you your time is up and your great master plan and all the investment will have failed and you will need a one way ticket back to the USA. I really hope this doesn't happen but I've seen it many a time before when we feel we deserve better. Again I fully support you all but not everyone is thinking like me and once heads are turned it's curtains I'm affraid.

All the best but please please sort it out ASAP.

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General Krulak here:

1. Sorry to have been off the bpard for the past few days.

2. There are so many comments on the site that rather than try to answer each, let me share with you some thoughts. First off, obviously I was gutted by the game. I am no different that any of you...it hurt and that is the fact Now, to the bigger point...the Manager. When MON left, the Club absolutely made up a list of Managers that we would approach. It would have been insane not to do so. No one has been sitting on their hands. Yes, we had to continue with the season...and so Randy immediately asked KM to move into the position. It was a good move and needed to be done because a new Manager is not something that happens overnight. This was not a permanent appointment...it was an opportunity for someone who has been with the Club, had success with the Club...is liked and admired by the Club..to give it a go. This did not mean that KM had "won" the job or that he even wanted the job...it was simply the recognition that we needed a steady had at the tiller and KM gave us that hand. He is a very good man and has the health of the Club always in mind. At the same time, we did not, in any way, stop the search/effort to research and talk with potential managers. That effort is ongoing. As it proceeds, the Premiership does not go on hold...it continues too. We realize that fact! Sometimes it would seem that the fans think that nothing is happening...that we are just sitting around drinking a beer. Nothing could be further from the truth. Not a day goes by that we are not working this issue. Unfortunately, to many, people think that this effort somehow easy to do. Yes, we could get a Manager in...but we are not interested in "any" Manager, we are interested in the right Manager. It is as simple as that! Does anyone really believe that any owner would purposely let something like this just drag on because he wanted to?? Seriously, does it make any sense for someone who has invested so much money into the Club to purposely let time fly by?? Please think about it. Randy is working VERY hard to sort this. Comments about how often we have attended games...Randy has been at every game this season but one friendly...that is a heck of alot more than he has with the Browns. He is in the UK right now and has been for the entire week. Why? Because he is working the very issue we are talking about. I will be flying over to the UK on Sunday...Randy, Paul and I will be meeting to continue to move this issue forward. NO ONE is just sitting on their hands. For those who believe that "available" is an easy term, think again.

3. I can also tell you that my respect for the Villa Fans has NEVER changed! The idea that I am "slating" the Fans is total BS and I don't know where that came from. Randy and the Board have total regard for each Fan and that has not changed. We fully understand that these are VERY hard days for the Fans...we get it! These are hard days for us!! Right now, we have our heads in the game and are pushing as hard as we can. For those who somehow think we have been laying back, you are wrong.

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I know you didn't join these forums just to take kind words but did you ever anticipate such a barrage of abuse. Do not give up the majority are still behind you. I am still totally supportive of Randy. Having said that I am so frustrated over Europe. As soon as I saw our defence the other night I said how is this going to work? And sure enough it didn't. Why we constatntly play players out of position is something I just don't get. 9 out 10 of our supportors don't seem to understand it also. Do you understand it? 3 years in a row we have worked so hard to qualify for Europe and then we throw it away. We may not get the chance for another 5 years now UNLESS your choice of manager picks up this team up and gives it some direction. Get that right General. It has to be someone with experience and a reputation for winning. You take a gamble on say a Bob Bradley and you really are rolling the dice. If it doesn't work out there tide of anger will rise .... and that will include the middle of road supporters like me who usually try to support the team not matter what. So General keep up the great work, you have a lot of good will in the bank as far as the slient majority of Villa fans are concerned.

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Thanks for the reply General. I for one, have had a go and you have been fair to do the same back, so i would not worry about offending people, we are all grown ups and its nice to know your only human, like the rest of us.

I have no issues in that no players are coming in before the window closes. A new manager is needed, first and foremost. Not to mention individual players, but I have seen from the last few games that some of our "squad" players are no where near the level required, so although the ex gaffer kept them on the bench (probabley knowing as much), steps should have been made to ship them out.

After all, you cannot just buy buy buy, without a little bit of recompense, which is why i applaud the milner deal. he wanted to go and although he is a massive loss, i want to support a squad that have their hearts at AVFC, not ££££, which is of course, harder to find in todays world.

It is good to just hear a progress report regarding the manager situation, chinese wispers fly like wild fire, add a few terrible performances on the pitch and all of a sudden, we start to press the panic button and think the matter has stood still.

I think change is good and i understand the timing of the situation has been rubbish, but i am glad its at the start of a season, rather than at Christmas.

Have a good flight on Sunday.

Up the Villa

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Thanks for the reply General. I don't know if Koeman is being considered or not, but he truely seems to want the job and I hope the board can make every would be manager sound like they are willing to run through a brick wall to get the Villa job during their interview. Good luck!

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I have to admit General i have issues with the way this has been handled. It will be 5 games without a manager after tomorrow, i personally think its to many. Especially after the Newcastle result and performance. Essentially i think we've thrown away a European place yet again by "resting" players.

I just dont think the board have that dog eat dog instinct. I will be very surprised if we poach a manager even if he is the perfect appointment. The whole process seems very business like rather than football like. Then fans add 2+2 together and maybe they have the right answer, maybe the board dont want to sign any players before the window closes.

It all harks back to the Ellis era. So close but so far. Not going that extra mile. In effect giving up and being happy with 5th and 6th.

It should have been the priority to bring in a manager last week. Im beginning to see why Martin resigned i really am.

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Thanks for the reply General - I like the vast majority of Villa fans know you need not come on here and update us on various issues, even though I'm certain there or other things going on you just couldn't share with us ?

I honestly think our current squad (especially 1-11) is still on par with Everton/Liverpool thus making us still a top 6 side. I think the ultimate goal going forward is making the RIGHT appointment to get the best out of the current crop of players we have at our disposable. I now concede we will not be signing anyone until Jan but the right manager can get the best out these players and better MON's achievements. As said Ronald Koeman is desperate for an interview and is a house hold European name who can attract big names to our club. Also if he manages with the same amount of passion he showed as a player all our players would respect him and not step out of line as he strikes me as a Mark Hughes, Stuart Pearce type character especially when he played.

Do the right thing General and go for a big European name as the only Brit worthy of the job doesn't want it (D.Moyes)

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What I am sure one thing you will agree with is that communication in business or life is very important but at Villa we only get Club statements and yourself on the internet.

Its about time the faceless two at the top of the management at Villa spoke to their customers (fans) on the local TV/radio as not all fans have the internet or Sky.

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