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General Krulak (part 3) - Questions


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Any further plans you can tell us about the North Stand and is Randy still committed to it given the new financial consensus?

I'm intrigued to imagine what touches will be incorporated into it, will you look at making a Holte-like stand with a bit of tradition? I don't really know what was in its place before the current stand (which looks very tired). Here's hoping for a beuat! Its one of the first things you see when coming along Witton Lane from the north, its always been a bit underwhelming, although the illuminated lettering has helped.



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5. What is our goal? What is Randy's goal? It hasn't changed since we arrived on the scene. Even with the change in dynamics of the economy, the new owners in the league, our goal has not changed. We want to play consistent, exciting, winning football. We want to be competitive at all levels. We want to have fans that are proud of the Club and who are thrilled when the lads take the Pitch. This has NOT changed since we arrived

General is that not a shift from wanting to regularly compete for a champions league position, in the top for and ultimately challenge for the title?

Hello General.

What Richard just said, or when you say all levels, do you include the Champions League?

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Hi General

When Randy and yourself first joined the club - there was a meeting with Supporters Groups in the North Stand before a midweek home game against Man City (IIRC O'Neill's first home defeat and a wonder goal by Distin...)

You stood there and told us Villa WILL win the Champions League during your time here. In fact, guaranteed it.

So, in terms of this, do you feel we're a lot closer than then? I appreciate obviously there are outside factors that were unforseeable (Man City mega rich, ONeill walking out, etc) - but in light of these has this guarantee changed? I personally dont care, I'd love it, but I'd still support the Villa if we were in the depths of the Conference - however I'm interested if your belief or viewpoint has changed at all over the past few years, especially as you're obviously a lot wiser now to the English game than I think you may have been beforehand (I mean as a sport, not as a business...)

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Hi General,

Just wanted to check that no stone will be left unturned in our quest for a new manager. Are we looking at managers from the football league as well as those from across the globe? As I believe we could find an excellent young british manager from the league below us.


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I have just read an article, with quotes from Kevin mcDonald regarding his position (on the next manager thread)

If these quotes don't prove he is NOT the man for the job - then nothing does.

I'm not ebing funny, but when you read them, it sounds like a guy with depression !

"I like being out there twice a day and previously with the reserves I could do that. Now it's a case of once a day and then speaking to everyone else. It's the peripheral things that I've found difficult to get used to because that is a big thing about being a Premier League manager – it's not the football, it's all the other stuff on the outside."

"I don't enjoy the fact that people might say good things, because I know somewhere down the line they might say bad things,"

"I don't want [the supporters] to chant my name "

"If I could pick a team and be stood there like the Invisible Man, I would be quite happy with that."

"The most important thing is the football team try to win matches. And that might be something I might not be able to come terms with, so it might make me walk away because Premier League managers are very high profile now. I don't want to be high profile. But I'm not saying I don't want to be considered for the job."

Jesus christ Gen, if that is the kind of guy you want to run your company, then god help you !.

If you appoint Kev.Mc - it will be a disaster for the Villa, it will be the end for you and randy with the fans, and the really sad thing, it might do damage to Kevin McDonald personally.

PLEASE see it ! - coz if all the reports are true, I cannot see how a guy who has accumulated nearly 1 billion dollars could be daft enough not to see himself commit financial suicide !


Just as strange, just saw another interview (or maybe a different bit of the same one) saying KM is meeting with Randy on Monday to discuss his future / whether he will get the job.


a) We are gonna appoint him, which puts a question over whether we are actually looking as you say we are

B) We are looking and KM is being led-on, when he has no chance

c) We can't get anyone and gonna settle for KM. But thats wierd as Sven and Bob Bradley have already said they are interested. I know Sven has his critics, but surely he has a better CV and credentials than KM ?. So the only thing I can think of, is his wages.

If it is this, and I amjust thinking aloud, then it has always been one of the things that I could never understand, the Villa will pay £20 million quid buying Curtis Davies ans Stewart Downing, but "may" be unwilling to pay - what 5 / 8 / 10 million over about 3 years to get the most important person at a football club

You probably can't answer - but I wonder which one it is ?

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Hi General

I'm one of those supporters who turn up at Villa Park without caring what the current side is like. I'm a supporter after all. And supporting Aston Villa is what I do. I go to Villa Park whatever divison we are in.

But I think its becoming fairly obvious that we're heading for a season of low crowds because the floating fans (not supporters) wont renew season tickets or take up the matchday option because they need to be enticed through the doors.

Everyone knows we've been dying for a bums on seats signing (specifically a striker) for the last 10 years or so. Yet we're still waiting. Add to this the managerial farce and well, lets be honest. The floating fans are not going to be tempted back anytime soon.

Its sad to say but the prospect of watching the same side who hit a brick wall in previous seasons being put out again without any strengthening is not a crowd puller. Even at £10 I bet a fair few have decided not to bother.

Thankfully you'll still have around 23-25k blind faith idiots like me turning up to at least make it worthwhile opening the gates.

But I'll guarantee you, The only way we'll get the missing fans back is by making them sit up and think 'WOW' whats going on here.

Sadly. That doesn't look like happening anytime soon.

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Hi General

We're looking for a manager who knows what it takes to finish at least 4th. How about the only man to have done it at Villa in the last 17 years? Brian Little would walk from the other side of the world to get his old job back (including over any water getting in his way). :notworthy:

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Just carrying on from Ulver's post.....

The managerial appointment is very important. It's a statement. After losing our best two players in the past two years, and after losing a manager who was seen as being a 'name', who whilst wasn't to my particular taste was still very popular with a large secton of the crowd - to appoint somebody who has little or no experience, somebody who has overseen the worst performance a Villa team has put out in over ten years, somebody who is not an inspiring or exciting character - will send out kind of statement that will keep people away from the club.

Look at the crowds that came for O'Neill's appointment. That's never happened before at Villa. That was because he was a 'name'. He was someone with a proven record, and he was somebody who gave hope and excitement.

Looking at Kevin MacDonald's recent comments, it appears that Randy has made MacDonald his number one choice as manager. Which, if happens, will spell out the exact kind of ambition the club has currently. The time of O'Neill's departure, as poor as it was, should not be made as an excuse for appointing a manager with no record in club management, a poor record in helping out at international level, and managed one win out of three games which were all winnable.

You have already explained there are dropping crowds. Appointing Kevin MacDonald would not help fix that situation at all.

Perhaps this identifies the need for a proper football administrator at the club, one who knows world football and has more than four years experience. I am not being critical of any of the current mini-board room - but does this who experience not show that perhaps a football administrator is needed to ensure that wages do not get out of control as they were allowed to, and that in future any managerial appointments will be done in a quicker, more successful manner. Especially, if I dare be cheeky, I think that should Mr MacDonald get the job we'll be looking for someone else come May.

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General would Randy ever seek additional investment into the club or is it important to him to retain 100% ownership?
General forgive me but I posed this some time ago and I think the furore around the manager having to leave has meant it got overlooked.
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Never written here before but what is going on at Villa?!

Have we ever performed in such a abysmal way and with a manager that has absolutely NO clue whatsoever?!

What excuses will there be this time, players still hurting etc etc?

Looked like most of them were trying their best to look like idiots on the pitch today.

This club is going nowhere but down, absolutely gutted.......

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General, three brief points;

1) First and foremost I'd like to hope in true Marines fashion you have told the so called 'Aston Villa' players what a complete and utter disgrace they are and how a jar of snot could have done better than our performance tonight.

2) I hope you now realise that Kevin MacDonald cannot manage an off-license and a one-off performance against an abominable West Ham side cannot cover that fact.

3) In my honest opinion, I'd get Randy grovelling on the phone to the one man who could seem to get a RESULT out of the sorry bunch of losers that is our current squad, because otherwise relegation is a stark possibility.

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